
Fortress Backups

2008 - Arctic Circle - Fortress of Solitude

"Jor-El. I would like to replicate the Crystal of Knowledge multiple times to create backups. In the event the Fortress is compromised or destroyed, we would lose the last repository of knowledge from the known 28 galaxies. Can you guarantee this place cannot be destroyed or compromised? If not, then we should focus on creating backups. Don't you agree?"

"Well reasoned, my son. This can be done. However, this location was chosen based on its isolation from humanity to reduce the likelihood of interaction with the populace of Earth. If you are to construct additional Fortresses, you must select locales that are secluded. While there are defenses in the Fortress, no system is infallible. The knowledge in this Fortress can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Choose your locations wisely." Jor-El cautioned.

"I will, father." I said.

Before me, a crystal platform raised with three Crystals of Knowledge. I set about creating backup Fortresses.

I left Earth to go to the Moon. I went to the far side of the moon and burrowed deep in a natural valley. I excavated deep for the dimensions that would fit the entire Fortress. I placed the Crystal of Knowledge in the center of where the Fortress would be constructed and activated the construction mode. The Fortress sprang up from the Crystal of Knowledge and roared to life (I would assume it would make some noise, but since there's no sound in space, I couldn't hear it). Through my neural link with Kelex, I commanded it to check if this Fortress was online. He confirmed it was online and networked to the Fortress on Earth.

I headed back to Earth, going to Antarctica in the most secluded place I could find. I dropped a Crystal of Knowledge and the Fortress was constructed immediately. I then set up a Zeta Tube. Using the new Zeta connection, my androids, construction and assembly bots can easily travel to and from this location.

I ordered Kelex to organize identical protection, camouflage, shields, defense and security droids, backup androids, and other enhancements I made to the original Fortress to this one. Given that there's a Zeta Tube, it will be just like walking through a doorway. It will be like building a Fortress next to my original Fortress for all intents and purposes.

This location will be my primary backup. All androids and other technology houses in the original Fortress will be duplicated. More dangerous beings that need to be imprisoned or studied will be housed in the basement of this Fortress rather than the primary Fortress. I don't want to risk anything happening to my main base.

For the final location of a backup of the Fortress of Solitude, I headed to South America. I found the most secluded space with enough space. I began shaping the section of the mountain I wanted to place the Fortress. When it was completed and I had enough land area, I placed the Crystal of Knowledge and the crystals sprang up, completing construction of the Fortress.

The Andes Mountains are the longest continental mountain range in the world. The range is 4,350 miles (7,000 km). The average height of the mountains is 13,123 ft (4,000 m).

I considered using Mount Everest or some other high mountains, but it didn't seem practical because thousands of people scale those mountains for thrill-seeking purposes. I don't want to have people come across my Fortress by accident. Given that the Andes mountain range is so vast (there's no single point that comes to mind that people would obsess over like Mount Everest), there's almost no chance someone will randomly decide to climb the space I put my Fortress on.

I set up a Zeta Tube and completed the same construction request via Kelex. I ordered Kelex to only complete the camouflage technology, then completely finish the primary backup Fortress, before finally coming back to finish the rest of the updates to the Andes Fortress location.

The goal is to have three fully-functioning Fortresses on Earth. I have them networked to increase computing capacity. In the event one location is compromised or destroyed, I have others. The Fortress on the moon is there in case anything happens to Earth. In the unlikely event the Earth is destroyed when I'm not here (I may travel the universe), then I can always use my backup on the Moon.

After all of my backups are up to the standards of my original Fortress, I may put one on Mars, deep beneath the crust of the planet. I will consider other locations at a later time. This is one of my ongoing projects (Fortress security and longevity of the repository of knowledge).