
songs of birds and bees

AN- a few times this chapter I refer to paragraph comments, those will be filled in gradually and may not be filled in unusually at launch


I didn't just parent trap my parents for the amusement, although that was a big part of it. winterfell is too small to hold my ambitions and I want my mom to have hopes and dreams beyond myself, I can't take her to travel the world with me. now when I leave, she will be not be lonely, will be well cared for and protected.

instead of dying away as an old women with nothing to her but a son half a world away and a lover living with another women, she will be loved not only by one lover but two. if lady stark happens to have any children, she wouldn't look at them as privileged brats but as her own children, just like masse Lyarra treats me. (masse is mother/matriarch in old toung of the first men <for more info read paragraph comment> ). I've taken to calling her that after my lessons with measter that my father sponsered. I've also learnt other languages from essos and other continents.

I didn't have much interaction with other Starks like my grand father as he was always too busy being the lord, but my grand mother, not knowing our blood relationship was still fond of me. both of them put quite some pressure on my father to sire a hier but he didn't give in saying that he would only allow Lyarra to birth after she turned 18. he always felt a little uncomfortable that she married at 14 when he was already 22, but such things were common place in this society, let alone the fact that she is his aunt (cousine) as well as wife.

during these years in winterfell, I was able to sneak into woolfswood, where only Starks were allowed so only a stark could catch me if I was there. I made sure to not go when my grand parents were there so only my father could really catch me, and he was never against me going there any way. so far as he was concerned, although I couldn't inherit anything from him, peace from heart tree from the woolfswood was atleast my birthright.

I sung to and made friends with animals there and it was with a particular bee hive here that I was first able to learn to wrag into multiple beings at once. after I found a queen bee, I wraged into it and my mind was suddenly more open to a hive like connection than it was ever before, not that queen bees actually control them as a wrag does, no they use harmones and genetic predisposition of other bees to control them but they have the personality of the hive mind that I lacked.

When we make decisions, our brains are abuzz with agreements and vetoes. Groups of neurons represent different choices, and interact with one another until one rises to the fore. From this noisy cross-talk, a choice emerges. The same thing happens in a bee hive. The entire colony, consisting of tens thousands of individuals, works like a single human nervous system, with each bee behaving like a neuron. When they make a decision, such as choosing where to build a nest, individual bees opt for different choices and they support and veto each other until they reach a consensus. They have, quite literally, a hive mind. (source-https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/how-headbutts-and-dances-give-bees-a-hive-mind) <for more info, read paragraph comment>

once I got in such mind set, I was able to set up similar communication with my birds through my song and my lute. by the time I reached 12 I was able to do so without the need for lute but only with my birds that I have been wraging into for longest time. but I could still command and control other animals with my lute and singing.

at 12 I already was size of normal 14 year olds and growing fast. I had reactive instincts of many herbivores found in woolfswood like rabbits and

ferocity of carnivores. after my experience with bees,I even tried to wrag into some insects and arachnids and I can now say that I have Spidey sense.<more info on what Spidey sense is in paragraph comment>.

in gamer terms, I don't gain any attributes or stats from wraging, but I can learn skills and abilities that I have correct body parts for. I mean I know how to fly, but don't have wings. but skills are still very useful. every time I wrag into rabbits, I feel like I can jump better. every time I wrag into a cat, I feel like my balance became better and I now always fall on my feet and had greater maneuverability in air when I jump high. all these things add up and make me a nightmare to my sparing partners.

I can even tap into the hive mind aspect when I play war songs in lute while my father spars with our master of arms and absorb a bit of their skill in swordmanship. my father as future inheritor of ice fought with a two handed great-sword while the master of arms fought with long sword, switching between one handed and two handed whenever he needed. my war song makes their performance even better than it would have normally been so I gain a decent bit every time.

this actually led to one of the only interactions I had with my grand father, where he loved how I was able to use the clangs and hits of the swords as beats to my music and even control the tempo of the battle literally at the tip of my fingers. he even ordered a book about war music from citadel as northeners only used war horns and drums for moral and commands while Southerners had tactics of using similar loud instruments for different tactics, from hiding the true number of the army by drowning the sound of marching to other tactics which require specific things to be played on instruments to give more complex commands.

