
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs

Disgraced One-3

"Okey, please explain to me what happened once more." Souka asked with a smile that she used in order to hide her annoyance as she gazed at Sukuna and Cirucci who were standing in front of the remains of Yammy.

Admittedly the loss of the giant Arrancar was not much of a setback. The only reason he was given the rank of Zero Espada was the ridiculous amount of spiritual pressure he had in his Resurrección and the fact that he could get even stronger with rage. A giant beatstick, that's what he had been, far less valuable than the likes of Ulquiorra or Starrk.

But that didn't mean that she liked to learn that her pawn had been butchered before she could even make a proper use of him!

"The weak fool angered me." Sukuna said with a roll of his eyes and Souka pondered upon the pros and cons of attacking her newest piece on the board. But in the end she decided that there was something far more important.

Sukuna's spiritual pressure, it had practically skyrocketed.

If before he had the soul pressure of an average lieutenant, without considering the more sinister energy that he possessed that she didn't know it's name of, then now he had the spiritual pressure of an average captain! Was this merely a case of him hiding his power before and deciding to reveal it now, or had he actually gotten stronger within the small timeframe he had been spending with Cirucci; walking around Las Noches?

This… this was interesting.

"Just come with me." And it was about time she introduced him to the rest of the Espada.


Disappointment. That was all I could feel after defeating Yammy. Not because some sort of 'he died far too easily' kind of thing, I could easily deal with that.

I was disappointed because I hadn't gotten what I really wanted from Yammy.

My power was not merely limited to that of Sukuna, I also had a template after all. The template of Alexander Luthor Senior of Earth 3, better known as, Mazahs. An incredibly strong being with powers similar to the more well known Shazam; super strengths, durability, flight and lightning.

What made Mazahs different from Shazam, was the fact that he could also steal the powers of those he had killed. Which was how he had acquired the powers of Bizarro and the Earth 3 counterpart of Firestorm.

Obviously my power stealing wasn't that good, the template was only fourth tier after all. I could use a small amount of electricity and whenever I killer someone, I got a downgraded version of one of their powers. Only one.

Till now, only thing that I had gotten from the hollows I killed in the deserts of Hueco Mundo was the possession of Reiatsu, spirit pressure, and a little better regeneration. Not exactly much compared to what I could have gotten I could take their everything.

With Yammy, I was hoping that I would have gotten the special ability of his Resurreccion, the power to empower myself with anger. Instead I had just gotten more spiritual power, admittedly far more than any other boosts I had from killing other hollows but still, disappointing.

Hopefully my interactions with the rest of the Espadas would be less disappointing.

"As you all may have sensed, Yammy is no longer among us." Aizen said with what I can only assume to be a smile cause the drama queen had me stay outside of the room in order to make my introduction extra dramatic.

"And why should the rest of us be bothered about the end of that brute, Shinigami?" A raspy voice came from inside the room, likely Barragan.

"This meeting isn't about the loss of Yammy." Aizen said and I got the signal, so I walked into the meeting room.

"It's about his replacement." And then I was in the room, facing the gathered elite Arrancars.

The Espada, the ten strongest Arrancars under Aizen's command. Well, nine now. And I could make out all of them.

Primera Espada, Coyote Starrk, looking ready to sleep though I could make out something that somewhat resembled sadness in his eyes.

Segunda Espada, Barragan Louisenbairn, a rather ugly old man with several scars on his face and one running over his right eye; looked about as interested as he was. Which mean none at all.

Tres Espada, Tier Harribel, currently the only woman among the Espada and looking at me with cold eyes that seemed to hold some amount of interest.

Cuatro Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer, the absolute master of the poker face. He didn't seem to be interested in anything.

Quinto Espada, Nnoitra Gilga, was smiling with a creepy smile on his face. Likely someone I would have to kill later on.

Sexta Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, the blue haired Espada looked at me and I could clearly see the thirst for combat in his eyes.

Séptima Espada, Zommari Rureaux, did not seem to care much. I wondered if I could take his signature ability if I killed him.

Octava Espada, Szayelaporro Granz, a pink haired scientist who looked like he wanted to dissect me right now.

And lastly, Noveno Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie. I had nothing on the weirdo with a giant tube for the head.

Nine powerful people in the same room and not trying to kill each other in order to establish their superiority over each other. Something that existed only because of Aizen's presence in the room, though I would give it at most another minute before…

"This is the new number ten? Seriously?" There it is. And coming from mister spoon himself, just the bastard I wanted an excuse to butcher.

"As a matter of fact, no. He is not the new number ten." Huh, then whey did you call me all the way here?

"I have yet to decide how high he truly needs to be after all." Huh, that made sense.

"Huh?!" Oh, that didn't seem to have gone well with Nnoitra.

"Screw that, why should this little…" That was as far as I had been willing to listen to the moron, so I simply appeared before him and kicked him to the wall, leaving spider cracks on the exact spot where he had landed.

"Quiet down." I said as I glared down at him, wondering what I would get after killing the lanky moron.

"Now you've done it!" Nnoitra yelled as he got up and pulled out his weird shaped weapon, some sort of scythe like thing with two crescent moon shaped blades fused together at the backs.

"Hmph, big talk from a fish." I said as I gathered cursed energy in my hands and readied to…

"Enough." And then Aizen let out her spiritual pressure.

It was rather impressive, from Sukuna's memories the pressure she was putting out felt almost as ominous as the kind of pressure Gojo Satoru himself could generate with his presence.

"I believe this meeting is getting away from its real purpose." She said with a sigh and then appeared between me and Nnoitra.

"But this is still fine, might as well decide whether you are above or below the level of Quinto. What do you say, Sukuna?"



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