

A story about a group of friends as they walk the path of life in the hedonistic and unpredictable society of mankind. Every ending is a new beginning and so the story begins.

Debasish_padhi · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


A sweet memory brings a huge amount of satisfaction every time it is recounted. It is a memory one often prefers to remember, in times of needs, in times of desperation, in times of hopelessness, and most frequently in times of regrets. A memory that satisfies so many requirements is bound to be incredibly detailed and lively in the subject's mind. Well, this one was too.

I still remember where I was because a great revelation was about to hit me. I was just a small sixth-grader from a joint family of professional lawyers and educationists. The two things had a lot in common, the foremost being a sense of logic required for every move one makes in their life. Yet that day, logic seems to have deprived my mind, because I had no prior information regarding the discussion I was about to take part in.

I was roaming around the small town of Rayagada. I was peddling my bicycle with all my strength, enjoying the evening wind blowing on my face. I was on my way to my playmates in a secluded part of the town. Today was the day all the members of our teenage gang were about to hold a match popular in our country. It was called cricket.

I reached there, welcomed by my team members who were eagerly waiting for arrival. The feeling of elation filled up my mind as me and my team came face to face with our rivals. They were our seniors in terms of age, but the encouragement and thought process involved behind the match was the same as ours. It was the thought of getting to play for fun.

The small border between fun and competitiveness was something that had managed to boost the game for such a long time. People not only came together, interacted, and enjoyed their time but tried their hardest to push their limits and develop their strengths and weakness while playing this simple game. It was one of the reasons, it was so popular in a densely populated country of ours.

I still remember the feeling I had when I was playing the game. The feeling of thrill and competition mixed with a mind made-up for going to any lengths to gain victory for my team. I was pushing my limits with every move I made. I tried to jump higher and catch the bowl. I tried to run faster to grab a wicket. I tried to hit harder to score more points.

If there was one moment that come into mind, it was when I managed to knock out the stumps of the greatest threat to my team. The exhilarating feeling of happiness combined with the newly gained arrogance of being skilled enough to take out the enemy boss. Every moment of that victory felt incredible to me.

A hedonistic expression-filled my face as I made way to the loser and looked him in the eyes befo0re speaking out. " I win." I turned around and ran for my cycle, knowing my mother would kill me if I was any late than I was already.

I was exhausted from the hours-long play but managed to somehow climb on top of my cycle and begin the process of pedaling. I slowly made my way through the narrow streets, escaping the manholes and dogs alike, trying my best to speed up. When I reached home, all I had in mind was the intense session of scolding I was about to get.

Little did I know, fate had something else planned for me.

Rather than the quiet evening I always experience within the house, the set-up looked like my father and uncles were having some important discussion. I decided to escape the eyes of everyone present and sneakily make my way to the room through the kitchen, but someone within the room managed to sense my presence.

It was one of my uncles who said.

'He is home. Hey man, come here. We need to talk with you."

The atmosphere was too light for a scolding, but a bit serious for a casual order or request. I was curious about the talk, but something in my heart told me, the discussion was centered towards me.

"We have decided to hold your thread-ceremony." For those who don't know it is a big function within the Indian culture, it is deemed necessary. ( The details are not so important.)

The function was laid out in front of me and no matter whether they had my consent or not, they managed to forward with the plan anyway. It was one of the faults of being from a joint family. I talked it out with my elders and understood a lot of things about the ceremony itself. The moment dragged to become a talk session between my elders until finally, I got the news that would become one of the biggest turns in my life.

I was back in my room and finished my homework for the day. I was about to go about for an interactive session with my elder brother when I find my father talking with him I approached the two of them, and it looked like they were waiting to talk with me.

"Now that you are here son, I have something important to inform you. I and your mother have decided to move out of the house and go to the place where I work. We would like for you to come with us. "

Contrary to what people might think, my answer was something that surprises me even today.

"I would love to." I said.