
Slice Of Life Story: With The Boyz

A basic slice of comedy story about 5 five different idiots coming together in a school. Forging a special and wonderful time together... Note: This story might offend some readers. So, if you're easily offended this story might not be for you. This story is also made by a bunch of idiots trying to make a comedy. Credit- Colosal, Burr, Volt(Me), Randy, and Scritt

Nagakoro · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fellowship Begins

The teacher slams her hands on her desk, the loud bang drawing the attention of the rowdy classroom. "Alright, kids, today we have a new transfer student joining us today!" The enthusiasm in her voice was clearly fake, but she put on a strained smile anyway, wanting to be anywhere else but in this class.

The class was abuzz with chatter, speculating who the new kid could be, what they could be like, even though they would be entering the class in just a few seconds. At the very back of the class, a boy named Volt was fully focused on his anime art piece that he's been working on for the past few days.

However, the boy next to him, Burr, tapped him on his shoulder, "I just hope the transfer isn't a weirdo; we don't need any more pervs here." He then directs a finger towards the front of the class towards Randy, the class jock.

Volt only chuckled in response, burying his face deeper into his artwork, wanting to say something but unsure of how to respond as it could get him into trouble with the jock.

Just then, the door to the classroom opens, and in walks an average heighted Chinese boy, nervously clutching the straps of the backpack close to his body. "D-dajiahao! My name is Colosal! "P-pleased to meet you all… I look… forward to..." Under the curious gaze of the rest of the students, his voice seemed to slowly die out, until the last part of the sentence wasn't audible even to him.

Burr leans back towards Volt and exclaims, "Bro I think he's Vietnamese!"

Volt shakes his head and whispers under the covers of his artwork, "He literally just said 'hello everyone' in Chinese…"

At the front of the class, Randy scoffs, his feet laying on top of his desk. "What a wimp," Randy hollers as he takes note of Colosal's seemingly timid attitude. His demeaning gaze screaming 'new play toy'. "No muscle, no chance." The cheerleaders clinging to his arms laughed maniacally as if Kevin Hart had entered the room and performed his best stand-up act.

Randy then proceeds to flex his own biceps, as if to show off to the rest class. Colosal tries to ignore his comment, clutching his backpack even tighter.

Burr took note of the rude comment and turned his seat, "He's just built different, f*cker."

Randy glances at him and sighs, "Whatever you say, freak." Randy's entourage all turn towards Burr and stick out their tongues at him, before turning around to gossip with Randy.

Volt puts his artwork down and lightly taps Burr on the shoulder, "Take it easy, ignore him."

Burr quickly sat down, slightly embarrassed as he scoffed once more towards the jock. Randy turned back towards his cheerleading squad, seemingly boasting about some achievement or whatever.

Burr secretly gave him a final middle finger under the desk to assert dominance. "That's right bitch, look away," Burr muttered triumphantly, though he didn't feel as if he had won anything.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, QUIET DOWN!" The teacher yelled, glaring vehemently at Randy. Looking at his dumb, smug face, she clenches her fist. God, what she wouldn't give to be allowed to punch it. Instead, she takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Alright then, Colosal, why don't you take a seat in the back there…"

Colosal trudged towards his seat; the first day at his new school already taking a horrible turn. He sat down and buried his head in his arms, wanting to just disappear. Burr, sitting in the seat next to his, waved at him, welcoming him. Colosal didn't notice, though, too busy dredging in his own misery. Volt took note and weakly waved as well since they would be sitting rather close to each other as well.

"It's Colosal, right?" Burr asked as he poked his new deskmate in the arm, receiving nothing but a startled reaction.

Colosal sat up, letting out a nervous squeak at the unexpected interaction. "U-uh, yea…"

"Nice, my name is Burr," he said as he gave a light smile towards his new deskmate. Though no one asked, he gloated, "I'm by far the coolest person in the class." He then swings his arm around Volt, dragging him out the stupor of his art. "This is Volt, my best friend!"

"What are you saying… we're not…" Volt looked away, refusing to look him in the eyes as he kept his head down, "we're not friends or anything.."

"He's just shy," Burr chuckled a bit at Volt's half-hearted denial, but Volt continued to deny their friendship. Burr took note and continued, "He's really shy."

Volt continues to deny his friendship with Burr and punches Burr on the shoulder, "B-Baka! We're not friends… I don't have any friends…"

Colosal gave a half-hearted chuckle, a small nervous breakdown more than anything. Buff continued to laugh, with Volt still struggling to free himself from his grip. At this point, a piece of chalk came flying from out of nowhere, smacking Burr right in the face.

"SHUT! IT!" the teacher yelled.

Me and the boyz weren't thinking it through...








Nagakorocreators' thoughts