

In a world of heroes and villains that define good and evil, Steven is given a strange system that allows him to acquire different abilities that opens a door into the unknown by walking his own path. English is not my native language so I apologize for the possible problems, but I still hope you enjoy the story. It will have adult content, but it will not only focus on that, it is also my first novel, I hope you will be patient with me as soon as I am discovering my writing style. I will try to upload 3 chapters per week, but they will be uploaded on weekends. If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787

Mausas · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs


Despite the man's intimidating presence, Alice remained comfortably in her chair with a relaxed expression and a tender smile, which seemed to annoy the man who heavily said, "Shadow, I need your help."

Alice smiled widely as she heard the man. This man is none other than Vlad Castrof, the executive director of KUMO, which is a wide-ranging intelligence and surveillance organization founded by the state of Darszawa to protect the country.

Practically every country has an organization like this, of course, depending on how advanced the country is, these organizations are more powerful, KUMO is one of the most powerful in the world since the country of Darsovia is a world power.

"I didn't want to go near this place, but I'm short on time and don't have the necessary staff at the moment," Vlad said grudgingly, he honestly didn't want to be here, but the more reluctant he was, the wider Alice's smile widened.

"Well, I won't make things difficult for you, what do you need?", Alice said finishing her fun, and Vlad answered without wasting time, "As you know those lunatics hid 5 bombs in the city, they already detonated 1 and if they detonate the other 4 the city is history, I need to find the bombs and the lunatics".

"Obviously no civilian or material casualties," Vlad added, he knew how the woman sitting across from him operated. She seemed a beautiful woman who gave off a presence of maturity and tenderness, but he knew that she was one of the most dangerous assassins in the world.

"Okay, I'll locate what you need, you can leave that in my hands," Alice said with a smile very different from the previous ones. Her expression was cold and even creepy, if Steven were here, he would undoubtedly retract his invitation to eat.

Vlad got up and started to walk towards the exit when Alice told him, "10 million for each head and each bomb". The comment caused Vlad to scrunch up his face in disgust, but he only grudgingly replied, "Okay."

After Vlad had left, Alice called out, "Joseph" and from the shadows appeared a young, medium-built man dressed as a butler bending on one knee, saying nothing.

"You listened, mobilize the men", Alice ordered softly without a trace of the aura of innocence she had shown Steven and as soon as she finished speaking, the young man named Joseph had disappeared.

Steven continued working on his drone without even finding out about the terrorist attack that was taking place due to his actions, much less had he any idea that the beautiful lady he had recently met had such a peculiar identity, since speaking as an equal to the director of KUMO, not many can.

Almost an hour had passed and Vlad was starting to get impatient. He had dispatched hundreds of agents and experts to find the bombers and bombs, but he has failed to find them and when he was losing hope, his phone rang.

"Found, I sent you coordinates, I'm waiting for the payment to the usual account", then the call hung up. Vlad reviewed the message that he had just received and there were 5 marked points, the red ones were the 4 bombs and the green one was the location of the bombers.

After seeing that information, he took his earpiece and began to shout orders to defuse the bombs and capture the bombers. All the agents and some heroes working together with KUMO quickly mobilized bringing the situation under control.

Soon the terrorists who terrorized the city appeared in front of the cameras, handcuffed and boarding an armored truck that would take them to prison. Their faces were sullen, it was obvious, they had failed in their revenge attempt.

Steven only found out the news at night when he got home and watched the TV news. He had spent the whole day working in the workshop and never found out that the city was almost destroyed thanks to him, "Well, no one knows it was me, so it doesn't matter, it all worked out in the end", he thought.

The next day, before going to the workshop, he texted Alice, "Hello, how are you waking up?" to which he received, "Oh, hello Mr. Bold, I'm okay, a little freaked out about yesterday, but on the mend." Steven understood that she was referring to the attack on the bombers, but if he knew that she was the one who took care of the matter, well he doesn't know.

