
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3: A question that could change everything

Aug. 5th (Monday)

I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the peep hole when I got to the door to see Wes. He had a big white bag and a drink carrier with two cups of coffees in it. I slowly unlocked the door then opened it.

"Hey." He said as I just looked at the drinks.

"The cookies were good and I let Axel try one. I was wondering if you could bake some more for the whole clubhouse?" He asked.

"I brought breakfast." He said when I didn't say anything.

I nodded my head.

"May I come in?" He asked.

I backed away from the door a little bit and he walked inside. He bent down some as he walked past me so I could see he was smiling.

"You know you can look me in the face; I have no problem with that." He said as I closed the front door.

I slowly followed him to the kitchen where he sat down at the small table in there.

"I can buy the ingredients if you don't have them." He said as I sat down at the table across from him where he had the other cup of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese at.

"I can buy them." I said before drinking some of the coffee.

"Snow, what did I tell you?" He asked dropping his voice some and sounding a little mean.

"That I could look you in the face." I said sitting down my coffee.

"Exactly so please do that." He said still in a low deep voice but it was a lot calmer than before.

I slowly looked up at him and he smiled.

"Good girl; now I don't mind buying the stuff Snow since you will be baking the cookies for the clubhouse. Also I can give you a ride I came in my truck and I rather you didn't ride your bicycle when you are going to get groceries." He said.

"I can take the bus; there's a bus stop…" I started to say then I stopped when I heard him growling.

"No you aren't taking a bus Snow. I will take you end of discussion." He said in kind of a warning voice like don't test me.

I looked back down at my food and nodded my head before picking up my bagel.

"Don't do that Snow; don't close up on me. I am not going to hurt you. I might get mad or frustrated but I will never hurt you. " He said.

I didn't say anything as I ate my bagel and I saw him pick his up then eat it. When we were done eating, I got up and threw away my garbage.

"Go grab your purse I'll take you to the store." He said.

"I don't have one." I said then he quickly put his right hand under my chin and tilted my face up to look at his.

"Baby, do you have a driver's license?" He asked.

"Yes but I don't have the money for a car so I just have a bike." I said.

 He said something under his breath that I couldn't make out but I could tell he was mad by the look on his face.

"Do you have a job?" He asked.

I shook my head then he said something else under his breath.

"Then how do you have money baby?" He asked.

"Oliver and Nathan gives me money." I said and he shook his head.

"Come on baby, we are going to the store and I am buying the stuff then we are going to the mall." He said before grabbing my right hand then pulling me towards the front door with him.

I took my hand away from him then he stopped.

"Sorry I should have asked." He said.

I didn't say anything and he nodded his head before opening my front door. I walked out before him and once he got outside, I turned around and locked the door behind him. I saw he had a dark blue Ford F-150 when I turned around and saw it in my driveway. I walked towards it and followed him.

"Is my nickname Snow or baby?" I asked after a few minutes of us driving in silence.

He smiled.

"Both; nickname is Snow but your pet name is baby." He said.

I nodded my head.

"You have a problem with that?" He asked.

"No." I said and he nodded his head.

"Don't you have a job?" I asked.

He laughed.

"Is this my Snow coming out of her shell?" He asked smiling at me and looking at me before looking back at the road.

"Sorry." I said before looking down at my hands.

"I don't mind you asking questions baby. I actually like that you are feeling like you can do that around me because that means you are starting to feel comfortable with me." He said.

"And yes I have a job; I work at Onyx which is a nightclub so I don't work until tonight. I am the head bouncer/security guard." He said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"32." He said and I nodded my head.

He pulled into the grocery store parking lot after that. It didn't take us long to get what I needed then he went by a phone store and got me a phone even though I told him he didn't have to get me one. Then he insisted we stop for lunch at Kelly's Diner and afterwards we went back to my house.

"Thank you for helping carry all the stuff in." I said as he sat down the bags on the kitchen table.

"Not a problem." He said.

"I have to get going but I'll come back tomorrow. Don't forget to charge your phone." He said.

I nodded my head.

He smiled at me before bending down and kissing my right cheek then he walked away.

I got started baking the cookies after he left.

Sep. 5th (Thursday)

Wes' POV

"I am surprised you haven't been to her house in almost a week and a half now." Jonah said as I was getting everything set up at Onyx for tonight.

"We've been busy." I said.

"You really like her don't you?" He asked smiling at me.

"Shut up and do your job." I said and he laughed.

"Never thought I see the day Goliath decided it was time to settle down oh well that means you can't make fun of the stuff I do for Tiffany anymore." He said.

I picked up a pencil and threw it at him which made him laugh even more before walking away.

Later on

"I so wish I could drink on the job. Some of these people are testing my patience tonight." I said sitting down at the bar for a break around midnight.

"Yeah this crowd here to see this band seems more rowdy than our usual crowd." Bailey (the bartender/ Park's girlfriend) said sitting down a glass of Dr. Pepper in front of me.

"At least we are bringing in more money tonight." I said and she nodded her head as she leaned against the bar counter.

"Any guys bothering you?" I asked after drinking some of the drink.

"If they do, I'll let you know so you can take care of them but so far these drunk guys are keeping their hands to themselves." She said.

