
Sleep With Your Brother

[Mature Content] “Oh, Sir… I-I think I-Im gonna...” “Oh, my beautiful Grace. Let's do it together.” *** Grace Elizabeth Norma was a kind-goody-two-shoes girl. Everyone loved her. She lived a happy tranquil life with a perfect family and a perfect fiance. Until one day, she found out that her beloved fiance had been cheating on her with her best friend. In the middle of a heartbreak, she found herself doing one night stand. And it getting twisted, when that handsome stranger is her ex-best friend's brother! the crazy rich tycoon, Gabriel Lucius Ambrose. Led by her own recklessness, two months later, she found herself pregnant and at the same time, The Ambrose family announcing Gabriel's engagement party with another woman. After she promised that she won't ever having a relation with Ambrose family again, she decided to kept her pregnancy a secret. Grace fled to another country and started a new life with her unborn child. But five years later, the unexpected person knocked her door and demand his babies back. "There you are my baby. I've finally found you again." "Gabriel..." "And look who's there... is that my other baby?" Gabriel asked when he saw a four years old boy sat behind Grace' back.

Andromedya · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Unexpected News

Grace had dropped Arthur off on time. She had also removed his contact lenses before entering the classroom. She looked at her watch. There was still enough time for Grace to find the next bus.

She left the daycare. Gabriel was waiting in front of his car with his arms folded. She sighed and adjusted her glasses. She couldn't help but thank him because thanks to the speed of the car, Grace had more time.

"Thank you for the ride. I'll take the bus from here."

Gabriel smiled wryly. "Nope. You'll be riding in this car with me again." Before Grace could protest, the man had grabbed her hand and put her in the car. The man's assistant and driver were silent and didn't want to say anything. It was possible that from the outside they looked like they were kidnapping a woman. But the one who did it this time was Gabriel, they couldn't open their mouths to say anything.

They even slept in the car all night just to wait for their boss who said he would only visit for a short time but in the end he stayed overnight. 

It's okay for both of them, it's better like this. They could work more calmly when Gabriel was in a good mood like this. 

They arrived at the school where Grace was teaching. She thanked everyone in the car and got out. Gabriel watched Grace's back as she drove through the school's parking lot.

"Tony" Gabriel called to his assistant sitting in the front.

"Yes, sir?"

"Do as I say immediately, and make sure everyone keeps their mouths shut properly."

Tony, the blonde man nodded.

"I will start contacting them one by one."

"I want everything done by next week."

"Yes sir," he replied.

"Yes, sir. Then, may I start your briefing for today's schedule?"

"Hm, do it."

And Tony began to outline all the schedules that Gabriel would be doing that day.


Grace was opening her lunchbox. It was lunchtime. She opened her cell phone and got some reports from the caretaker at the daycare. She smiled and put her phone back.

As she was enjoying her lunch suddenly a curly-haired female teacher came over.

"Miss Norma, you have been summoned by the committee chairman and the principal," said the woman, making Grace look up from her lunch.

"Me?" she asked, a little surprised. Grace wondered for a moment if she had done anything wrong. So far Grace felt that she hadn't done anything. Ah... is it possible... her smile widened and Grace hurriedly closed her lunch box even though it wasn't completely eaten.

"Thank you for the notice, Miss Lizzy. I'll go to the principal's office right away."

Grace was getting more excited. A few days ago, the principal had said that there was a possibility that Grace could be appointed as a permanent teacher. Even though Grace didn't have a degree in education, they would try to get her to take some training and tests. Grace who heard that felt very happy. Could this be good news? Could she become a permanent teacher at this school? 

Grace stood at the door of the principal's room. She smoothed her clothes and hair to make sure that she looked presentable. Grace knocked on the door in front of her, ready for a new and better opportunity. 

The door was opened by a teacher, and Grace was invited to sit on a chair in front of the principal's desk. The committee chairman and the principal sat tensely. Grace greeted them with a simple smile.

"Good afternoon, principal," Grace greeted.

"Have a seat Miss Norma," said the principal.

Grace sat down after being invited. She waited patiently. 

The principal was an old lady with glasses. She was a kind woman. Even though Grace had only been a temporary teacher for a year, she needed to make Grace feel comfortable teaching at the school. She hoped to become a permanent teacher as soon as possible.

The headmaster sat with his hands folded on the table.

"Miss Norma, as I was saying. This is about your possible appointment as a permanent teacher."

Grace wrung her hands in anticipation of the happy news. She tried to stop her legs from moving nervously. 

"Yes, principle."

"We have to admit that you are doing a very good job. The students really like you and respect you as a teacher. We also said at the time that we would help you to become a permanent teacher. Then yesterday we had a meeting with the school and the committee."

Her heart was beating fast. Grace was probably going to have a small party with Arthur to celebrate her being made a permanent teacher.

"We can't make you a permanent teacher."

That one sentence shattered all of Grace's expectations in an instant.

"You… you can't? Is... is there a reason for the rejection? Did I do something wrong?"

"No-no, Miss Norma... you have done absolutely nothing wrong. You are an excellent teacher. But at the meeting with the committee members, they had some rejection because you don't have a college background in education and you are still a US citizen where the appointment test can only be taken by citizens of the United Kingdom and its commonwealths."

"Will... if I change my nationality, will that affect it?" asked a distraught Grace.

"I don't think that's the case, Miss Norma."

"Well, I promise I'll keep up the good work," Grace replied in a weary tone.

The principal glanced at the committee chairman beside him. Both women nodded their heads as if speaking in sign language.

"And... we already have found a new permanent teacher, Miss Norma. I'm afraid she'll be starting in three days. And....sorry to have to tell you this."

Grace knew exactly what that meant. She was being laid off and would have to find a new job. Grace nodded. She had no time to bring this up. She needed to find a job as soon as possible. She still had plenty of money from her father's inheritance. But still... if there was no income, that money would continue to erode every month.

"I understand, principal. I'll be pack my things soon," Grace said politely.

Thanks! I hope you enjoy my first book! Don't forget to votes ^^

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