
Daily Planet Articles

Luthor Corp Poisoned Small Town Residents and Prevented EPA from Clean Up; Lionel Luthor Directly Implicated

By Clark Kent

Martha, Jonathan, and I were sitting around reading the morning paper and when we finished.

"Clark, I'm so proud of you!" Martha said.

"This is going to change this town. People are going to get the help they need. I can't believe those meteor rocks are mutating people. Great job, Clark." Jonathan praised.

"You are now looking at the Daily Planet's newest contributor. If you have any ideas for stories, let me know. By the way, these dorky glasses will take some getting used to." I said.

"Hey now. You're the one who decided on the personas. Suck it up," Jonathan scolded.

"Sure thing. And mom, thanks for getting me new clothes that actually fit. I picked up the check from the Planet this morning. Based on the potential sales of this story and the ruckus this will cause, can you cash this for me? Please set it aside for college and take some out to cover my clothes." I said.

Martha looked at the check, "This is $15,000!"

Jonathan looked shocked, "Why so much?"

I explained, "This article was paid $2 per word and then I got a signing bonus. It won't always be this much for my articles. This was an exception based on the required length to list all the corruption, crimes, and listing the victims' stories. It was a long article."

My parents were beaming.

Martha said, "If you can keep this up on top of all your other responsibilities, your college will be all paid for. Plus, you might get a scholarship if you can keep your grades up."


I completed my entrance exam, finished reading all the high school books, and read all of my college books for the first year. My enhanced mind easily memorized everything I read.

After Oliver Queen completed his investigation of Lionel Luthor, he gave Clark Kent the exclusive and began running multiple articles for the Daily Planet.

Queens' Deaths Declared Murder; Lionel Luthor Allegedy Orchestrated the Deaths of Robert and Moira Queen

By: Clark Kent

Lionel Luthor Allegedly Murdered His Parents for the Insurance Money to Fund Luthor Corp's Startup

By: Clark Kent

USAG Has Frozen the Luthors' Assets

By: Clark Kent

Luthor Corp Board Has Fired Chairman Lionel Luthor over Multiple Murder Allegations and Charges of Poisoning in Smallville, Kansas

By: Clark Kent

Lex Luthor Was Institutionalized As a Youth Over Murder of His Infant Brother Julian Luthor: Does Murder Run In the Family?

By: Clark Kent

Lex Luthor Allegedly Ordered His Father to Pay Off Wrongly Accused Max Kasich to take the Blame for Jude Royce's Murder

By: Clark Kent

Lex Luthor Beat his Friend Duncan Allenmeyer to Near Death and caused him to get hit by a car and is Currently in a Coma; Lionel Luthor Ordered Illegal Experiments on the Comatose Allenmeyer

By: Clark Kents

Class Action Lawsuits Over Meteor Rock Mutations Caused by Luthor Corp

By: Clark Kent

Lionel Luthor Arrested; Pending Trial for Murder Allegations and Various Crimes Related to Poisoning Case in Smallville, Kansas

By: Clark Kent

Queen Industries Takes Charge of Smallville, Kansas Meteor Rock Clean Up and Leads Treatment for Affected Citizens

By: Clark Kent

Queen Industries Secures Kawatche Caves and Passes Guardianship to the Kawatche Tribe

By: Clark Kent

Morgan Edge Obtains Plea Bargain; Admits He Colluded with Lionel Luthor to Murder Luthor's Parents for Insurance Money

By: Clark Kent


Lex Luthor is sitting at home, fuming over all the articles destroying Luthor Corp and Lex's reputation.

"If I see one more article by Clark Kent, I'll destroy his family," Lex fumed.