
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs

Ghost King

"What do you think?" I asked my newest partner who looked less than impressed as she gazed around the clearing.

"That we have lots of work to do unless we want to be killed by a tomb full of monsters whose sense of morality is even less impressive than mine and I didn't use to care for anything that wasn't a plant." Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy, former botanic scientist and supervillain; stated the obvious.

"I should be asking what you think, especially about your current body that wasn't yours until we arrived here." She said with a raised eyebrow as I inspected myself once more.

The last few hours had been, for a lack of better term, crazy.

I had died, met a guy who gave me a new chance at life as a part of a inter dimensional slavery company if I took up a very dangerous mission.

Defeat Nazarick.

I had a half mind throwing the offer back but… I was dead and the chance to be not dead was quite enticing. So I ended up taking up the offer like a sucker and filled out the form with my purchases.

Now, I was Nico di Angelo from Riordanverse. The son of Hades, the god of the underworld. There were some differences though, like me being an actual adult instead of a little kid. Or the fact that due to my purchases I was no longer a demigod but a proper psychopomp with a death shroud.

"I'll manage, we have more important issues anyway." I said with a shrug.

"The tracker doesn't show them so the Nazarick hasn't arrived yet. We gotta find where we are in the timeline, and get ready to deal with them."

"Ok, and then..."

"We can get you a Harley after making sure we won't be killed by a tomb of amoral monsters." I rolled my eyes while Ivy nodded with a smile as she followed after me.

Our current destination, E-Rantel.


"Why do I have to hide my nature like this?"

"Because people are not used to people being green and we don't want too much attention on us at the moment." I whispered back to Ivy, who simply looked like she used to be before her transformation with red hair and a magician's robe on her.

"Why are we even here?" She said with a scowl, really not liking not having green thumbs.

"To gather information, this place is a home for six of our targets. The members of the adamantine class adventurers, Blue Roses and the princess of the country, Renner." I said with a shrug as we entered a bar, a rather unimpressive one but that might be because I was more accustomed to modern ones.

"Five beautiful and strong women along with a princess, you have quite a broad range of taste." Ivy said with a teasing glint in her eyes while I snorted as we sat at one of the tables.

"Four beautiful and strong women, one ogre and a princess whose morals are practically non existent while being one of the most intelligent people on this world." I said, making Ivy's eyes widen.

"That's quite a combination. How bad is she?"

"Bad. She is smart and a borderline sociopath, because of that her brothers saw her as a monster so she crafted a perfect nice girl mask. The only thing she really cares about in the world is her bodyguard, a young man she picked from the streets and convinced that she is in love with him." I said and the waitress finally brought our drinks.

"Convinced? Are you saying she doesn't love him?" Ivy asked as she took a small sip from her drink.

"She does, she just isn't actually in love with him. What she has is more of a obsession over him, she likely sees him something closer to a pet."

"Sounds more messed up than Harley and Joker." She deadpanned.

"It does." I agreed.


"Anything new?" Ivy asked while I looked at my HUD style Waifu Catalog interface. It had costed ten credits but it was definitely worth it. I didn't even want to imagine the kind of shit it would cause if someone saw me with a phone in my hand in a medieval world. Not to mention this was cooler.

"No, the Blue Roses are still out of town and still no sign of Nazarick." I said as I looked at my bounty tracker. If the Nazarick appeared in this world, I would see them in it.

"You sure we can deal with them?" Three guesses on who she meant by 'them' and the first two doesn't count.

"One on one, probably. We both are quite strong and are even stronger with our templates. Not to mention the defenses I bought protect us from the most dangerous abilities they have, time stop and instant death magic." I said and saw Ivy shiver at the mention of the abilities held by our enemies. Not that I could blame her as either of those were ridiculously dangerous by themselves, combined they were nightmare fuel.

"If it is a battle between two against two, we still would have a good chance. But against more than two and we are in deep shit." I said with a sigh.

"What about their leader? Can't you just make him submit through your awesome death god powers?" She asked with some hand motions when she described my powers.

"Don't know but I wouldn't hold my breath. I might be able to do something about his summons though, another thing for me to test." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Unfortunately, he is quite formidable even without undead minions. And I am saying that without knowing about the secret ace in the hole World Item he has in his gut. All I know about that is that it's supposed to be super effective against dragons."

"And we gotta fight him, along with his other overpowered underlings." Ivy said with sigh.

"That's life." I said with a shrug.