
SKY by dreamalittlefic

What would you do for your family? The one you lost and the one you're making both of them are dear to you. Will you try and take revenge which means putting your new family in danger? Or will you forget your real family, the one you have always wanted to keep safe but failed miserably? "I'm surprised you haven't grown out fangs, princess," he said, a toothy smirk on his face that I've been trying not to punch keeping in mind I need him. "Do not call me princess!" "Why, do not like the names I give you, huh angel?" "I am not a princess, princesses get their work done for them. Me? I do my own work and make my own rules."

dreamalittlefic · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


"I love you, I love you so much." He said, fingers tracing his initials on my skin and eyes never leaving it. I took his hands kissing them, fingertips and knuckles.

"I love you so much more, you are so important to me, you don't even know", he shook his head stopping himself from crying.

"Let's continue what we left in between", I said, palming him and he snapped his neck towards me.

"Yes, you're gonna get it now, I'm done with your teasing", he said smiling mischievously.

"Okay", I said and start grinding against his thigh again. He flexed his thigh under me and a loud moan erupted through my throat, which made him hornier.

I used my hands, still grinding, to unbuckle his belt and then his jeans. He tapped my waist and I got off his lap and on my knees in front of him.

"I swear to god if you tease me now, I won't kiss you for atleast a-" I shut him up by deep throating his dick. He gasped and groaned throwing his head back. I pulled away and used my tongue to lick longer strips and intertwined my hands with his going deeper again.

"S-Shit, Mhm, faster, go faster", I complied moving faster keeping his hands interlocked into mine.

"Pull away", I pulled away with a pop sound, today was his day, no teasing.

"You're so fucking good at these."

"Get on your fours." He told me firmly pulling me up with him and I did so, knees on the couch and hands on the headrest. He came up behind me bending down so his mouth was next to my ears.

"Now kitten, who's your daddy?" He asked rubbing my clit from behind using one hand and the other choking me lightly.

"You, y-you're my D-daddy." I stuttered when his fingers enter me pushing my panties to the side.

"Good", he said moving back but not stopping his fingers. He removed all his clothes and I watched him stroke himself twice before he entered me. This time he was not slow and gentle like before, he just completely slammed into me making me grip the couch tighter.

"Oh my god", both of us moaned and I arched my back. He started moving in and out once I gave him a go, slow for a few thrusts but then he picked up pace. His thrusts become rougher and faster. I screamed out a string of curses and his name thrice.

He grabbed my hair lightly yanking me up so I was on my knees on the couch. None of us could form words so we just keep moaning. His hands left my waist groping my breasts and one rubbing my clit. I cried out, arching my back even more and he changed the position.

He laid me down on the couch on my back and put one of my leg over his shoulder while I wrapped one around his waist pulling him in even more. He pulled out and thrusted in again hitting my G-spot and this time I couldn't even think straight, I just keep moaning louder and louder. I cam almost as soon as he rolls his hips deeper into me. He didn't stop though.

Soon enough his hips start stuttering and he pulled out, cumming on my stomach. I breathed out in relief and he exhaled too. I closed my eyes in exhaustion but my eyes shot open when his thumb met my clit again.

"What are you doing? Stop!" I yelled moaning and he smirked.

"I told you you'd regret it but your moans tell me otherwise." He slapped it making me lose my mind and inserted a finger, one more and another. I arched my back, tears forming in my eyes out of pleasure. As his fingers slipped in and out of me and his thumb circled my clit, I reached another orgasm and he finally stopped.

"I, I'll go prepare a bath, you rest, happy birthday again." I got up kissing him again but he wrapped his arms around my waist hoisting me up and turned me around in circles making me smile against his lips.

"Let's do it together, I don't need rest, I need loooooveee", he said in a sing-song voice.

"Okay", I whispered and he picked me up bridal style putting me down once we reached my parent's room. They had a whole Jacuzzi tub inside. We got inside and I ran us a bath while he came back with his shirt, sweats and two towels.

"What about my clothes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not gonna be wearing my shirt?" He raised an eyebrow too and I nodded in understanding.


"Bee! Wake up!" I heard somebody yell but I chose to ignore it. I pulled the duvet over my head, ducking under Young-Jae's arm and wrapping legs and arms around him. I felt him turn to his side as he pulled me completely over him and then snuggled into my neck.

"Oh my god! Wake up! Fucking swines!" I pulled my head out, trying not to headbutt Young-Jae in the process and squinted my eyes towards the person standing there. I was too sleepy.

"Who are you?" I asked closing my eyes again because of the sunlight. Sunlight?

Oh, shit sunlight. I was late.

"Oh wow, I leave you alone for one night and this is how you behave?" Trevor asked with a bewildered expression and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'll be down in a minute, don't wake him up." I whisper yelled at him and turned to Young-Jae when he held his hands up moving out.

I kissed his forehead, rolling off him and covered him with the sheets again. He stirred a little grabbing for me but I handed him a pillow instead and closed the curtains, letting him sleep in. I ran out the room closing the door. Once I reached the kitchen, I found the boys arguing over something in Korean while also trying to bake the cake I had to.

"Oh my god, my sweet pancakes, you tried to make the cake for me!" I giggled entering the kitchen.

"Oh thank god you're up, help us out now." Nathan sighed hugging me sideways.

"Okay, let's make the cake first and while it'll bake, I'll make the food." They nodded and we got to work.

"Nat, pass me the baking powder." He tossed the container to me and I added it into the batter I asked Kyle to mix.