of course he didn't know I was his grand son, so he didn't do it out if goodness of his heart. he just thought he was creating a probably useful pawn if I could learn and use these tactics with Northern soldiers in future at very low cost of a few books, which would anyway go too the library with maesters after I've read up on them. too bad for him that I had plans to leave by age if 13 anyway.

in my years here, I've learnt some of Westerosi medicin from the measter at winterfell and some hedge wizard I found in winter town through the brothel. through the hedge wizard I was Able to come in contact with a wood witch, who helped me lean some of magical potion brewing. all of her potions were simple soups of healing herbs that she enchants with magic to be much more effective.

similarly she could brew some drugs and use magic to control the high that it would produce to make different potions like love potion, calming draught and other emotion manipulation potions. in return, I would sing to her when she brewed . if she was brewing love potion,I would play a romantic song. if she was making a health potion, fertility potion or vitality potion(viagra), I would play songs of the children of the forest passed down generations of first men that farmers sing in prayers in hopes of increasing their yields.

on my 13th name day, I told my parents I was leaving to essos in search of glory and there is nothing that could do about it. they did try emotional blackmail but I stood stubborn. I told them that I plan to make a life out there . it is well known that I'm a bastard and although the treatment is not as bad in North as it is South under the faith of the seven, i still don't have much promise to improve my standing and climb the social ladder. in essos any unknown merchant can become a city lord or head an army of Mercenaries.

despite my logic, they were still against it, but they understood where I was coming from. my mother was a prostitute because she was a bastard. otherwise she could have easily found a common folk husband to settle down with her beauty. And even with favour of my father the best I could be was a servant here. he knew I was too good to be a servant, already at 13 ,I looked like a 16 year old, but without much hair on my body.

they knew I trained birds so I promised to keep sending letters and with that I left winterfell with three parents crying at my trail. it took me 3 days of constant travel and changing horses with wild ones to not overexert them, but I reached white Harbor. I paid for a one way trip to closest City in essos, bravos. the trip was leisurely and I spent it singing many a sea Shanti to the group, making my cost of travel in the tips. our ship was visibly well protected by Mercenaries so pirates didn't really show up, even then for precaution I was using my birds as scouts for caution.

when I landed, I sent a bird to winterfell with letter telling of my safe landing in bravos.i don't have anything particular to do in bravos,I just want to learn magic so I send my birds to roam around the continent and spy for me where I could learn more about magic. I of course knew about quarth and asserai but the warlocks were known to be back stabby.

they overhead many a conversations which I could watch as if replaying a movie in the hive mind when they come back to me. I made a mental list of a few people and places of interest and made my way to myr. I sent my birds back with some more instructions. through these years I've been able to not only jump from my skin to another, I was able to even jump from that new skin to a third one even. only experiments with wraging that I've held off on are ones with people involved because of old gods considering it a sin.

i didn't want to do that in their territory not it because of fear but just politeness and too many people going insane would definately be suspicious. winterfell didn't take any prisoners as most criminals were either swiftly executed or sent to take the black. so any human experiments would be experiments on my father's loyal law abiding subjects.

here though, I've already encountered multiple parties of bandits on my way to myr who would love to make a slave out of me. I would use my birds to scout them miles away and try to wrag into them as birds, after a few brain dead birds and a lot of brain dead bandits later I was finally able figured it out. this is the main ability I'm going to be using in my pursuit to learn as much magic as I can.

taking a ship to lys brought me more lab rats in form of pirates whome I used to experiment with little blood magic that I figured out after watching it being performed throughout the continent through my birds eyes. this is actually what I expect my days to be for a while now. to look at magic through birds or people possessed through birds and then try to replicate them, if they needed sacrifice, well there were pirate slavers aplenty in these waters near lys.

and so went by almost a year in lys. I of course lost this body's virginity here and me saying that I'm a son of Northern prostitute became a pick up line rather than derogatory when here. other than pillow houses and trade, lys was famous for its Alchemist who brewed some of the best perfumes and poisons in the world. I used diluted versions of these poisons and others that come through trade from around the world with my knowledge of enchanting liquids to turn into potion I was able to develop an immunity to almost all known poisons in the world.

during this time I made a name for myself in this city as a premier bounty hunter, going by the name of Roro Zoro. a lot of merchants pass by lys and a lot of them get easily offended. a pirate group they are working with can easily find themselves on bounty board for smallest mistakes. my most common tactic is actually just dipping my birds feet in poison and find a good opportunity to dip their feet in pirates alcohol or food. I may possess a crew sometimes if I need to bring them alive or need more sacrifices for experiments.

