
Skyrim: Faal Thur

Brom, your typical nobody, is reborn in the land of Skyrim years before the events of the game. He is determined to become the ruler that he knows this world needs if it is going to survive the return of the dragons. As he fights both men and beast to rise in power, he realizes that the strongest demons are the ones we face in ourselves. *I upload daily and I'm usually writing a few days ahead. If you leave a good suggestion it may take a while for it to appear.* **If I ever use your art, contact me with proof and I will take it down**

Mr_McGuffin · Outros
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27 Chs

Shock and Awe

"I say that I'm Innocent! What am I even being charged for?"

"You are under arrest for drugging the companions, and then stealing their artifacts!" The guard was really upset.

The companions were respected by all of the fighters in Skyrim. To attack them was to disrespect the entire province. More guards started surrounding Brom, there was at least twenty of them now. He could, in fact, beat them, not without alienating the entire hold. With how his small business is wholly dependent on this town; he simply could not afford to do this.

"I am not guilty of these crimes, but you can take me to the jarl. I will not try and fight you." Brom allowed himself to be taken in, but her whispered to Erin as he passed. "You are not associated with me, prove me innocent and get me out."

Erin simply looked away and walked off, not bothering to acknowledge Brom's wish. Smiling, Brom let himself get led away. The guards were not gentle with their new prisoner. They kept poking him with their swords and making him stumble then hitting him for not keeping up. Growing angry by this unfair treatment, Brom stopped swallowing his pride and acted.

"FAAS" Brom Shouted the word for fear.

The guards' faces paled and they dropped their weapons, some slowly fell to their knees while others had to run. Not one near him could remain standing, or even look at him after that shout. As all of the guards moved out of his way, Brom walked up to Dragonsreach to Jarl himself. Done with the treatment by the guards, he walked off, the guards still trembling from fear. Even the ones who had not been affected by the Shout were stopped in their tracks. This was the first time they had seen or heard someone shout; For when Brom was enchanting, Erin had covered them with a muffle spell.

Entering Dragonsreach, weapons were drawn and pointed at him. Irileth, the jarls housecarl, summoned a lightning spell and got ready to cast it. The stone walls and wooden floors were spotless, expensive chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and there were two large dining tables around a fire pit. All of that was in the center of the room. Past those, was the Jarl's chair and the raised platform for people to speak on. As he took all of this in Brom smiled and greeted the Jarl from across the building.

"Jarl Balgruuf, I heard you wanted to talk with me about some misunderstanding." Brom's voice echoed across the room.

"We have reliable sources and a motive; you are accused of poisoning the companions and then stealing their artifacts! I will not punish you though; I will leave that up to them." His voice, likewise, echoed across the room. It was the voice of a practiced ruler.

Brom continued walking forward. Despite all the hostile actions and threatening glares, no one tried stopping him. They all saw, and heard, what he did to those guards. He stopped in front of the Jarls throne, not even bothering to bow. Ignoring Irileth's glare at his obvious insult, he addressed the Jarl.

"And who is this reliable source? And what is my motive?" His voice was calm and assured.

Jarl Balgruuf shifted in his seat, then as if realizing his actions. He forced himself to lean back casually, although it was too late to hide his anxiety. Looking at the man who he just found out about not half an hour ago. Balgruuf did not see some scheming assassin or thief like the reports made by Eorlund made him sound like. Yet, Eorlund was a trusted and respected figure and would not have lied. Taking a steading breath, Balgruuf responded to the man who brought his guards to their knees with only one word.

"The source is a well-respected figure in all of Skyrim, but I will not give up his identity without their consent. As for your motive, you had the companions retrieve them and they would be highly valuable now that they had the full set. Is the mountain of gold not motive enough?"

Looking into the eyes of the Jarl, Brom could see his conflict. After all, someone who could use the Thu'um and still speak was someone to be respected, and he was dressed as an experienced warrior; putting him at the same base power as someone like Ulfric who can use the Thu'um as well. Politely smiling, Brom started his case.

"Jarl Balgruuf, if I was really the thief why would I allow myself to be captured? It is obvious that I had the chance to escape earlier, and why would I risk coming to Whiterun?"

"You are confident enough in your power, that you decided to come and gloat about your victory with no fear of capture. That is what a powerful thief would do."

Nodding his head, Brom then countered. "Why that may be the case for most thieves. I had already received payment from Eurlund for those fragments' locations. Why would I risk the anger of an entire province for a sum of gold?"

Balgruuf had to concede this point. After all, money was worthless if you had nowhere to go to spend it. But now he had some new information, after all, that is what this interrogation was about.

"What payment could he have given you that could equal in value the companions most prized possessions?"

"I'm wearing it."

"Just some armor? While it is unique looking, I don't see the value being more than such a sought-after artifact like Wuuthrad."

"Well, when you finally decided I've told you enough. You will see the value of such armor."

Balgruuf's eyes widened. This man had seen right through his plans, he decided to act quickly before things got out of hand. He subtly started tapping his finger in restlessness.

Seeing the new motion, Brom crossed his arms trying to put on the most confident and relaxed stance he could. Then he watched Irileth, after all, she was the biggest threat here. Seconds passed, then Balgruuf started talking again.

"While I'm still not sure what you meant by those words, I can say that you have been quite cooperative despite your earlier incident with the guards. Although, you are a wanted man and you will have to stay under my care till the fragments can be found and your name cleared."

"So, you are denying that Irileth has just cast three different traps around me, and it charging another spell. And you want me to sit in prison while you try and recover the fragments. Sorry, no deal. I'll find them on my own."

Turning with a bored attitude, he strode away from the Jarl. Irileth's traps all activated and lighting struck Brom from three separate directions, then a bolt of fire hit him square in the back followed by several Ice Spikes and a Fireball. An overkill setup for a warrior, even a warrior in high-quality armor. All of the nearby people dove out of the way and the court mage even put up Wards to protect the surrounding people and guards.

Not even bothering to stop in his stride, Brom walked out of the resulting steam and smoke unscathed. The collective jaws of everyone in the room dropped as they saw he was unaffected by such an assault. A strong mage with a powerful ward could have done that, but certainly not a simple warrior. Brom said one last thing as he opened the doors to leave Dragonsreach.

"Have a good day Jarl Barlgruuf. Oh, and try to pick your jaw off the floor."

As the doors closed and Brom left his sight, Balgruuf slammed his fist down. Jumping to his feet he walked towards where his house-carl and court mage were still standing in shock.

"How! How did that happen? No one, except powerful mages, is supposed to be able to ward off that attack. What spell did he use?" Balgruuf's yelling startled them out of their trance-like state.

Irileth simply shook her head, and Balgruuf's attention turned to Farengar. Swallowing, Farengar gave his best explanation of what could have happened.

"Well, he did not cast a spell Jarl. He was just… protected somehow."

"Go get Eorlund and bring him to me. I want to know what kind of armor he made for that man." He commanded the nearest guard.

Walking back to his throne, he sat down and rested his head on his fist. 'I will have to keep an eye on this Brom.' He thought to himself.

It is late, and I'm not sure of the quality. But here you go, proof I'm not dropping this novel.

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts