
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs


This was bad! This was bad! This was bad!

Emilia could not believe how dumb she was! To think that she could allow her Royal insignia, the proof of her candidacy to the throne of the kingdom of Lugunicia get stolen! Something that she would lose if it got out that she was no longer in the possession of the insignia, she was a real dunderhead! A dullard!

"Calm down, Lia." Puck, a spirit that she had been contracted to and her surrogate father, said as the feline spirit hovered beside her.

"Simply panicking won't help you, let's just look for the thief." The great spirit said with a smile as he hovered before her and Emilia could feel herself calm down.

Puck was right after all, simply running around in panic was not helping her. So she took a deep breath, steadied herself and steeled her resolve before deciding that an alleyway would definitely be the kind of route a thief would take and went towards the nearest one.

Then she came upon a man around her age with black hair and a trenchcoat standing before a trio of people with many bruises on their faces and swollen flesh right above their eyes sitting on their knees.

"Now do repeat after me. 'Trying to mug people is bad and we won't ever do it again'. Repeat it!"

"Trying to mug people is bad and we won't ever do it again." The trio repeated after the man with trenchcoat, their voices making very clear that they were in pain; something Emilia didn't really like but the bizarreness of the situation kept her from reacting.

"Honestly; you people are lucky that you have tried to mug someone as forgiving, nice, handsome, smart and sexy as myself. I know people that would have broken you three with one hit and then kept hitting for shits and giggles." He said with a shake of his head and finally Emilia decided to make herself known.

"Umm, excuse me…"

"Huh?" The man turned towards her with a voice of confusion, which the shortest of the trio took as his chance to run away. Only to get a kick in the head from the man looking at Emilia, without even turning his head.

"Is there something wrong miss?" He asked with a frown, something Emilia was rather used to due to her appearance. Though most people didn't bother to act polite after seeing her.

"Umm, I am not sure what happened here, but I think you should stop hurting them." Emilia declared with a huff, all the while screaming at herself for not asking about the thief inside her head. Dullard!

"Hmm, do not worry about it. I am actually doing this so that their karma is balanced. If I don't do it then they are likely to meet bad ends while no one is looking." He said with a sagely nod.

"That just sounds like you are planning to kill them while no one is looking." Puck said with a giggle as he came out of his jewel, making the man's eyes widen as he gazed at the great spirit.

"A shikigami? Never saw one that could actually speak anything that wasn't just gibberish." He said with a hand on his chin, making Emilia look confused at the weird word he used.

"I don't know what that is but I ain't one. I'm Puck and I'm a super adorable spirit!" Puck said with a smile as he did a spin in the air.

"You definitely are adorable I guess." He said with another sagely nod. "As a matter of fact, I believe that you are the most adorable and fluffy thing I have ever laid eyes on! Damn it ,you're even cuter than Fushiguro's dogs and rabbits!" He cried out and Emilia found herself nodding. She didn't know who this Fushiguro person was or how cute his dogs and rabbits were but Puck was definitely... that's not the point!

"I'm sorry, but did you see someone run off with an insignia with a red stone in the middle of it?!" She asked hurriedly, she already had lost enough time due to being distracted by their talk about Puck's adorable fur.

"Hmm, I didn't see exactly what you described but a girl did ran through this alley a while ago and something did shine in her hand. Didn't really pay too much attention to it though." He said with a frown as he gripped his chin but Emilia was no longer listening, she finally had a lead!

"Please tell me where she went!" She said as she grabbed his hand, making him look at her with surprise before smiling.

"As I already said, I didn't pay much attention to it." He said apologetically and Emilia felt her hopes crumble away.

"But I think I have a way to find out." He then reignited her hopes with his words before turning towards the remaining two people who were still on their knees.

"So then, are either of you going to tell us about the girl or not?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, which caused the one who had his tongue out scoff at them.

"Heh, why would we ever tell you even if we knew, huh?" He asked gruffly and Emilia could feel herself frown as she tried to find a way to convince him.

"Why you ask?" But before she could find such a way, the man in trench coat already had gripped him by his ear and pulled him up; making him cry out in pain.

"The beautiful lady here just explained why she needed to find that girl. Did you not listen? Are those ears just for decoration?" He said as he kept pulling before he slammed him down, hard enough to leave cracks on the ground, and then he glanced at the final member of the on knee trio.

"Now then, will you tell us about it?" The man told them everything he knew; which included the mentioned girl's name, the location of her warehouse, the best bar in the town and how he used to wet his bed.


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