
Chapter 1

All stories begin differently just as peoples lives are different. This is my story. I was born on Oct 13 I have always been judged for that because it's the bad luck day but I like it. I was a small blonde girl born to a mother and a father with 3 older siblings all half siblings from different marriages. As I grew up I was bullied just as most kids I didn't have any friends because I didn't get along with most people. when I was in first grade I had to start wearing glasses which I hated, and in second grade my parents devorsed. I didn't really understand I just was used to waking up in the middle of the night to my parents arguing and just standing there listening. My dad moved out and moved into an apartment with my dog abby who was a year older than me my custody was split equally between parents. My mom stayed in the house. Soon I went to a new daycare where I met my new friends which I still know today. I had great times there there where some ups and downs. But that was the first place I was sexually assaulted. I was about 8 or 9 and I was cornered by a boy who was about the same age. I dont want to go into detail but after that I did not like men being to close to me. about a year later a boy took internet in me and excepted but did not get to close but ended up liking him alot but along the way he ended up cheating on me with the same girl 3 times after the third time I was so hurt that I tried to strangle myself but my friends stopped me. After that I no longer talked to him. I then began to have depression and trust issues.

I kept some things out because some people may be offended and Also ⚠️ TW ⚠️ mentions attempted Suicide, self harm, sexual assault,

AndrewMichellecreators' thoughts