
Chapter 2

Soon 5th grade started and new adventures began. It was my last year of elementary and I soon became friends with some great people. That year was the first year I had multiple teachers. I was hated by the ma th teacher and I hated her just as much. I was placed in the back of the class in the corner, along. Even though she was told that I could not see the bored. Another reason I disliked her was because she spoke ill-will about my autistic cousin. But he adored her. A good bit happened that year. I mostly played with the boys at recess (less drama). Me and this girl won first place at the talent show together but shortly after she spread a rumor that I was lesbian which at the time was not true but I was bullied for it. Also that year I started playing trumpet. Soon 6th grade started first year in middle school. That was a horrible year. My friend from 5th grade named Zoé, Now she has some family problems which is a reason not an excuse to the things she did. Now I did not have meny friends my main friend group was Me, Adele, Paris and Zoé now Paris also had family problems which again is a reason not an excuse. Now Zoé had this thing where she would copy off of someone to be friends with them it was a whole cycle. So Zoé copied off of Adele And Paris copied off of Zoé. We also had chang who was the sweetest person ever. She came from China for business. She stayed out of the drama. But I feel that I should not go into detail about what Zoé and Paris did to me but they mentally and physically hurt me. But I stayed friends. That year I also got a boyfriend. You would think I would learn. but he was in the grade above me so the only class we had together was band. But the end of the year rolled around and it was field day which was so much fun I hung out with my boyfriend and his friends while zoé and them were somewhere else also chang had moved back home. I still miss her. But on the way home on the bus I ride with Zoé who is very angry with me because I was not there when her and Paris got into a fight but I just ignored her.

Next chapter coming soon!

I kept some things out because some people may be offended

AndrewMichellecreators' thoughts