
Skeleton's Chronicles

A genius necromancer? A dead dracolich? A failed plot to free a powerful being? Welcome to a crazy history of a man with a mysterious past, who finds himself in an entirely different world, involved in a grand plan he never wished to be a part of. His only memories - a white room, and a field of blue flowers. He will have to find his identity and his purpose while trying to deal with the mess he never asked for. Using the system he was granted, and the cast of various characters tagging along the ride, including the necromancer who raised him from the dead, a weeb undead, and a goat-dragon-goblin zombie… A beautiful mess orchestrated by a mad god of games and chaos himself.

MasterHexer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

5. The System

A semitranslucent, orange window showed up. This time, though, much bigger. It was split into a few tabs, the first one, currently open, was called 'The Overview'. It was split into two more tabs. The first one was called 'Status' the second one was called 'Skills'. 'Status' happened to be open by default. At the very top of it was written 'Name' with an empty spot next to it. Below that was written 'Title' with another space on the right. This time it was filled with a short word: 'None'.

Below the title was another space called 'Current class' with 'Awakened Skeleton' next to it, and even below it a separate table named: 'Attributes'. There were only three of them. The first 'Strenght' had a number next to the text itself. It was a 10. The next statistic was 'Health' with another 10 next to it. The third, and last one, was 'Agility' with yet another 10 next to it.

Under, in a separate, much smaller space, was something called 'Number of possessed soul fragments' with currently was at a fat, round 0.

And below that, there was a table titled 'Level up requirements'. It was split into four categories. 'Soul fragments', where he found a number – 100. Then 'Attribute requirements', where he discovered that his 'Strenght' need to be at 12 and 'Health' needs to be at 15. The next one was labeled as 'Skill requirements', and there he saw three entries: 'Weaponmanship[2]', 'Dodge[1]', and 'Tough Bones [2]'. The last one was titled 'Special' and was empty.

There was nothing else to look at there, so he decided to focus on the second one of the two tabs in 'The Overview' named 'Skills'. As he read the title, it opened. This one was separated into two, big tables. The first one was called 'Available skills'. It was separated into two columns. The first one was 'Skill name' the second one was 'Cost'.

The skeleton red a first few from the top: ' Tough Bones[2]', ' Weaponmanship[1]'.

As he read the name of the second skill he focused on it slightly longer, wondering what it really meant. An additional, much smaller window popped up.

[Your ability to use the specific weapon, described with numbers. Passive]

He read the brief explanation, then focused on the cost. Each skill seemed to have the same one. A hundred of something. Since there was nothing written next to the number so he was unsure what type of currency he needed to unlock those. The quite obvious thought, that popped into his mind, was some kind of experience points, although he wasn't certain.

He then focused on the second big table titled: 'Acquired skills'. This one was also separated into two columns. The first one was 'Skill name', and the second one was 'Type'.

He noticed that he already had some skills: 'Tough Bones [1]', 'Inspect [1]', 'Sense living[1]'.

He quickly figured that the numbers in brackets meant levels of the skill, as he already had 'Tough Bones [1], and the one to be bought was named 'Tough Bones [2]'.

After quickly checking the 'Type' of the skill, and finding that it was a 'passive', he checked the description by focusing on it briefly.

[The ability of your bones to sustain attack with no damage], popped up.

- Interesting – he said to himself, making the necromancer look at him.

Akichi didn't even budge, as he also was looking at his own 'The Overview'.

The next obvious thing to do was to check the descriptions and types of the rest of his skills. He started by looking at the 'Inspect [1]'. It was an active skill.

[Your ability to understand through senses and examination. Active], said the description.

Then he switched to 'Sense living[1]'.

[Your ability to detect the life around you. Passive], said the description.

This made him want to buy one of the skills from the list, so he picked 'Tough Bones [2]'. A pop-up showed.

[You are unable to acquire this skill due to the insufficient number of possessed soul fragments]

- Damn it – he growled, making the necromancer even more interested.

Akichi still was in his own world, ignoring everything around him.

A bit frustrated, the skeleton decided to check the second major tab, next to 'The Overview'. It was called 'Arts, crafts and knowledge'. Below was a single massive table, split into three smaller ones. The first one of them was 'Arts', split, once again, into three: 'Type of art', 'Title', and 'Progress'. He checked the first few entries: 'Painting', 'Sculpting', 'Writing', and 'Poetry', but there was more. By each of them, under the title, was nothing, indicating that he didn't have any knowledge about those disciplines. Under the progress, each type of art had 0%.

He focused on that, making a pop-up appear.

