
SKYCLAD PSYCHOSIS: (the devil's proxy)

"Let's Live together. I want your body and I want to kill you, You also loved the sex and you want me dead too, so let's live together" >>> What is EVIL? I could give you a million definitions to explain what Evil means, but I'll do it in one word... ME. My daily live was like any other normal human being. Breath, Eat, Work, Sleep and Mutilate. Along with my Artificial Intelligence Barb, everything was beyond perfect. We had nice, fun activities like 'slice up the Old man', or 'dissect the beautiful lady'. But we mostly played 'smash the lady with a sledge hammer' and 'chase the lady around the house with an axe'. This was until I had my heart broken. Two major things happened to me after my heart got broken... One, I met a girl. And two... I accidentally met the devil. And now he doesn't want to let me go. He wants to make me a doorway between Hell and earth. A key that would drag in more souls to hell. He wants souls, but can not interfere with the affairs of humans directly, and I just think cutting people open is fun. All I had to do was continue what I was already doing. It was all going according to plan, until I realized I had more power than any living creature on earth. Being the devil's proxy wasn't enough anymore. Now I want more. Now... Now I want to make my own hell on earth. >>> "Now that you've given me so much power, what do you get in return?" "Nothing, just the souls of the unfortunate." the devil shrugs. "That's a lie, there's always something extra. So tell me what you want from me." "Okay fine. There is one thing." "What is it?" "Let it rain Hell on Earth" "with pleasure" >>> P.S Although it might seem like a horror movie, it's a romance story. A romance between two blood-crazed psychopaths. Okay, I'll be honest, it's a mixture of gore and romance. My story is a Gore-mance. >> >> The world in this story is a little bit different from earth as we know it, and it's a fantasy novel so some names of places have either been changed or just remodeled. Follow on Instagram : @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

24. Sexually aroused

"You didn't even ask him what he was doing last night hmm? I know he looks calm, but there's a one percent chance that he is the killer, we should have questioned him further."

*Sigh* "Rookie, there's one thing you should know. Some people are very strong minded, and strong minded people deserve special care. Some are born psychopaths, they don't feel like others do. That guy in there, seems to be the combination of both. He's like a strong minded psychopath. But I don't think he did it."

"How do you know? How can you be so sure."

"I could feel it. Get the CCTV footages to the entire building."

"Inside that department, there are beings that shouldn't walk upon this earth. Two of them. I could smell it. The kind of beings that has long been wiped off the surface of this earth."

"What kind of beings?"

"A Siren... And a Ghulah."


*Atchew* " is someone talking about me?"

"Uff! That woman has some scary aura." I flinched as Evie spoke next to me, and now I'm really thinking, maybe it is better we continue out telepathic transmissions.

"I think so too, it's easier for both of us this way." She didn't even ask for permission before barging into my head. But it was way better than her opening her mouth.

"So, Mr. Richards is dead" why she was whispering, I don't know, but she was whispering inside my head. "Why are you repeating what they already said?" I ask, turning to walk away from her questions.

"Nothing, just wondering how you did it that the police says he was completely mutilated." She says, that coy look on her face sickened me. "You really need to learn to mind your own business," I reply in my head, inching closer to her, our foreheads almost touching as I say with my mouth, The viciousness obvious in my eyes. "My business will get you killed" I say and charmingly walk away.

I don't have the time to be bothered by her or that werewolf, my priority now is Bruce Kent. He invited me over to his place, he sure has planned everything out that devious man.

But then what he didn't plan for is ME.

I'm sure he thinks I'm one simple naive girl like his previous victims, but then I'm much more than an ordinary girl. There was a time when witches though seen as one of the strongest beings on earth, bowed down before me, prayed to me, worshipped me and begged for my help.

Bruce Kent doesn't know what's coming for him.


Lords! Why is she so quiet now. She's sending Shivers down my entire body. I mean she was all bubbly in front of the food this afternoon, and now she's like a stiff gargoyle. I feel like i'm in the car with my father.

"Uhh... Barb, some music please." I say, her cold demeanor is just freaking me out. Some music should break the cold ice.

"Playing some music." I really tried my best not to laugh. She always calls me an actor, but really Barb is no better, look how she switched into robotic mode, she's sounding like a real computer now.

#My body is your party, baby, Nobody's invited but you, baby

I can do it slow now, tell me what you want# Barb is one mad computer.

#Baby, put your phone down, you should turn it off

'Cause tonight it's going down, tell your boys it's going down#

I could see her head turning towards me in shock. What is wrong with Barb, why play this kind of song.

"I_ I'm sorry. This crazy computer malfunctions sometimes." I said trying to change the raunchy song, but Barb was just a big bad computer. "Barb change the song to something else."

"Changing song." She finally said, and...

#Kiss it, kiss it better, baby... Kiss it, kiss it better, baby#

What the!! Barb is out of her mind. The car is already awkward as it is, why play this kind of songs?

"I_ I_ I'm really sorry about this." I punch the screen continuously, but Barb wouldn't let me in. I tried changing the song but BARB!!.

"Blood pressure between you two is rapidly increasing." Since when did she start sounding so polished and refined. She sounds like the lady who keeps track of flights in the airport.

"The kisspeptin and Testosterone are fiercely reacting." she continues.

"What are you saying Barb? Shut up."

"Your body heat is rapidly increasing, according to my analysis. You are both sexually aroused." This cool, calm voice of hers is driving me nuts. What the hell is she saying, I swear to God if this lady decides to come down from this car right now, I'll shut Barb down for a whole month.

" You're both sexually attracted to each other. You both want to have sex." That's it, what would she think of me now. I am going to ruin you Barbara. I will ruin you even if it's the very last thing I do. I'm sure she's thinking am doing this on purpose, and she probably thinks I'm a freak now... But then...

"That's a very accurate analysis." I swear, my heart skipped. At some point I know I wasn't driving the car again, thank God for Barb, because Nelo always finds a way to have me awestruck.

"Well, it's an accurate analysis for me." She continues saying, and I don't know if she's hypnotizing me or something, but she's definitely pulling me in.

"I don't know about you, but your AI's analysis is totally accurate for me." She says, and as her lips opened and closed, I hungered for her even more, I wanted to have her in my mouth and just bite her nonstop.

"Tell me Mr. Kent, how do you feel?" she slightly bit her bottom lip, and Lords! was she driving me insane.

"I_ I_ I_I.. mmph." my eyes flew wide open as she suddenly pounced on me.