

Aisha is a pleasure-seeking rich socialite who lives in the name of fun. She was happily lounging around on a pristine beach when a disaster unexpectedly hit their place. She thought she was already dead. But when she woke up, she saw herself in another world where werewolves, vampires, and mermaids co-exist. Will she be able to escape the magical land when its ruler, the most powerful creature in Gaea, King Leandro, was already smitten with her and wants to procreate with her? ********** The look on his gleaming plum eyes raking over her body made her skin quiver. She then realized that she was stark naked! With panic rising up in her heart, she quickly covered her body with her arms, as if she could cover them all. "I swear I have my clothes on a while ago. Forgive me for my indecency, your Majesty," She stuttered. "I don't mind at all," A corner of the King's lips curled up in response to her. He lifted his rod to move away Aisha's arms that were covering her nudity to both her sides, so he could get a better view. It seemed that he was satisfied as his ravishingly attractive face that was previously void of emotion lit up showing signs of delight and satisfaction. Aisha's cheeks turned beetle red at what the King was doing. But she felt like she had no choice. She was at his mercy now. He might kill her or throw her inside a whale's mouth if she wouldn't oblige. And honestly, she liked the feeling that she satisfied his taste. ********************** AUTHOR'S NOTE: The cover photo is not mine. Your author is still a novice in writing. Please forgive me in advance for the errors. I don't have an editor yet. :') Feel free to get in touch with me FB: 77myrrhia77 IG: 77myrrhia77 Discord: Myrrhia#9714 https://discord.gg/ewWtRa27fe Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. Much love. XOXO.

Myrrhia · Fantasia
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163 Chs

Come With Me

There was something in the King that made her knees succumb to his authority.

She didn't know if it was because he has magic, which seemed to be normal in this place.

Or because of his gallant physical appearance that would make any woman's mouth water.

He was the hottest man alive on the planet. With his long silver hair brushed up from his strikingly Adonis-like face and the long large rod that he was holding, he was in no doubt the King of this land.

Though, nothing is supernatural about his physical appearance. He didn't have pointed ears or claws.

Everything about him looked normal, unlike the three beings surrounding her a while ago, which looked like characters in a fairy tale.

He appears like a human except that everything was muscular and had perfect angles, which were visibly seen since he was only wearing a furry royal robe and a piece of fur cloth over his private parts.

Like he was molded out of the most perfect cauldron of God.

"Does he have powers too? If this was a different situation, I would totally ask him to take me captive right now," she muttered under her breath.

However, she has no idea what they were all thinking right now. Who should she trust or not?

And besides, this place is very, very weird.

"Am I transported to the Jurassic Period?" she muttered to herself as her eyes darted to her surroundings.

Everything was in upsizes, including the colorful flowers and the other plants and trees. And she has never seen them before!

Just then, the King slowly approached her. Beads of sweat formed in her forehead. She could hear her own heartbeat as her heart thumped wildly in her chest.

"Who knows if he was a cannibal, and I am some fresh meat? Aisha gulped, a lump in her throat.

"What is he planning to do with me? Would he eat me raw or barbecue me first? Should I just ran now? Where would I go?" She frantically thought.

But there was something hypnotizing in him that paralyzed her feet.

The forest seemed to come to a standstill as the naked damsel and the King of Gaea had their first encounter.

Every living creature was hushed as they watched in awe of how they beheld each other for the first time.

As he neared the eccentric creatures, they all lowered their heads in honor of their King.

Aisha noticed it and quickly did the same. She made a kowtow, like she often sees in the movies.

Perhaps he would let her go away if she showed some respect.

"Stand up," his voice thundered as he ordered her.

It was like that order came from the heavens, making Aisha slowly stand up.

She felt like there was really something in him that commanded the recognition of anybody in that place. Including her.

As she did so, she noticed that he was also a colossal being, like the other beings that were just kneeling to him right now.

Her head could only reach his bronzed, defined chest, which she could vividly see now that he was just so near her.

He extended his blunt masculine finger and lifted her petite chin as if he wanted to study his 'gift' better.

The look on his gleaming plum eyes raking over her body made her skin quiver. She then realized that she was stark naked!