"Well if any of them wants to get mad at you for cutting them off when they have had too much to drink let me know and I'll throw them out myself." I said and she nodded her head.

My phone made a noise and I took it out of my pocket. She hit the bar twice with her right hand before walking away. I unlocked my phone to open the text message I had.

Hey, it's Addison. I need your help. – Snow

What's wrong baby? – Me

I need a ride home from Seattle General Hospital. – Snow

Seattle? What are you doing there and why are you at the hospital baby? - Me

Could you just please come? – Snow

Of course I'll come baby but answer my questions. – Me

Snow. - Me

Snow, answer me please. – Me

I hit the bar really hard with my left hand when she didn't text back which made Bailey and a few customers look at me. I just stood up and walked away.

"You are in charge don't screw up." I said as I walked past Jonah.

"Wait, what? Where are you going?" He asked following me as I walked towards our locker rooms.

"Seattle; Snow is in Seattle at the hospital. She wants a ride home." I said as I got my stuff out of my locker.

"Goliath." He said in a sad voice.

"Don't use that voice okay. I am going to go get my girl and see if I can get her to tell me why in the world she is in Seattle and not here in Mercy." I said and he nodded his head.

"Good luck." He said as I walked past him then towards the back exit door that only employees use.

I just nodded my head before walking out the door. I walked to my motorcycle and didn't even bother putting on my helmet before leaving the nightclub.

Addison's POV

I checked myself out AMA and I knew this late at night I couldn't get a bus ride so I texted Wes hoping that he would come pick me up. I don't know how long I was sitting outside the hospital on a bench when a bright red 1969 Honda CB750 stopped in front of the bench. I looked up to see Wes. He didn't have a helmet on and he looked really mad.

"I can't get on that." I said looking at the motorcycle then my dress.

"You don't have a choice Snow. I was at work when you texted me to come get you and since I didn't think I would need my truck I took my motorcycle. Get on and wear this helmet." He said in a mad voice and holding a helmet out towards me.

I slowly got up and walked towards him. When I got within reach of him, I saw him look me up and down and he got a really mad look on his face when he saw my face. I put on the helmet then tried to figure out how to get on the motorcycle. He shook his head before getting off of it then he helped me on the motorcycle before getting back on. He tapped my legs before moving my feet to where they needed to be.

"Hold on tight." He said before reaching back for my left arm then he put it across his stomach.

I did the same thing with my right arm then he drove away from the hospital. He drove me to my house and he turned off the motorcycle after parking in my driveway. I slowly got off then handed him the helmet.

He took the helmet then he got off and put the helmet on the seat.

"Lead the way; we are going to talk." He said looking at me.

I slowly nodded my head then turned and walked towards my house. I left the door open behind me as I walked towards my bedroom. I heard him shut the door behind him as I sat on my bed and started to take off my shoes.

"Do I have your permission to come in your room?" He asked then I looked to see him leaning against the door to my room.

"Wait in the living room; I'll be there soon." I said and he nodded his head before walking away.

"You mind if I make some coffee?" He asked as I was putting my shoes in the closet.

"I might have some in the cabinet." I said as I walked into the kitchen and he looked at me.

He opened all the cabinets until he found the coffee then he started a pot of coffee before returning the coffee to the cabinet.

I walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch. He sat down on my right side then turned to face me.

"Who did this?" He asked gently touching the left cheek.

"I'm f…" I started to say.

"Don't; don't say you are fine because you are far from fine Snow." He said in a mad voice.

"I'm not leaving until you answer my questions." He said when I didn't say anything.

"Tanner Hamilton." I said in almost a whisper.

"Hamilton as in the mayor of Seattle?" He asked.

"His son yes." I said slowly nodding my head.

"You two dating?" He asked in a really mad voice and tilting my chin up so I would be looking him in the eyes.

"It's an arranged marriage." I said in almost a whisper and he shook his head.

"So he is the one who has been hitting you etc. and your father still wants you to marry him." He said through clenched teeth.

"It's a good business move." I said and he said something under his breath.

The coffee pot made a noise and he got up to walk to the kitchen. I stayed where I was at and 2 minutes later he came back with two cups of coffee. He handed one to me before sitting back down in the spot he was in before.

"How long has he been hitting you?" He asked before drinking some of his coffee.

"Almost 3 years." I said and he got a really mad look on his face.

"You aren't marrying him and if I ever see him I will rearrange his face." He said.

"I don't really have…" I started to say.

"You always have a choice Snow!" He yelled in a mad voice.

I quickly moved away from him after that and he said something under his breath before the look on his face became calmer.

"Sorry baby; I just hate that he has been doing this and he is getting away with it because of who his dad is." He said before moving closer to me again.

"The wedding is next month." I said looking down at my cup of coffee.

"Snow." He said before tilting my face up to look at his eyes.

"I am not letting you marry him. Do you trust me?" He asked in his low deep voice.

I slowly nodded my head and he smiled.

"Ok good; you are my girl Snow and no one is taking you away from me especially not some jerk who thinks he can hit women and get away with it." He said.

I just continued to look at him.

"Marry me Snow; let's make this official that you are my girl. We can get married right now we have a preacher and a judge that is close to the MC that will do the ceremony and get the papers needed filed right away." He said.