
Smut - Tasteful Smut Stories

Alright, so picture this: a collection of spicy stories that aren't just about the steamy stuff. We're talking smut with substance here. Each tale is like a wild ride through a bizarre adventure, where things might get a bit taboo and forbidden, but hey, that's part of the fun, right? So, grab a comfy spot and get ready for a journey where the plot is as juicy as the scenes. (M) - Male POV (F) - Female POV

Playwright · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Off the Shore II

I froze in my tracks as I overheard the conversation between the two French traders, my heart pounding in my chest at the mention of my family's name. I lingered in the shadows, my breath catching in my throat as I strained to catch every word.

"Anything interesting happening in London?" one of the men asked, his tone casual as he leaned against a nearby barrel.

The other man shrugged, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Oh, you know how it is," he replied with a nonchalant shrug. "The usual intrigue and scandal. But over the course of the past week, there was one particularly juicy bit of gossip."

My pulse quickened as I listened intently, my hands trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation. "And what might that be?" the first man inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The second man leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "A high-profile family was eradicated," he murmured, his words sending a chill down my spine.

"How did it happen?" the first man asked, his eyes widening with interest.

The second man's lips curled into a grim smile. "To put it simply," he replied, "about a week ago, Edward Beaumont and his daughter were killed by pirates. And just five days later, his wife succumbed to fever."

I felt as though the world had come crashing down around me, the weight of the news bearing down on me like a leaden cloak. My mother, gone from this world in the blink of an eye, her life snuffed out by forces beyond her control.

Tears stung my eyes as I struggled to process the enormity of the loss, the pain of it all threatening to consume me whole.

As the realization of my family's tragic fate settled over me like a shroud, I knew that there was nothing left for me in England. The ties that had bound me to my homeland had been severed in an instant, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and grief.

But even amidst the turmoil of my emotions, a spark of determination flickered within me, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the despair that threatened to consume me whole. I would not allow myself to be shackled by the chains of my past, to wallow in self-pity while the world passed me by.

And so, with a steely resolve, I made a decision that would change the course of my life forever. I would remain on this island, but not as a mere bookkeeper relegated to the shadows of society. No, I would forge my own path, carve out a new destiny for myself in this untamed wilderness.

As I bathed alongside the other women, the warm water soothing my weary muscles, I listened intently to the chatter around me. The air was thick with steam and the scent of soap, the soft murmur of conversation filling the cramped bathing chamber.

One of the women, a buxom redhead with a mischievous glint in her eye, leaned in closer, her voice pitched low as she spoke of rumors swirling through the town. "Did you hear?" she whispered, her words barely audible over the sound of splashing water. "There's talk of a famous pirate coming to port next week."

My ears pricked up at the mention of a pirate, my interest piqued by the promise of adventure on the horizon. I glanced around at the other women, their faces alight with excitement and anticipation, their voices rising in a chorus of eager speculation.

"Who is he?" one of the women asked, her curiosity palpable as she leaned in closer to catch every word.

The redhead shrugged, a playful smile playing at the corners of her lips. "No one knows for sure," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "But they say he's a legend in these parts, a man feared and revered by all who sail the seas."

As the whispers of the pirate's impending arrival filled my thoughts, a bold and audacious idea took root in my mind. With determination burning bright within me, I sought out the brothel madame, my heart pounding with nervous anticipation as I laid bare my request before her.

"Madame," I began, my voice steady despite the trembling of my hands. "I wish to be a prostitute."

The madame's eyes widened in surprise at my bold declaration, her lips parting in astonishment at the audacity of my request. "You?" she exclaimed, her tone tinged with disbelief. "But you've only just arrived here, child. You know nothing of this life."

I met her gaze head-on, my chin held high as I spoke. "I may be new to this world, madame, but I am a quick study," I replied, my voice firm and unwavering. "I am willing to do whatever it takes to prove myself to you."

The madame regarded me with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, her brow furrowed in thought as she weighed my words. After a moment of consideration, she nodded slowly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Very well," she conceded, her voice tinged with reluctant admiration. "You may have your chance, but be warned, child. This life is not for the faint of heart. Are you prepared to face the consequences of your actions? I will grant you your request, but under one condition. You must prove yourself capable of handling the next customer, and if he gives a positive review, then and only then will you be considered for a position as one of our esteemed courtesans."

I nodded eagerly, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension at the prospect of what lay ahead. "I understand, madame," I replied, my voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within me. "I will not disappoint you."

As the door to the brothel swung open, a rugged sailor stepped inside, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with weather-beaten features that spoke of a life spent at sea. His eyes were a charming shade of brown, framed by a tangle of dark hair that fell in unruly waves around his face.

As I drew closer to the rugged sailor, my senses tingling with anticipation, I noticed that he was not alone. Beside him stood another man, his features obscured in the dim light of the brothel. My heart sank at the sight, a surge of apprehension coursing through me as I realized that my task had just become infinitely more challenging.

Nevertheless, I squared my shoulders and plastered a confident smile on my lips, determined not to let this unexpected twist deter me from my goal. With a graceful sweep of my hand, I addressed the newcomer with a sultry gaze, my voice dripping with honeyed tones as I spoke.

"Good evening, gentlemen," I purred, my eyes flicking between the two sailors with practiced ease. "What brings you both to our humble establishment on this fine night?"

The sailors exchanged a knowing glance, a smirk playing at the corners of their lips as they took in my appearance. "Just looking for a bit of fun, love," the rugged sailor replied, his voice rough with the unmistakable accent of a man of the sea. "And it seems we've found it in the form of a beautiful maiden such as yourself."

