
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
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171 Chs

Ghost King-4

Peroroncino, the avia-sapien archer of the Ainz Ooal Gown, had to hold herself back from squealing with delight like a little girl.

Just a day ago she was on the verge of clinical depression as YGGDRASIL, one of the few things that made life bearable in their miserable society, was going to shut down and took all of their efforts in the game to the cold void with it. Even her onee-chan had been miserable about it, and very few things could ever bring Chaga-chan's mood down. It was that serious.

The mail from Momo-chan had made things somewhat better, the knowledge that her old friend still remembered them after all this time and wanted to see them once more was... nice. So she had decided along with her onee-chan that they would stay with Momo-chan and Yamaiko until the very end of the game. One final stand for the Great Tomb of Nazarick!

But it hadn't been a final stand. Oh no, it was the beginning of something marvelous! When the timer had hit the midnight and signaled the shut down of the game, instead of just waking up as their normal selves, they ended up staying as their avatars!

She was no longer that thin girl with pimples on her face, she was a freaking sex bomb with feathers! And Chaga-chan had claimed that the money she spent on cosmetic items to make her avatar have a proper human face instead of the face of a hawk was waste. Who wasted what now?!

Though admittedly, seeing her Onee-chan just take the form of a orange haired beauty by shaping her slime body did made her purchases look somewhat like a waste.

Doesn't matter, all that mattered was that they were all in a new world as their avatars. They could use magic and were far stronger than normal humans as it was proven when they had dealt with those soldiers who were killing villagers.

It was rather sad to see how outmatched those so called elite knights were against a single Death Knight, a mob of mere level thirty five, and how they saw a mere Dominion Authority as a godlike being but it was just punishment for those who would hurt cute girls like Enri-chan and Nemu-chan! Death to those who dare to raise their hands against cuteness!

Now, they were trying to decide what to do next. Momo-chan wanted to gather as much information as possible about this new world, to make sure that there were no hidden World Enemy class beings that might threaten Nazarick. Peroroncino didn't really care about it much, she knew that she was pretty much the dumbest among the four players and was ready to just follow their lead. Which was definitely the right decision since Momo-chan had just declared that they would go outside the world as adventurers! How cool was that?!

She could already imagine it! They would be out there; the wise sorceress Momonga, the strong puncher Yamaiko, the trusty tank Bukubuku Chagama and the dashing archer Peroroncino going out in the wild to slay monsters. Then they would find a dungeon and save an adorable young prince with a cute face and wide hips. Then the prince would introduce them to his big titted widow mother who would reward them with riches and offer her the hand of the prince. Then the prince admit that he has no problems with Peroroncio gathering a harem of cuties and that he was aroused by watching her have sex with others while he sat on the corner with his hand bound above him and a pink little cage on his tiny dick!

"You're thinking of something stupid again, aren't you?" Her daydream of utopia was interrupted by her sister's annoyed voice and a hand clamping down on her head.

"Chagama-chan! Why did you interrupt my beautiful dream?!" Peroroncino cried out as she looked at her sister's current form and felt herself get annoyed. Unlike Peroroncio who had spent quite a bit of money to attain her current money, her sister's racial skills had allowed her to take a human form with no problems. Usually she went around as a beautiful woman with orangish red hair and huge boobs but right she was going around as the loli version of that form. It wasn't fair for her sister to be able to be so cute in different appeals with no effort!

"Because it was definitely stupid, and likely perverted." Like the god damn H-Game voice actress had any room to argue about perversion!

"Stop, both of you." Yamaiko said with a sigh as she walked in between them before they could start to argue. An argument that Peroroncino would win, obviously.

"We still need to decide on our disguises and to divide the work amongst the NPCs, we don't have time to have arguments among ourselves."

"Why are we disguising ourselves anyway?" Peroroncino asked with a pout. "What's wrong with the way we look?"

"What's wrong is that our races are bloodthirsty monsters to the most of the world." Momo-chan declared as she planted the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown on the ground. "Not to mention there might be guilds that we didn't have good relationships in this world. If so, I don't want to alert our presence to our enemies." The guild master said and Peroroncino huffed and looked away, unwilling to admit that she was wrong but also knowing that she had no arguments in her favor.

"What about the NPCs? I think sending Aura-chan and Mare-chan to investigate the near forests would be the best. To see if there are any plants or animals worthy of attention."

"I'll have Yuri to be on high alert and keep an eye on the NPCs who'll stay in Nazarick. We don't want anyone to do something crazy while we're gone."

"I don't know what but we can send Shalltear to destroy something!" Peroroncino said with a smile before turning to her guild leader with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What about you, glorious leader? What will you have Pandora's Actor do?"

"…stay in the treasury." Her mumble was met with the laughter of the rest of them; incredibly amused by their leader's embarrassment of her, super chuuni, creation.

Yeah, everything was gonna be awesome!


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