
68. A Star is Born.

That first day, he made an appointment with David Sullivan of Snow Phoenix to discuss a

partnership. As a well-known woman's clothing brand, a partnership with Snow Phoenix

would be as powerful as that with Cold Emerald. But Cold Emerald had seen the potential

of Midnight Snacks from the beginning and had taken the risk.

It had been the first to join forces and its partnership had been won at a good price. Now,

Snow Phoenix wanted to jump on the bandwagon. Aiden did not want to look a gift horse

in the mouth, but he was wary.

He decided to talk with David Sullivan in person. So as soon as school was over in the

evening, he rushed back to the restaurant to meet him. He had already forgotten about

the chorus rehearsal.

In the next few days, something always came up. Business negotiations, restaurant

decor, staff training, or dealing with customers. In short, Aiden hardly had a moment


There was just no time to think about the chorus. Finally, the night before the show, after

school on Friday, three angry figures blocked the door of class eight. Yes, who are you

looking for? Aiden looked at the three students in front of him with suspicion.

Had he offended them in some way? There were a boy and two girls. The boy was black

and looked honest and strong. He stood behind the two girls.

The taller girl had long hair and looked ordinary to Aiden, who had seen more beautiful

women. The shorter girl did not even come up to his chest, but had a shock of short hair

and a bossy character. She put her hands on her hips and said angrily, Aiden, are you

going to join the party? You can't keep avoiding us all day.

Aiden suddenly realized and was filled with guilt. He had been so busy these last few

days that he had completely forgotten about it. He looked at the classroom clock and


I have something to do after eight o'clock. I can practice with you for two hours. That

should be enough.

Oh, right. Sorry, I thought you were just a student. I hadn't realized you were so busy,

said the short girl sarcastically.

She glared at Aiden angrily. Her face screwed up with anger. The tall girl pulled her


Look, it's rare this guy is free. Let's not waste time here. Let's get over to the music room

to practice or we'll definitely lose tomorrow.

Hmm. The short girl glared at Aiden. I'll forgive you for now and I'll deal with you after the show.

Aiden followed them obediently to the music room. On the way, he found out a little

about them. The strong boy was Jaden Johnston from class two.

Because his home was so far away, he was a boarder. The tall girl, Chloe Potter, was

from class seven in ninth grade and was the music representative for her class. As for

the short bossy girl, she was the monitor for class 10 in ninth grade and her name was

Chrissy Zlogar.

As Miss Weaver originally appointed Chrissy as the leader of the group, she was

responsible for the chorus. It was no wonder that she was so angry with Aiden that he

never turned up when she practiced every day. They soon reached the music block.

Generally speaking, Otis's music block was empty outside classes. But because the next

day was the talent show, now it was full of students practicing nervously. For fear that

they would make fools of themselves.

They were singing, dancing, playing drums and playing guitar. All kinds of things were

going on. The noisy environment made Aiden frown.

Do you want to find a quiet place to practice? Before Chloe and Jaden could say

anything, Chrissy began to sneer. Oh, Mr. Dale, do be so good as to find us a perfect

venue. Aiden shrugged and said nothing.

They finally found a quiet corner. Chrissy gave each of them a copy of the lyrics set to

work. At the beginning of the song, you come first, then I do the second verse.

Chloe follows with the third verse. And as for the last, Chrissy glanced at Aiden and said,

the last verse isn't too long. So let's give it to Mr. Dale, the expert.

Aiden looked at the lyrics and the music on the paper. Ding, read music score. Music

ability, plus one.

Ding, current progress in music ability. 11 out of a hundred. Upgrade to proficient level.

In less than three seconds, Aiden had read and learned the lyrics to the whole song. OK,

he said. Let's run it through and see where the problems are.

At the word problem, Chrissy gave Aiden a sharp look. Obviously, if something went

wrong with the chorus, she would definitely blame Aiden. Jaden cleared his throat a little

nervously and began to sing his part.

Do you remember the diary you wrote yesterday? Jaden's

rich, deep voice filled the space, instantly creating a sad atmosphere. Aiden couldn't

help nodding secretly. If ordinary people could sing with this emotion, it was going to be good. Soon, Jaden

finished singing and Chrissy immediately joined for the second verse. Then Chloe sang

the third.

Their voices are good, thought Aiden. They sang with so much emotion that Aiden could

not help but be swept along in it. Suddenly hearing a cough, Aiden opened his eyes and

found Chrissy glaring at him fiercely.

Verse four! She snarled at him. Aiden realized that Chloe had already finished the third

verse and they were all waiting for him. He laughed, a little embarrassed, then coughed

and began to sing the fourth verse.

The sky was so blue then And the days were too slow Aiden had just two lines but they

were so effective that the other three breathed in sharply. Aiden's voice drew them in,

bonding them together. As if in a trance, they seemed to have a picture in their heads.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, a man and a woman on the grass, talking about

love. When Aiden stopped singing, they still had their eyes closed, intoxicated with the

scene, unable to pull themselves away. Aiden coughed.

Chrissy, I'm finished singing. The sound of him speaking brought them back to reality.

Chrissy immediately glared with annoyance.

Why don't you carry on singing? Aiden showed her his script. I only have these lines. The

rest is not mine.

Well, we had better give you some more. Chrissy grabbed Aiden's script and added three

lines of lyrics to his part. Now, you have these three lines too.

She looked at Chloe and Jaden. Do you two agree? They nodded vigorously. Three votes

in favor.

Aiden had no choice but to take back the paper, laughing. Now, let's go from the second

verse. Under Chrissy's command, the second singing practice began.

This time, however, the first three singers were somewhat absent-minded, as if in a

hurry, and they finished the first three verses perfunctorily. Then, all eyes were on Aiden,

full of expectation. This time, Aiden had five lines.

They were still intoxicating, and Chrissy and others were mesmerized by it again. No!

Three more words for you! Chrissy was about to snatch the paper from Aiden's hand, but

Aiden immediately shook his head and said with a smile, Chrissy, if you carry on giving

me more lines, this song will become my solo. Three people's faces suddenly turned red

and embarrassed.

They did not want to give the whole song to Aiden. All three had musical talent from childhood and had performed well in music classes. Otherwise, they would not have

been selected by Miss Weaver.

But, faced with Aiden singing that moving song, they were a little embarrassed, hoping

their voices could match his.