


/"I’m really good, Colt,/" I told him. I respected the man more than most. He was there for my mom and sisters after dad was gone and I had to go back to school. He made sure that they were okay, let them stay at their house, made sure everything got taken care of that my dad used to. I don’t think I could ever pay him back for everything he has done for us.

/"Ready for the new job?/"

/"Yeah. Thanks again for hooking me up with the internship that led to it./" He had so many connections from so many years playing and then coaching that he had made a few calls after I had applied for internships.

/"It was all you. Heard you worked really hard there. You deserve the job. All I did was made a few calls./"

/"I still appreciate it, none the less./"

/"Great. Listen, I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to look out for Maddy and Cleo on top of your sisters. I know Jarome is grateful too,/" he told me.