I used this new identity because William snow has been writing letters to his parents and sending them tiny souvenirs from all around essos. don't want them to hear of William snow that matches their son's description being a famous bounty hunter in lys while my letters tell them I'm at at volantis, leaning some trade at the same time.

I've not only experimented with wraging though. every time I try something new, I experiment it on others first. even my potions I made to immunise myself to poisons, I used then on pirates first to check their efficiency and side effect. similarly another experiment of mine have shown great promise.

shade of evenings is the source of power for warlocks of quarth, yet is almost freely available on open market, not only in quarth but in lys(trading hub) as well but it is extremely expensive and turns people ugly and old on drinking it too much. I've only yet drunk it with other's bodies while possessing them and even made a tamed vulture into virtually undead one by exposing him to constant dose of it. after all I don't really keep my pirates long enough to observe any long term effects it has.

it's main benifit was that it allowed one to more easily access/sense ones magic, while drawback being that not all have enough magic to make truly be able to make use of sensing it and it destroys users body. warlocks were only able to use it by using magic they gain access to through it to look healthy and functioning but they are for most part withering.

all of this only took a year and by the time I turned 14. I had experimented some rituals from observing various temples for various gods here and with potions and these rituals I was able to turn my undead looking vulture into a being that didn't need air to breath, but only magic to survive. it could absorb that magic from flesh it scavenges and from the environment. but the cost is that it ages at 10 times the rate it would otherwise. I had sent it to Valyria to scout that land for me, now that it didn't need to breath or really eat so long as he can absorb magic at cost of his life force (life expectancy), it was easily able to scout those lands for me. unfortunately it never made it back and died there of old age.

another ritual I experimented with was bloodline adaptation through sex with various Valyrian looking prostitutes. I didn't succeed completely in stealing what was theirs but I was very successful in giving them more resonance with bloodline/magic resonance with my first man magic/blood.

this is not to be confused with genetic component of blood but magical, afterall in this world it is the most magical substance. weirwood trees were said to be fed blood and Targaryen motto was fire and blood. the secondary ingredient for a lot of potions including shades of evening was blood and most temples that practice magic are actually practising blood magic. with my new ritual, I could not change genetics, but concentration of magic in blood and flavour of magic in blood. I could also absorb it in my blood.

I use similar rituals and potions to my undying vulture on myself but without aesthetic effects and I can already feel closer to magic itself. I can forgo the tasks nessasary for living at cost of my life(age X 50 times for every day spent undead), but I can choose to do tasks of living to resume my aging normally from that point.

I make my way to Valyria on a huge ship, manned by brain dead and similarly processed pirates (basically zombies with closer expiration date rather than immortal). my vulture had already Scouted everything valuable, magically speaking (not economical value), and me and my crew just had to collect and load these things in our ship.

none of the books there survived but I could make out a lot from surviving stone murals. I could cover my inspection of the whole ground in a few months with help of untiring zombies who are basically camera mounted drones to me. we collected a few dragon horns, a lot of the bones of the dragons and a ton of valerian steel. we also collected a lot of gold and other precious metal and gems.

we had to make a few trips to a nearby Island outside of poisonous air zone that was basically a rock in the middle of the sea and hence not usefull as anything other than to dock the ship to weather a storm. but we used it as a depot to deposit our loot, for my army of normal vultures to then take anything they can carry to different locations throughout the known world in essos and Westeros and hide my treasure in places only known to me and my hive. anything too big for my vulture(largest flying creatures in modern day) to carry was kept on island until I could break them for base materials if that didn't reduse their usefulness.