With panic rising up in her heart, she quickly covered her body with her arms, as if she could cover them all.

"I swear I have my clothes on a while ago. Forgive me for my indecency, your Majesty," She stuttered.

"I don't mind at all," A corner of the King's lips curled up in response to her. He lifted his rod to move away Aisha's arms that were covering her nudity to both her sides, so he could get a better view.

It seemed that he was satisfied as his ravishingly attractive face that was previously void of emotion lit up showing signs of delight and satisfaction.

Aisha's cheeks turned beetle red at what the King was doing. But she felt like she had no choice.

She was at his mercy now. He might kill her or throw her inside a whale's mouth if she wouldn't oblige.

And honestly, she liked the feeling that she satisfied his taste.

To her surprise, the King removed his robe and draped it over her nudity, snuggling her in it.

The warmth of the robe made her feel comfortable, putting a serene smile on her face.

However, it was quickly replaced with a frown with the King's next words.

"Come with me," King Leandro bellowed, distracting her from her getaway plan.

"And," he stopped at the supernatural beings who were bowed down to him. "Do not look at her naked body ever again. If you don't want me to give you as gifts to Draco."

"Forgive us, your Majesty!" The beings bowed lower to the ground in honor of the King's words.

He then turned his back to her and walked away, expecting her to follow him, stunning Aisha.

The King was already getting far away from her, so Aisha tried to stop him.

"Wait!" Aisha's slender arm reached out.

The King came to a halt and turned back to her. Aisha quickly thought of a way out of her slavery.

"I know I'm beautiful and all. But you don't have to do this, your Majesty. My sister here was undeniably more attractive than me," she immediately pointed to the feminine being that was kneeling with the other males.

She was truly stunning to behold. Her green curly hair cascaded down her back. Her bountiful bosoms were covered by beautifully formed seashells.

The female creature's amaranth eyes widened in surprise at her statement.

The one on her left clapped his hands in delight and nudged the lady as if he was glad that Aisha complimented her. He seemed to be a different species since he has gigantic wings at his back. But he looked equally attractive.

The other creature on the female's right frowned at Aisha, making him look more wicked than he already looked. But he was devilishly handsome as well.

'Everyone seemed to be beautiful in this place,' Aisha couldn't help but mutter. Then her eyes landed back on the most attractive being of all.

However, he was not flinching. It was as if he didn't care about what she was suggesting at all.

Aisha was having a hard time deciphering him, so she continued to beg for her freedom.

"Let me just go back to my own world, your Majesty. My parents must have been waiting for me," Aisha pleaded, even though she really wasn't sure if it was true or not.

But she must save herself!

"You don't have a world to go back to anymore," The King stated to her, making Aisha freeze on her knees.

He was serious when he said that, making Aisha tear up.

"W-what does he mean by that?" Aisha's questioning eyes tilted to the three.

"Does he have something to do with it?"

But the King was already near a gigantic beast that was already awaiting him.

He turned towards where she was as if he was saying that he was getting impatient with her.

Aisha runs as fast as she could and climbed on it. Maybe she would think about how she could escape next time.

The wrath of the King was more important right now!

To her amazement, the King offered his huge muscular hand to assist her up. She gladly accepted it, making her feel his warm hand on hers.

He really feels like a human, just like her! Now, she didn't feel so alone in this strange place.

He then guided her to sit in front of him, making her feel his warm body near hers.

Her heart pumped wildly in her rib cage as millions of thoughts run in her head.

"Hold tight," he instructed her, before his brawny hand glided to her ample waist, supporting her for their take-off.

Just that action alone sent butterflies in Aisha's stomach, making her unconsciously lean on his sturdy chest.

It seemed that the King didn't mind, as he just gave the signal to the gigantic animal that they were ready to go.

Being obedient to their King, the mammoth monster flapped its wings and flew away.

"Have a lovely trip, your Majesty," the three that were left behind chorused together.


Face your fears and stop allowing your mind to hold you captive.

What do you think will happen to Aisha? Drop this book a vote. hihi Please leave me some comments as well. They cheer me up. Have a great week ahead! :D

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