"The oven's pre-heated." I nodded at Seok-Min and handed Jake and Trevor the batter. They poured it into the mould and Seok-Min put it in. We all sighed in relief once it was done and I took the apron from Kyle to cook.

"He loves meat right, the one you guys said?"

"Yeah, bulgogi but you don't have barbeque." Jake said shrugging. Why didn't I think of this before?

"I have a stove barbeque skillet." Will it work?

"It'll do." Hyun said sitting on the counter and I smiled brightly.

"Okay, I learned the recipe, I'll make the sauce first and then dipping the meat in it, I'll grill it." None of them said anything and I sighed.

"Please tell me I'm right." I closed my eyes tightly shut.

"You're right, it's just that we've never had anybody put so much effort for us. Even if it's not the best, he'll die of happiness." I blushed and smiled while nodding.

"Okay, we're not helping, you do this, we'll go take showers." I shrugded because it was not that difficult. It was almost lunch time, he would wake up soon by himself so I needed to be quick.

"Call for us if you need anything." Kyle said fixing my shirt by the shoulders.

I quickly put in all the ingredients from the recipe and made the sauce. I need to make it fresh enough for him so I keep the meat dipped in sauce by the side and grab the iced americano I asked Hyun to bring along, making my way upstairs. I knocked on the door but when he didn't respond, I opened the door and found him still asleep. I placed the coffee on the vanity table and climbed on the bed with him.

"Good morning birthday boy, it's time to wake up," I softly said pecking his face completely. He grabbed my waist making me yelp and rolled onto his side with me.

"I know, why weren't you here when I woke up?" Oh.

"Oh, I was with the boys." He opened one eye to look at me and then scoffed playfully.

"Oh come on, get up, I'll be with you for many coming birthdays, we can wake up together then," he smiled with closed eyes and I kissed him quickly patting his ass. He's got a cute ass.

"I'll be down after a shower", he yelled behind me as I closed the door.

The boys soon came all downstairs and I took the cake out of the oven. I had got 10 minutes.

"Okay, everybody, at the table in two, Joonie set the table for me please?"

Once the cake was done and the table was set, I heated the skillet and grilled the meat for one serving first. I heard foot steps so I rushed everything, keeping the meat cut into perfect pieces as I was taught with the cake hidden for afterwards. I served his portion, stealing one piece.

"What in the world- Oh Bulgogi, Oh my-" He looked really surprised and I intertwined my hands in front of myself biting my lips in anticipation.

"Happy birthday!" We all yelled at the same time and he grinned widely. I loved his smile.

"Do you like it?" I asked once he sat down placing the coffee beside his plate and took one piece of the food. He looked at me with a blank expression and I swore my heart jumped out of me.

"Are you kidding me? I love it. I love you." He said and gestured for me to come closer which I did smiling from ear to ear.

"Thankyou baby, I love you so much. This is my best birthday yet." I blushed visibly and smiled at him.

"Be quick, we have another thing for you." Seok-Min said impatient to eat the cake.

Once we had cut the cake and everything was done, Young-Jae settled down to watch a movie with the boys giving me enough time to complete the task with the Mark guy. The boys would distract him for enough time and I could always say I was at the store or something.

"What do you want to know?" Mark asked, a little suspicious. I had been talking about shit for thirty minutes when I told him my father's name and that I found his name familiar because I had seen it in the files.

"Just asking what you have to do with him?" I asked sweetly and tucked my hair behind my ear smiling at him. Wow, I wanted to call myself creepy but it was working on him.

"Oh, uh, we had a deal, he wanted to sell off something", he said, a little too distracted by my collarbones visible to him. Such a pervert.

"Can you please tell the details to my lawyer? You know I don't wanna get caught up in some illegal things or something when I'm all alone, no family, no friends, no body to love me." He gulped nodding and I grabbed his hand pulling him up with me out of the cafe.

I took him to the Miller's and we went in through the back door so he didn't become suspicious.

"Mr. Miller? I have somebody for you to meet." The said man emerged from the stairs into the same living room that brought back too many bad memories. I cleared my throat to distract myself and smiled at my 'lawyer'.

"Ah yes, is this the gentleman you told me about?" He asked smiling a little. Wow, he smiled too?


"Alright young man, tell me the details." I joined arms with him, smiling innocently at him which I was far from. He looked at me then the old man and then when I clung to his arm he nodded.

He started by telling about the various things my father did which I didn't completely understand but as soon as he finished, the old man looked at me and I nodded curtly.

"Okay Mark, this is it for us." I said leaving his arm and he looked at me puzzled trying to come with me but I take my gun from under my top and point it at him.

"Sit down, you're not going anywhere now." I gestured for him to sit with my gun and he did so sweating. I shot near both his legs and he shivered.

"This was for looking at me like that and for making my boyfriend jealous."

"Thank you B- I mean Jullian, you're free to go now. Go celebrate your boyfriend's birthday," Mr. Miller said and I furrowed my brows when he tossed me a packet.

"What's this?" He awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away from me.

"It's white chocolate, Felony had told me they were your favourite." He didn't even look and me and I laughed a little at his awkwardness.

"Oh my, thank you." I bowed dramatically and he flipped me off.


"Birthday boy! I'm home."

"Oh my god, I thought you died or something." I punched his shoulder playfully and he winced before carrying me in his arms kissing me on the whole face.

"I'm not dying anytime soon so get used to me," I joked when he put me down on my feet again.

Oh? Marry me then, we'll make a lot of babies and get used to each other."

I choked.