
Preventing 9/11

2009 - Arctic Circle - Fortress of Solitude

"Kelex, you're clear on what to do when we get back to the past, right?"

"Yes, sir. I will hack all available frequencies for monitoring purposes and to obtain communications from air traffic control and all relevant agencies. I will connect to the news organizations and law enforcement agencies to forward them files which details the terrorists' complete plans including names of everyone in their network, their future plans, and the location of Osama bin Laden. Additional files will be sent with your special editorial stating that Saddam Hussein does NOT have Weapons of Mass Destruction, and that the United States government will use the claim of WMDs as a pretext for invasion coupled with the 9/11 terrorist attacks in order to invade Iraq even though they have nothing to do with the attacks since 15 of the terrorists were citizens of Saudia Arabia, 2 were from UAE, one was from Lebanon, and one was from Egypt." Kelex described in detail.

"Thanks, Kelex. I'm sure the government will still find a way to invade, but at least if they hear the WMD story in the news that it's a false flag ahead of time, they won't be able to use that lame excuse. They'll have to make entirely new false flag operations for their war machine." I theorized aloud.

I placed a Legion Flight Ring on the middle finger of my right hand. I focus on the time period I want to travel to. Purple light engulfs me, and I'm transported.

2001 - Arctic Circle

I'm wearing my Superman suit just in case I need to leave my Shazam form for some reason. I'm not going to rely entirely on my Shazam form. I'm not sure how the Kryptonian absorption of energy is affected by my Shazam form. Is it enhanced or is the biological process altered because it's relying on another external power (from the gods)? I'll need to research this further.

In any event, going forward, I'm going to still regularly recharge my solar capacity in my Kryptonian base form and take sun dips. No sense in putting all my eggs in one basket. If I were to ever lose my Shazam powers like I've seen in the comics, I'll still always have a max capacity energy storage along with a seemingly infinite personal dimension filled with energy that I keep stockpiling in mass amounts.

I teleport to the Rock of Eternity then to New York City.

2001 - New York City, New York - World Trade Center

I enter the building and reach a terminal. I have Kelex hack in on the very slow internet and the very slow computer. He sends the relevant emails to all of the relevant parties.

I leave the building and yell Shazam!

I'm floating above the World Trade Center. Flight 11 is inbound and due to strike the north face of the North tower of 1 WTC between floors 93 and 99. I use my enhanced vision to see the plane incoming. I rush forward far enough in the distance to engage the plane. I use my laser vision to take out the plane's engines, so I don't have to fight the power of the engines on top of the current velocity of the speeding plane. I fly beneath the plane and begin lifting it, while simultaneously slowing the plane at a rate that won't cause all of the passengers to pancake inside the plane. It's cutting it very close to the building so I have to apply more force to stop the plane. The metal ripples and the plane starts to shudder, but eventually it comes to a stop. I carry the plane down to the ground into the busy street.

I lower the plane till it's not far from the ground.

I yelled, "Clear the area! I need to put this plane down!"

People start freaking out, but the cars quickly rush out of the way and people scurry out of the way. I set the plane down in the middle of an intersection. From above, I couldn't see any good places to set it down and I figure they can always divert traffic and easily disassemble this plane. Besides, no one will want to ride in a plane that was previously hijacked. So once this plane is empty, it will never be used for commercial purposes again.

I rush into the plane, knocking out all of the hijackers.

I stand at the front of the plane and loudly announce, "I hope this doesn't put any of you folks off from flying. Statistically speaking, it is the safest way to travel."

The passengers cheered loudly.

I interrupted, "I'll place all of your luggage from the overhead compartments outside, but the luggage in the cargo hold will have to be handled separately. I don't mean to frighten you, but there are other planes that are in the process of being hijacked. I have limited time to save them. I'm afraid I can't wait for you to exit in an orderly fashion. Don't be alarmed. I'm going to move you all at super speed. So sorry if you get nauseated."

I entered Flash Time and took all the luggage from the overhead compartments and ran them outside and ordered them in a row according to which seat they were above. I ran back inside and removed each passenger and placed them near their luggage.