I had already learnt to reforge Valyrian steel from quarth, through my birds. with magic and magical(Valyrian) inheritance I took from whores at lys, I was able to use magic to reforge Valyrian steel to smaller parts that my vulture could then take away .

I spent about 7 months on Valyria and aged from 14 year old to 40 year old in that time, due to surviving only on magic, to substitute for breathing and eating. I would have been even older if not for taking a break every time we went to the rock to unload our treasure. I don't mind though, I've been old before, older even.I don't really suffer anything that I can't make up for with magic and this whole trip, constantly surviving through magic in it has made me closer to it.

but none of my zombie crew survived the accelerated ageing, considering none of them were ones to get rests because only few of them were able to take advantage of the rest from magic consumption to not age, those to only because I experimented the ritual before using it myself.

I went through lys again, treating myself to every whore who could take me and stealing whatever magic bloodline I could from then in the process. after realising how potent Rhoynar blood is after fucking a perticularlly black haired tan whore among a sea of white hair, purple eyes and pale skin,I made my way to dorne to expend my new wealth and cherish some dornish hospitality.

people of dorne were so open about sex that I didn't even need to go to any whorehouses to get their magic. with my lute still with me, I coated it with a ceramic I made with dornish potters made of dragon bones (cut to powder by Valyrian steel), still showing some some of the dragon glass and weirwood through the dragon glass. this made it fire proof as i concluded with my testing. I even used Valyrian steel to make new strings for it.

with my blood bursting with magic of first men, Valyrians and Rhoynary I made my way to kings landing upon hearing that Prince Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name to Princess Rhaella Targaryen. their father Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name had thrown a tournament to announce this. And like the young 15/40 year old man that I was, I went to show my metal.

I dominated the tournament and crowned the bride to be Princess Rhaella as my queen of love and beauty. she as well as everyone was impressed at my performance asking themselves how they have not heard of me considering i look 40 and just beat powerful known knights, so I couldn't be a new player.

upon the king asking me a boon,I asked to be made the royal bard. the king asked me to perform to the audience at tournament to show if I was worthy of such title. i played my lute and the whole crowd went mad with cry of encore. with the king's permission I was able to perform quite a few songs and was eventually accepted as royal bard at the red keep.

my duties included entertaining the king and his court mostly and make songs about some of the history of royals that the Grand Maester wrote as it happened in real time.

my other duty was to teach music to Prince, who would have been my age of 15 of not for my magical ageing and Princess 2 years younger than the Prince. the Princess was miffed with the marriage preparations that were happening because she was in love with some other knight. during our practice of music we became closer and she fell for me. I would then spend many nights fucking my magical blood into her veins, while she used me as an outlet for her frustrations.

one month after the tournament i played music at their wedding and that night Aerys seeded her with a child due to my intervention increasing both their fertilities. they realised that they were with child after one month of the wedding and announced it to the world. for the celebration ceremony, I asked Prince Jaehaerys to play at celebration my last song saying I had taken to illness . he agreed.

on the celebration day I sang in the middle of the court with a circle of bricks around me and on a small wooden platform inclosed by those bricks. I sat on my knees and pointed at the dragon bone ceramic covered, dragon glass inlayed ,weirwood lute as a gift for the unborn Prince. I took out another lute and used both these lutes and my voice to sing a beautyful version of "bitter sweet Symphony"

<lyrics in paragraph comment>

as my singing came to a close, the hauntingly beautiful music kept on playing. I used my magic to light up the wooden platform beneath me and my fingers still kept playing the lutes as my conciseness left my body and wraged into the unborn child , Prince Rhaegar, inside of Princess Rhaella.i will have to spend next 7 months inside the womb to completely take over this body before it has a chance to develope any other conciseness. otherwise if I do something like this to someone who is already concious,I will only create a brain dead person, reducing my own intelligence when taking over it.

as my body burns on fire, only thing inside the fire pit left was the dragon lute, it used to be white, but with my ashes of my old body maring it, it became black, with dragon glass shining at spots making those spots look like stars in the night sky, dispersing at din light due to blackness of ash and dragon glass, but shining in light at reflectiveness of dragon glass.


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