

Aisha is a pleasure-seeking rich socialite who lives in the name of fun. She was happily lounging around on a pristine beach when a disaster unexpectedly hit their place. She thought she was already dead. But when she woke up, she saw herself in another world where werewolves, vampires, and mermaids co-exist. Will she be able to escape the magical land when its ruler, the most powerful creature in Gaea, King Leandro, was already smitten with her and wants to procreate with her? ********** The look on his gleaming plum eyes raking over her body made her skin quiver. She then realized that she was stark naked! With panic rising up in her heart, she quickly covered her body with her arms, as if she could cover them all. "I swear I have my clothes on a while ago. Forgive me for my indecency, your Majesty," She stuttered. "I don't mind at all," A corner of the King's lips curled up in response to her. He lifted his rod to move away Aisha's arms that were covering her nudity to both her sides, so he could get a better view. It seemed that he was satisfied as his ravishingly attractive face that was previously void of emotion lit up showing signs of delight and satisfaction. Aisha's cheeks turned beetle red at what the King was doing. But she felt like she had no choice. She was at his mercy now. He might kill her or throw her inside a whale's mouth if she wouldn't oblige. And honestly, she liked the feeling that she satisfied his taste. ********************** AUTHOR'S NOTE: The cover photo is not mine. Your author is still a novice in writing. Please forgive me in advance for the errors. I don't have an editor yet. :') Feel free to get in touch with me FB: 77myrrhia77 IG: 77myrrhia77 Discord: Myrrhia#9714 https://discord.gg/ewWtRa27fe Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. Much love. XOXO.

Myrrhia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
163 Chs

Beware Of the Lycus Clan

Aisha's hand quickly clutched on her chest as if she was trying to pump it manually as it almost stopped beating.

Her jelly-like feet slowly stepped backward as she stared wide-eyed at the creatures in front of her. She was too scared to blink, as it might be her last before they tore her apart.

The wolves were enormous and scarier than the ordinary wolves in her world. It's not that she has a pet.

But she just knew it. She has watched Animal Planet long enough.

And their eyes. They were purplish, just like King Leandro and the others in the Castle! But they look more enraged and wrathful.

They bare their fangs and teeth. Their saliva drooled over their mouth like she was a piece of juicy meat.

"I am not as yummy as you think I am, believe me," She tried to reason out with them as her eyes darted around, looking for a way out.

Her chest was heaving up and down. She felt like she would faint anytime.

But she didn't want the cause of her death in her death certificate to be "strangled to death" or "torn apart by wolves".

"You're too many, and I'm too skinny!" She pinched her forearm to show them that they wouldn't enjoy making a meal out of her. "See?"

The sun was already up and everything in the forest could be seen by the naked eye. Including the hungry look in the wolves' eyes and the fright of the damsel in front of them.

As Aisha's eyes darted everywhere to look for an offensive or defensive weapon, she noticed a sign that seemed to indicate where she was.

"Property of the Lycus Clan. Beware!"

Instantly, Aisha looked back at the growling wolves in front of her. They were now approaching her.

She stepped backward until her back hit a tree. She has nowhere to run.

One towered over her and was about to slash her with its claws.

In one swift move, Aisha lifted her arm and defended herself as she shut her eyes tightly.

"Wait! I have no intention of going to your land. I'm lost! A tsunami hit my place and the waters brought me here!" She rambled on, hoping these beings would understand her.

She recalled the creatures circling her the first time that her eyes opened after the tsunami. One of them had their eyes.

She bit her lips as she awaited her body to burn in pain, the sharp fangs and claws of the wolves piercing through her skin.

Instead, to her surprise, she heard voices. And they were just in front of her.

"She's a human, then?" One of them asked the others.

"But humans aren't allowed here in Gaea. How could she possibly enter our secured location?" The other replied.

"Maybe she's a sorceress."

"Or perhaps what she's saying is the truth."

"That's impossible. The Great Theos wouldn't allow it."

At first she was surprised to see that the wolves who were gnarling at her just a fraction of a second ago vanished into thin air.

But now Aisha was bewildered. In place of the pack of the wolves were a pack of naked men discussing among themselves about the strange specie in front of them.

"Uh oh," she covered her eyes with her palm. But then she opened a window, so she could peep at them.

They were still chatting about her.

Aisha cleared her throat in a loud manner. "Um, guys, I'm still here. In case you didn't realize," both her eyebrows shot up in the air with both corners of her mouth curved up.

It seemed as if she touched a no-no button in one of them, as he quickly shifted back to his gigantic wolf state and snarled at her.

Aisha's knees crumbled, making her fall down on the floor. Her arms reached for the nearest support that she could find behind her.

"Y-you're a werewolf?" Aisha stuttered.

As she peered into the wolf's eyes, she could see that those eyes were the same as the man who was just speaking a while ago.

One of the nude men stepped between the two of them and stretched his tattooed arm. "Stop it, Lyan. We will inform Lord Lycano about this and let him decide."

Hearing his name made Aisha cringe in fear. She recalled the conversation of the two guards about him.

She's better off in these men's hands than him!

"Uhm, you don't actually have to do that because I am already leaving your land. Thank you for your hospitality. Adios!"

She made a curtsy and ran as fast as she could to where the muscles of her legs could take her.

But what can a mere human do against these magical beasts?

She didn't even reach a meter when all the naked men encircled her, as if they were waiting who would first attack her.

"I should've stayed at the Castle. I'm safer with King Leandro," she uttered in a wavering voice.

Aisha felt her heart quickened as she recalled him swooping her in his arms. She wished he would be here to save her from her demise.

But how could he possibly do that? He might even be snoring until now and unaware that she was already miles away from the Castle.

And besides, who is she for him to even care whether she gets eaten or not?

"You had an audience with the King?" One of them must have overheard her as he asked about her last statement.

The others gasped as their bodies seemed to cower in fear.

"Then it must be all the more reason for you to meet Lord Lycano," the one with the tattooed arm commented, signaling the other men to control their carnal desires.

It seemed as if he was the leader of the pack.

The name of the King must have rung a bell as their previously savage appearance transformed into meek little puppies.

"Bring her to the Manor!" He ordered them, in which they immediately obliged.


When someone threw you to the wolves,

Come back leading the pack.