Before he could reply, another message arrived, "You didn't just write to say hello, right, Mr. Bold?", Steven could only shake his head, this girl was direct, and for some reason, he didn't mind the strange nickname she had been given to him, He simply replied, "Of course not, I wanted to know if you are interested in having dinner with me."

"I don't know, I don't know you well," Alice replied. Seeing the message, Steven burst out laughing, thinking, "Does this girl want to play innocent now?" After recovering from his fit of laughter he replied, "Stop acting, if you reject me you lose it forever."

On the other side of the city, Alice, still lying in her huge king-size bed, had fun playing and sending messages with Steven, until she saw the last message and couldn't contain her laughter at how arrogant the young man was.

Her laugh wasn't as outrageous as Steven's, in fact, it sounded melodious, it was a pity there was no one to hear it. Alice regained her composure in no time and with a smile still on her face, she replied, "Okay Mr, bold and arrogant, I'll give you the pleasure of having dinner with me. How about today at 7 pm at Bicory's restaurant?".

Steven smiled at the lady's response and quickly looked up that restaurant on the internet. It was obviously expensive, it was one of the best pasta restaurants in the city, but it wasn't like he couldn't eat there, he still had 700,000 credits in his bank account.

"Okay, that's fine, where do I pick you up?" Steven asked and soon received the answer, "See you there, don't be late." Steven wanted to be a gentleman and pick her up, but after remembering Alice's car he thought, "Maybe she doesn't want me to embarrass her."

Letting those thoughts behind, he made an appointment with Alice and immediately called the restaurant, managing to get a reservation. With everything arranged, he got ready and went to the workshop.

Alice on the other hand, still in her bed, looked thoughtfully at her cell phone. At first, she just thought it was fun to joke around with Steven, even now that she's set up a date, she just saw it as some extended entertainment, but after finishing the conversation, she realized that wasn't the case.

She was certainly convinced that it was a joke, some kind of self-deception, but after cold analysis, it was clear to her that it wasn't just that, "What is this curiosity? Why am I interested in this boy so much?… Interesting," she muttered to herself realizing her true feelings.

Alice, due to her childhood, upbringing, and family environment, has experienced many emotions and situations in her life, but if there was something she lacked, it was love, friendship, or any fraternal or social bond.

This was not just due to the fact that she knows the ugliness of the world and mistrusts people, but because she has never been genuinely interested until she met Steven and somehow became curious about him. She didn't know why, but she was ready to investigate, to the point that she seemed excited, then she bounded into the bathroom like a girl expecting a great evening.

Steven didn't know what had awakened in Alice, he didn't even know her, and he just wanted to try his luck. The old Steven was a lonely young man, without achievements or purpose, he just lived from day to day, but since the appearance of his system, his mentality changed.

It is false to say that there are men without ambitions, because whoever says that is simply not a man. Every man is governed by the 3 great ambitions since ancient times, power, money, and women.

There is no man who does not want these 3 things, if someone like that exists, is not a man, or failing that, that person already realized that he did not have the capabilities to do it, this was the case with Steven before, without any advantage over others he had given up to pursue the 3 ambitions, but now that he has a powerful system, his mindset was different.

The current Steven was confident and optimistic, he was the complete opposite of his previous self and he had decided not to hold back, he would get what he wanted and eliminate anyone who stopped him. Steven would have power, money, and women, starting with Alice. Make no mistake, he doesn't want to be a tyrant or enslave women, he just wants to reach the peak of happiness, at least he thinks so.

When everything was settled and he left his narcissistic thoughts behind, as he left his apartment a transparent blue screen appeared in front of him saying, [Hidden mission accomplished, "Make a date with a lady", receive 100,000 points + 100,000 bonus points for lady's beauty]

"SHIT", Steven exclaimed when he saw the message and couldn't believe it. He had programmed the system to launch a window in this way every time he completed a hidden mission, what he did not expect was that making an appointment with Alice would give him more points than his business with Search, he just shake his head with an expression of helplessness thinking, "This system is crazy."

If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787