I flew above the police cars that were crowding the plane and announced, "This plane was hijacked by foreign terrorists from the Middle East in a plot by a man by the name of Osama bin Laden of the terrorist group al-qaeda. The plane hijackers are currently unconscious, but I need you officers to be very careful when apprehending them. They were involved in a suicidal plot so they do not have much to lose and will likely attempt to escape."

The officers looked shaken but just nodded their heads.

I continued, "In approximately 16 minutes, another plane will attempt to strike the south face of the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Can you please announce that over your radio? We need to have all these streets cleared!"

The police repeated what I said. I flew into the air and waited until the time got closer for my required intervention.

I repeated the actions from earlier, setting the plane down in another intersection that was previously cleared due to police rerouting traffic and ordering streets cleared.

I headed towards Washington D.C.

2001 - Washington D.C. - The Pentagon

I intercepted the plane, repeating my actions from earlier, being careful not to blow up the engines (just shorting them out to stop the powerful thrust). I placed the plane in front of the Pentagon.

Nobody yelled at me to stop and the Air Force hasn't fired at me, so I'm assuming they received the message that I'm here to help.

2001 - Somerset County, Pennsylvania - Southeast of Pittsburgh

I repeated my actions of disabling the plane, then slowing it down to a point where I could safely hold it still. I lowered the plane to a field and set it down. I rushed into the plane and broke into the cockpit, disabling the 4 plane hijackers. I broke their arms and legs for good measure, twisting their legs all the way around for added style points.

I allowed some of the passengers to take pictures with me, then I left.

2001 - Smallville, Kansas - Kent's Barn Loft

I left a flash drive containing useful information for the future. Before I left 2009, I had exported all the past lotto numbers onto the flash drive. There are websites that track all lotto numbers draws from the past, so it was very easy.

I wrote a short letter to myself about being the one to stop the 9/11 attacks from happening.


I came back in time using the Legion Flight Ring you will get from the Legion of Super-Heroes when they visit to stop that time traveler from attacking in the barn. I decided that I would be an asshole if I didn't prevent the 9/11 attacks. Rest assured, I don't plan on many more time travel shenanigans because we both know screwed up things can get. Stopping 9/11 shouldn't have massive consequences unlike killing Baby Hitler, for instance.

Here are the winning Powerball lotto numbers for Wednesday September 22, 2001: 23, 27, 34, 39, 42, 40, and 1. The grand total is $42.8 million. That should be enough to help start your plans, clear the debt for the farm, and buy up some land in Smallville for an expansion to Kent Farms. You should use the lotto numbers sparingly. But what do you think about cashing in once more when the grand total reaches a few hundred million dollars? You can also give the winning numbers to Chloe or someone else and split the winnings. Remember to use common sense after you win. For example: After you win, arrange a "buying group" where a group of friends all chip in to buy lotto numbers - and the agreement you will have with your friends is that if you get a winning ticket, you'll all split the winnings. If you keep that up for six months then someone like Chloe's dad can win (you have to be 18 to purchase lottery tickets).

So you'll have to use all the adults in your life and win maybe a maximum of two more times. As impossible as the Kents winning three times in 5-10 years may be, if you have a "buying group" where you all constantly buy tickets, it goes from impossible to to plausible but nearly mathematically impossible. They still won't be able to prove anything though. And as much as you want to keep attention away from your civilian life, doesn't winning the lottery sound like a much more realistic scenario for how you built your future empire compared to just being a stock market wiz? We need a reason for your ease in massing a sizable starting nest egg. If people start snooping around, it will be very annoying. If they find someone who won the lottery three times, there's nothing they can do about it, even if they're suspicious.

In the flash drive, you'll not only find lotto numbers, but you'll find sports history up until 2009 so you can bet on games as well. I've also included a detailed plan of our future financial empire to make it easier on you. I've provided steps to take to make this easier. I'm leaving you a watch with an integrated AI called Kelex. He can assist you with building your empire.

Remember to burn this letter after you memorize and read it.

Good Luck Little Me!