[You can increase your progress by practice or by acquiring knowledge from teachers or books. To unlock a new title, hit the mark of 100% of progress]

This made him have a look at the second part of the table, next to 'Arts'. It was called 'Crafts' and split into identical three more. He checked a few entries written under 'Type of craft'. There was 'Smelting', 'Armor crafting', 'Weapon crafting', 'Carpentry', and more. He was a nobody with 0% progress at each of those.

The third part of the table was titled 'Knowledge' and just as the ones before, was split into three categories: 'Type of knowledge', 'Title', and 'Progress'. Among the entries, he saw: 'Geology', 'Botany', 'Biology', and more. Just like in the previous ones, he was a nobody with the progress at 0%. All except 'Biology' where he actually had 5% of progress.

The third big tab was titled 'Equipment'. After opening it, he found a drawing of a skeleton, with a sword in his hands. Almost identical to the one he was actually holding in his own hands. As he was checking it out, his eyes focused on the item, and a pop-up appeared.

[Name: Rusty greatsword

Quality: Poor

State: Neglected

Attribute: Damage - 8]

Below that was a space, filled with a grid. Ten squares by ten squares. All of them were empty.

The next major tab was 'Quests', so he decided to check it out. This tab was also filled with a massive table, split into four categories: 'Quest name', 'Description', 'Reward', and 'Status'. There was a single entry already there.

[Quest name: Fulfil your destiny!

Description: Go, and kill all the gods!

Reward: Satisfaction?

Status: Active]

- What the heck is this?! - he suddenly yelled. - Satisfaction my ass! Who the heck would like a reward like this?! Not to mention the quest is insane too! I'm not doing that!

[You received a new quest!], flashed in front of his eyes almost immediately.

Since he already had the 'Quests' tab open, he was able to notice the new entry.

[Quest name: Change your attitude!

Description: Change your attitude toward your grand quest!

Reward: None

Status: Active]

- What?! Like heck, I'm gonna change my attitude! There isn't even a reward for this stupid quest! - he yelled.

[You received a new quest!], flashed in front of his eyes once again.

Since the 'Quests' tab was still open, he immediately checked the mission.

[Quest name: Go f&$# yourself!

Description: Go, and f&$# yourself!

Reward: A title

Status: Active]

- Insane god, giving insane quests – he mumbled to himself. - This is so stupid.

With those words, he checked the next tab. It was titled 'Almanac'. In there he found two sub-tabs. One was opened by default. It was called ' Monsternomicon' and was split into four categories. First was called 'Creature', the second was called 'Description', the third was called 'Kill count', and finally the fourth was 'Knowledge level'. He had only a single entry there.

[Creature: Goblin

Description: Small humanoid creatures. Their height varies between 90 to 110 centimeters. Skin color can be anything starting from dark green to a mix of green and yellow. They have sharp facial features including high cheekbones and long, hooked noses. Teeth are usually sharp as the creatures are carnivorous.

Unable to work with complicated tools, and incapable of precision, goblins often steal or scavenge from the creatures better in crafts.

Their society is violent. Based on the principle that the strong rule the weak. It has its roots in the fact that the monsters can only be born male, which leads them to search for mates among other races. They kidnap females to later use them for breeding purposes.

Kill count: 35

Knowledge level: None]

He read it all quickly and then checked the other sub-tab. This one was called 'Flesh Ledger'. It was split into three categories 'Creature', 'Description', and 'Parts/properties'. There was also a single entry there.

[Creature: Goblin

Description: Small humanoid creatures. Their height varies between 90 to 110 centimeters. Skin color can be anything starting from dark green to a mix of green and yellow. They have sharp facial features including high cheekbones and long, hooked noses. Teeth are usually sharp as the creatures are carnivorous.

Their anatomy is very similar to human anatomy.

Parts/properties: None]

Since there was nothing more there to look at, he went to check the next major tab. It was called 'Map' and had a little closed lock pad next to the name. It intrigued him, so he stared at it for a moment. This caused a pop-up to appear.

[To access 'Map' you first need to unlock an ability to use map]

It made him roll his eyes. Figuratively, as he was unable to do it physically.

Then he moved to the next major tab. It was called 'Magic' and also had this little closed lock pad next to the name. He stared at it for a moment, so a pop-up appeared.

[To access 'Magic' you first need to unlock an ability to use magic]

There was one more tab, even weirder as it was named 'Unknown' and also had the little closed lock pad next to it. He focused on it to force the pop-up to appear.

[To access 'Unknown' you first need to unlock unknown]

- Yeah… that's one heck of an explanation – he mumbled to himself, before closing the whole thing.