
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
175 Chs


He was disappointed. He was very disappointed.

Like he had seen some dumb shit before but what happened today was so dumb that even he was surprised.

Six idiots had tried to jump on him and quote unquote take him out of the picture.

He could admit that those six weren't weak and could probably succeed against most out there when they were together. But still…

He was Lucifer, fucking, Morningstar!

The Devil, the Lightbringer, the Maker, the Mocker, Atse'Hashke! Once the most beloved child of GOD!

Like honestly, if any kind of plan of yours has 'try to defeat Lucifer Morningstar even though you are not Michael Demiurgos or God' then it was time to go back to the drawing board for your plan. Cause that shit ain't gonna fly.

Worst part was the idiots with the plan were supposed to be smart, that was the whole reason he let them rule the Hell!

Satanus, son of Wizard Shazam and some succubus whose name one could not be bothered to remember.

Astaroth, great Duke of hell and the Prince of Accusers.

Beelzebub, the king of gluttony and the lord of the flies.

Belial, father of Etrigan and the declarer of worth.

Asmodues, the king of lust and the fallen Cherub.

Lastly Clauneck, the bringer of wealth and the source of complacency.

Lucifer had thought them to be smart enough to rule the hell but he obviously had been wrong since they were dumb enough to attack him.

"You get what I'm saying?"

"More or less, but it is overshadowed by the fact that I am in the presence of the devil." I said with my arms crossed over my chest while thinking about how today really wasn't my day.

I had just dealt with some moron trying to steal from my company and then…


A fucking airplane of all things crashed into my floor in the building!

What kinda shit is that?!

…no, I am calm. Calm.

"Yeah gotta admit, even I wasn't expecting that plane crash but after seeing it, I had to see you."

"I am glad my death has surprised you." I deadpanned at the Devil, probably not the smartest moment of my life, or unlife, and I probably would later on look back at it with embarrassment but at the moment I was out of any fucks to give and in some sort of adrenaline rush like state where I was biologically incapable of caring.

"It was less the death itself, more the absurdity of it." Lucifer shrugged with a smile.

"Anyway, I think you kind of understand the situation I had with those six morons. So, what do you think I should do with this?" He said as he pulled a basketball sized sphere of what I assume to be some sort of energy that was letting out some arcs of electricity.

"No idea, mostly because I have no idea what that is." I said as I unconsciously took a step back. That thing didn't feel natural.

"Oh yeah. This is the essence of the power of the six morons who thought they could actually defeat me, or at least what remains of it. I kinda destroyed a significant portion of their power when I destroyed them." The devil explained as he threw the sphere from one hand to the other.

This guy, it must be nice to be strong enough to see the power of six demon lords as something insignificant enough to ask what to do with to a human.

"I don't know, flush it down the toilet?" I shrugged, cause honestly. What could he do with it anyway?

"Hmm, nah. I think I'm gonna give it to you." He said with a smile.

I blinked, then I blinked two more times.


"Yeah. Your death was absurd enough to be amusing so I might as well do something nice for you." The devil said with a laugh as he threw the orb of energy to my chest at a speed that I had no chance of reacting and the energy went inside me.

"What the hell?!"

"Not exactly but I guess that is where it comes from." Lucifer laughed while clapping his hands and the floor beneath me disappeared, causing me to fall into what I could only assume to be some sort of hell.


And that's how I ended up here in the DC universe.

It took me a day before I understood the nature of my powers. It was Sabbac, a demonic enemy of Shazam empowered by six demons much like the earth's mightiest mortal was empowered by six gods. Though technically, only three gods empowered Billy Batson as Achilles was the son of a nymph, Atlas was a Titan and Solomon was mortal.

But my power was real deal, and in a way more powerful than Shazam's since my powers weren't limited like his was. Not that I would ever test that since even if I managed to beat the kid disguised as an adult, I would have to deal with Superman next. And I didn't want any part of such shit.

Therefore, instead of being an idiot and becoming a super villain…

"Here is your Gin Lime."

I became the owner of a relatively small bar.

What? Did you people thought that I would start gathering magical artifacts, destroy the Justice League, conquer the earth and enslave the humanity? That is not only so last millennium, it is also stupid. What would I do with the world if I conquered it anyway?!

No, I was happy with my little bar here.

"David, send us another serving!" Though I would be far happier with it if this overgrown lizard didn't always came here to get drunk.

Yeah, my bar was in Gotham. Probably not the best decision I could make but to be honest, people tended to exaggerate the danger of Gotham.

Sure if I had been a normal human, I would run out of this place faster than one could say 'fuck'. But I was Sabbac, even in my human form I was ridiculously strong. Meaning that as long as I held my head down and didn't get too close to the bullshit that was the Batman's rouge gallery, I was safe.

But Waylon Jones seemed to have decided my liquor was good and came here at least once a week unless he was in Arkham, and it was just too much work to kick him out.

"Coming." This was my life now.