
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 30: Military Recruitment

Quinn quickly called over the newly awakened General Class and told him about the function of the General Class card and his plan on using it on him.

Hearing that, the originally high loyalty of the General Class awakened named Alwyn was raised even further because of the trust Quinn showed.

Quinn placed the card on and sent his thoughts on using it on the general. The card instantly burst into light spots that covered Alwyn from head to toe.

After the light dissipated, Alwyn's figure appeared. Looking at him, he didn't seem to have any physical changes. However, Quinn could tell that his aura was more condensed and his eyes contained the confidence a qualified general should have.

After that, Alwyn was told to wait for a while and he would have his own force to command. For the military force, Quinn planned to recruit from the adventurers.

Quinn used the IDW to send out notices for military recruitment. There, he listed all the recruitment requirements and revealed the benefits that one could receive after joining and gathering enough merit.

However, Quinn also emphasized greatly that since it's the military, great discipline and restrictions would be placed on them in exchange for the benefits.

They will also go through a lot of harsh training individually and together as a team. For now, the town will be recruiting a hundred people which will be divided into ten teams each led by a team captain. All of the hundred people will be under the town's sole general.

Seeing that there were heavy restrictions, a lot of adventurers who valued their freedom were instantly dissuaded from joining. Still, a lot of people went to try after being tempted by the benefits.

The recruitment test was held somewhere in the plaza and before the notice was posted for some time, there were already hundreds gathering around the venue.

All of them wanted to have a try whether they can join or not.

Not long after, Alwyn came together with Quinn and some elves who wanted to watch. Alwyn first gave a speech that successfully made all the adventurers' blood boil then revealed the first requirement for joining.

The first test was simple. If you levelled up at least one attribute skill, then you pass. This instantly eliminated half of the adventurers who complained because of the high entry requirement.

Alwyn only looked at them coldly while explaining that Sky Town's military should only contain the most elite soldiers and their strength has to be above the average standard of normal adventurers.

This shut up the adventurers especially seeing that Quinn was watching them. Although they knew that Quinn was pretty much easy-going, he always preferred the best of the best because of his arrogance.

Quinn nodded seeing that the adventurers stopped complaining and then scanned through the adventurers who passed. Surprisingly, he found someone familiar.

Among the adventurers was Michael just silently standing there and watching everyone with an aloof expression. Everybody knew him and nobody dared to move close to him.

Quinn walked over and started a conversation with him. "Huh, didn't expect you to join too. I thought strong people like you always valued your free time and won't join organizations like this."

Michael just answered calmly, "Back on earth, I was also a soldier. I could have already achieved a very high rank if it weren't for me being implicated in the internal disputes among the higher-ups. Finally, when I was about to receive my promotion, I was transported here."

Quinn nodded in realization, "No wonder you had that condensed and confident aura that other adventurers have. So you were a soldier. As for encountering the same situation here, you don't have to worry. You might really have a chance of getting promoted to a general."

"Indeed, I was given another chance in this world and I will work hard to achieve my past goals." A sharp glint flashed across Michael's eyes after saying that.

"Anyways, with your strength, I really thought you'd be making your own organization to lead. After, all strong people possess some arrogance and a desire to rule, me included."

Michael was silent for a while before saying slowly, "Yes, I will be ruling my own organization soon."

After that, Michael then had to go because it was time for the next test. The tests were really simple but also practical. It tested all their physical qualities and mental fortitude.

After that, there was an additional test for whoever wanted to be a team captain and lead their own small team. The only requirement was to have at least three attribute skills levelled up to a minimum of level 2. Among those three attribute skills, [CHARISMA] had to be included because it helps in effectively commanding over your subordinates.

Quinn saw that Michael applied and easily passed. It turns out, aside from [INTELLIGENCE], all of his other attribute skills were raised to a minimum of level 2. [AGILITY] and [STRENGTH] were both level 3 which gave him an advantage on speed and attack power over others.

Quinn also found a few others who were actually very strong but kept a low profile all this time. There was someone who also also levelled up five of their attribute skills and was only inferior to Michael because his attribute skills were only level 2. Still, that made their attributes way above others.

After everything was done, Sky Town's first small military force of one hundred men was created. All of the captain positions were also surprisingly occupied.

After everyone was settled, Alwyn then announced their first mission which was to train for now. They have to raise their skill proficiency for their attribute skills as soon as possible. Later on, they'll also train in coordination for simple attacks.

Although the adventur- no, the soldiers expected this, they still sighed at the work they have to do. Still they didn't complain much since it was them who took the initiative to join.