
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs


"Wrong. Start again." A stick landed on the table with a snap and Ochako tried to stop herself from flinching. It would only make things worse for her.

"Mi...Mister Benson, can't I..."

"No, there will be no breaks until you complete this exercise. And do not stutter like that, it is unbecoming of a servant of lord Ludus." The aged butler said with steel in his voice and a stick in his hand as he glared at Uraraka Ochako, trying to walk with her back straight while balancing several books on her head, which was made even more difficult by her current state of dress.

Ochako had more than once researched what a maid would dress like for... educational purposes, nothing more, but she had never imagined herself wearing one. Especially one with a skirt this short! Every move from her carried the risk of exposing her behind and she had done so more than once to Benson. The aged butler had reacted to that with only more admonitions and making her start her exercises from the beginning.

It wasn't her fault! Staying balanced on the heels of the uniform was just so hard, this was also practically the first time she was wearing heels! None of these facts seemed to make Benson treat her more kindly, the stern butler had simply placed another book on her head and declared that it only meant she should practice more!

Her front was somewhat better, it didn't show much of a cleavage, but it was so tight; to the point she was afraid that the cloth may end up ripping apart from the pressure. Who knew there would be a day where she would curse her boobs, she used to be somewhat proud how much more mature she looked compared to other girls in the school!

"Start again, this will continue until you can walk ten laps throughout the room without any kind of accident. You are now lord Ludus' servant and will be with him when he welcomes our guest tomorrow. No kind of mistake will be tolerated!" The aged butler said with a glare as he inspected every inch of Ochako as she tried to walk around the room.

"May... may I know who the guest is?" Once normal high school girl asked slowly, trying to make sure the books did not move from her head.

"Hmm, yes. Yes I suppose you should know her as a servant of lord Ludus." Benson said with his hand gripping his chin.

"The guest coming tomorrow is Seekvaira Agares, the heiress of the Agares family and lord Ludus' fiancee."

"What?!" Ochaco yelled and the books on her head fell to the ground.

"Don't lose concentration!" And their place was immediately replaced by Benson's karate chop.


"Thank you, for coming so soon." I said with a smile as Benson placed a cup of tea in front of Seekvaira, my fiancee.

"No, it was no problem." The bespectacled devil said with a smile as she took a sip from the warm drink elderly butler had given her.

I am happy that she was relaxed like this while in front of me. Our engagement had been something that had been decided before either of us had been born and while Seekvaira had claimed that she would do her duty as the heiress, I could see a concerning amount of contempt against me in her eyes.

It was understandable, the fact that I was the last of two pillars meant that I would marry at least twice, and that is without thinking about any amount of mistresses I may have on the side as far as the law was concerned. Seekvaira was a prideful devil, the thought of being part of some bastard's collection of beauties definitely wasn't something she appreciated.

Fortunately for me, she wasn't like a certain devil from our generation who had, when faced with a similar situation, decided to focus all of her hate towards her fiancee with no thoughts of compromises even entering her head. Meaning that even though she wasn't happy with our arrangement, she was still willing to get to know of me. Proving to me that among the young devils, Seekvaira was the best waifu!

Pretty sure that she still had some less than pleasant feelings towards me needing to have two wives, but at least we were on friendly terms. The gundam collection items I had bought for her may have helped with that.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" The heiress of Agares family asked as she put her cup down, her eyes wandering around the room and lingering on the maid uniformed Ochako a little more than anything else.

"Hmm, tell me, Seekvaira." I took a sip from my tea before continuing.

"What do you think about taking over the technological development of the world?"

At my words, I could hear Ochako gasping from behind me. Poor girl, Benson would roast her for this after the meeting. I probably shouldn't leave them alone together for a while.

"Considering the current way people act towards technological development, I would say we would have to start from support gears for heroes." Seekvaira answered a glint that was both disappointed and amused at the same time in her eyes as she looked discreetly towards Ochako.

"Hmm, and how about supporting the career of a new hero?"

"I would say we better make sure that our connection to this hero doesn't get discovered. The Satans would be rather cross with you for having to listen to the other factions whining." She said with a smirk, knowing exactly how hypocritical that would be of the other factions.

Other than Japan and America, all the other number one heroes were discreetly sponsored by one of the factions.

Salaam of Egypt was sponsored by the gods of Ma'at, Saintess of Italy was sponsored by the church and Perseus from Greece was sponsored by the Olympians. Even in this new world of superpowers, the supernatural still had a hand in every pie.

"Hmm, then would you know of anything to conceal magic as a quirk?" It was about time our faction had a sponsored hero as well. Or heroes.