I felt a surge of frustration at his words, my mind racing with the realization that my task had just become infinitely more difficult. But even as doubt crept into my mind, I refused to let it show, my determination unwavering as I prepared to put my seductive skills to the test.

"Well then, gentlemen," I whispered, my voice laced with an air of mystery and allure as I stepped closer to them, my movements fluid and graceful. "You've come to the right place. Allow me to show you a night you won't soon forget."

And with that, I led the sailors away, my heart pounding with uncertainty as I prepared to navigate the treacherous waters of their desires.

I led the sailors to a secluded room at the back of the brothel, the air heavy with the scent of anticipation and desire. As we entered the dimly lit chamber, I could feel the weight of their gaze upon me, their eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

Without a word, I dropped to my knees before them, my hands moving deftly to undo the laces of their breeches. The fabric fell away with a soft rustle, revealing the hardened lengths of their cocks straining against the confines of their undergarments.

With practiced ease, I reached out and took hold of their throbbing members, my fingers wrapping around their girth as I pulled them free from their constraints. The sailors let out a low groan of satisfaction, their anticipation palpable in the air as I gazed up at them with a sultry smile.

"Let me show you what pleasures await you," I whispered, my voice husky with desire as I leaned in closer, my breath hot against their skin. And with that, I began to work my magic, my lips and tongue working in tandem to bring them to the brink of ecstasy.

With a practiced skill born of desperation and determination, I lavished their throbbing members with attention, alternating between tender caresses and eager strokes of my hand. My lips wrapped around their hardened shafts, my tongue tracing patterns along their length as I sought to elicit the most pleasurable sensations imaginable.

I felt their hands tangle in my hair, their fingers tightening with each passing moment as they surrendered to the intoxicating ecstasy of my ministrations. Their moans of pleasure echoed through the room, mingling with the sound of my own ragged breaths as I worked tirelessly to bring them to the brink of release.

With each passing moment, their arousal grew more intense, the tension in the air palpable as they neared the peak of ecstasy. And then, with a low groan of satisfaction, they reached the pinnacle of pleasure, their bodies trembling with the force of their release as they spilled their seed into my waiting mouth.

I swallowed eagerly, savoring the taste of their essence as it coated my tongue, a bittersweet reminder of the power I held over them in this moment of vulnerability and surrender.

I surrendered to the lustful desires coursing through me, clinging to the man before me as he lifted me into his embrace with a strength born of passion and need. Without a word, he positioned himself between my legs, his cock throbbing with anticipation as he guided himself into the welcoming warmth of my cunt.

I gasped as he entered me, his hardness stretching me to my limits as I eagerly welcomed him into my depths. The sensation was overwhelming, a mixture of pleasure and pain that sent shivers of ecstasy coursing through my veins as I surrendered to the primal urges driving us both ever closer to the brink of ecstasy.

And then, as if sensing my unspoken desires, the other man stepped forward, his own arousal evident as he buried himself deep within the confines of my ass hole. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a fiery inferno of pleasure that threatened to consume me whole as I was filled to overflowing with their combined passion.

With each thrust, they drove me ever closer to the edge of oblivion, my cries of pleasure mingling with the sound of their own ragged breaths as we danced on the precipice of ecstasy. And as the flames of desire threatened to consume us all, I knew that in this moment, I was truly alive, my senses ablaze with the intoxicating allure of their touch and the promise of untold pleasures yet to come. 

With a final, shuddering climax, they released their hot torrents of passion deep within me, filling both my asshole and pussy with their essence as waves of ecstasy washed over us all. I gasped and moaned, lost in the throes of pleasure as their seed mingled with my own desire, creating a heady concoction of lust and satisfaction that left me trembling in their arms.

As they emptied themselves inside me, I felt a sense of fulfillment unlike anything I had ever known, a primal satisfaction that transcended the bounds of reason and logic. I clung to them, my body wracked with pleasure as I reveled in the sensations coursing through me, each pulse of their release sending ripples of ecstasy cascading through my veins.

As time passed, I ascended to a position of power and influence within the confines of the brothel, my skills as a seductress and entrepreneur earning me the respect and admiration of both my peers and clients alike. With each passing day, my reputation grew, until one day I found myself at the helm of the very establishment that had once been my home.

As madame of the brothel, I wielded a newfound authority and autonomy, my keen business acumen guiding me as I navigated the treacherous waters of the underworld with skill and precision. With each passing year, my fortunes swelled, until I stood as one of the wealthiest women in town, my coffers overflowing with the spoils of my success.

Yet amidst the trappings of wealth and power, I never forgot the journey that had brought me to this place, nor the sacrifices I had made along the way. For in the shadows of the brothel, I had discovered a kind of freedom that transcended the bounds of society and expectation, a liberation born of desire and passion that had forever altered the course of my destiny.

And as I surveyed the world from my lofty perch atop the pinnacle of success, I knew that in this moment, I had achieved a kind of immortality that would endure long after I had passed from this earth. For in the annals of history, my name would be remembered as a legend, a tale of triumph over adversity and the indomitable spirit of a woman who dared to defy the constraints of her time.

With a satisfied smile, I raised a glass to the future, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, I would face them with the same courage and determination that had carried me through the darkest of nights. For in the end, it was not wealth or power that defined me, but the strength of my convictions and the fire that burned within my soul, lighting the way to a brighter tomorrow for all who dared to dream.