
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Ficção Científica
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75 Chs

episode 42 Xephor's fine day

A kid playing with a foot ball alone lead himself elsewhere then accidentally kicked the ball further, "Xephor" grabs the balls tossing it back to him, the child felt like death was touching him as he glanced to him, he was terrified of "Xephor's" unwelcomed appearance and ran away.

Xephor:-that was unexpected, every time I tried to help they just won't accept me!

Wreck:-[arrive]…hi "Xephor"…I see that nobody likes you.

Xephor:-as you told me, master…anything I do they just run away.

Wreck:-well, you were the murderer, changing that is not so easy when there is blood on your hands…I mean like emotionally your hands are filled with victim blood.

Xephor:-that was the past, how come something like this would still make them fear me.

Wreck:-…the key is to prove your worth, it's not that it was the past, there are times when you should show everyone that they were wrong about you and that you can be someone they could rely on.

Xephor:-…people can't change their minds till you show them…I, "Xephor", a member of the laughing demons have enjoyed my life murdering people, it was fun to spill blood here and there, and this joy of murder is what kept me like this.

Wreck:-well they are not the kind of people to accept murder, there are times when you have to think what killing your own kinds could turn you into, just try to find repentance for once.

Xephor:-you think it's easy to repent?

Wreck:-it is hard to seek but…just have faith in yourself and be that good guy that everyone look up on.

Armel:-[whisper] hey "Wreck", would you come here for sec?

"Armel" drags "Wreck" away from "Xephor", bringing him into the hall way.

Wreck:-what's up?

Armel:-what's up?! You can't be serious about teaching that psychopath over there.

Wreck:-relax, he just switched sides to the better.

Armel:-to the better how? That's a murderer who kills anyone he wants.

Wreck:-just trust me, everything is going to be okay…and besides…I've been seeing people in a different vision with those magic eyes.

Armel:-yeah, it's kind of terrifying when you get to use them for so long, are you even okay with using them?

Wreck:-I've been trying to figure out this new sight, and here's what I learned…everyone in this world has a light, no matter what they do and how do they decide their light has its on function, if the person does something good the light rises…but when it comes to crimes, murder, or perhaps theft or betrayal…the light weakens quicker, as I am seeing "Xephor", he just began to produce that light, as soon as he keeps that light lit and fueled, then we won't have troubles seeing him as an enemy.

Armel:-you have a one weird vision! If you can see everyone's light then you might be able to see yours, I mean like you still don't want to remember the mistakes that you made, is it even okay to forgive yourself from what you've done I the past?

Wreck:-I'm not sure…I can try all I like, but I don't know if a dead friend would.

Armel:-"Wreck", remember that day when we were enemies and you thought that I'm full of myself? I let go, I hope could do the same.

"Xephor" walks down the steps and as he heads to the left, he sees children playing around, painting and talking, he wondered what they were doing but couldn't get the idea why they do it.

Xephor:-children…I never understood the act of a child, and what it means to protect them, all I ever done was what I enjoy most, but looking at them closely…I ask myself why am I supposed to protect them.

Little girl:-hi…you're creepy, bye[run away].

Xepphor:-…still don't get this, what the actual--?

He then moves on to somewhere else and sees a girl wanting her cat that is stuck on a tree, he walks up beside her.

Xephor:-why do you want this pathetic creature? It doesn't benefit you anything.

The girl:-you're so mean, its my kitty and I want it, I want him to come down so I can take her home.

Xephor:-you're a strange one…but I'll help you.

"Xephor" helped the little girl and brought her the cat from the tree, she came closer to him and pat his leg then looked at him, a few seconds later she thanked him and left.

Xephor:-the hell is the pat for?!

He kept walking till he stumbled upon children accidentally broke down a tree.

Xephor:-what happened here?

Child:-[panic] I didn't mean it, I swear, we were just playing with "ki" control.

Xephor:-[touch the tree]…you've made quite a mess, what would your parents say about this?

Child(1):-please, we will be careful next time, I promise.

Xephor:-no worries, it's just a tree I can fix this, I don't need anything from you.

"Xephor" regenerated the tree then sat on a bench next to "Tika", "Armel" was going to argue with him but "Wreck" stopped him.

Xephor:-hello there.


Xephor:-…about your father…I didn't know he survived, I barely watch him get stabbed in the vitals and you yet it should have been fatal.

Tika:-…you don't get to talk about my father…beside, it was all that hitman from the north west.

Xephor:-that damn "Gaplock"…he used me from the start, from the day we met till the day I died, I couldn't get what he owes me…the moment I knew it…he forced me to fight my master who taught me that day.

Tika:-that hitman is still a mystery, know one spoke of his face, he tried to even kill "Wreck"…now he's with that "Raaza" lady who was also been used.

Xephor:-"Raaza" and the other members are not to mess with, even if he tried to use them they will haunt him down.

Tika:-yet his intention is still unknown, if he ends up controlling all the nation…then our world is at stake.

Xephor:-no…not this time…I'll cut him right open if he ever tried, even thinking about him disgusts me.

Tika:-…you don't seem to care about a child talking like this.

Xephor:-…I always look at children like they are people instead of some small cubs, it usually makes me don't care that much of how they speak.

Tika:-…looks like we both did have problems, I usually be quiet around strangers and other people, the only ones I could talk to are my brother and sister, and my parents…till suddenly I kept calling his name for help…and he came.

Xephor:-you were terrified of talking to strangers?

Tika:-"Wreck" taught me how not to be scared…by taking me to a journey, my first journey was like an adventure…as much as we were going together we met other people, and searched for "MasMur" rods so we bring people back, and for some reason we couldn't bring back the heroes of the past.

Xephor:-the "Intelligents"! they were brave and strong, for some reason they lured us into some kind of a trap which was all done by a traitor…but I'm the only one who have escaped and hid somewhere they can't find.

Tika:-…till he came along?

Xephor:-as always, he's still a mystery back then and now…that day when he killed your father, no one could tell the expression behind that covered face, that's when I saw you running, normally for a child you're supposed to freeze at your place and care about a corpse of a father, but you didn't, you quickly reacted and ran, even when I stopped you and blocked your path then told you to give me the rods you said no, you said no like you were confident of surviving.

Tika:-I was terrified…back then I didn't know what I was doing, my body just move, I still wasn't sure but I had to do something or else the rods will be in wrong hands.

Xephor:-you weren't sure until now…I'm sorry.

Suddenly a random house was set on fire, "Xephor" stood up and went towards it.

Xephor:-who would set his room on fire?

He was going to use his grass "Ki" suddenly realizing that it would make it worse, he went running inside the house and enter the burning room, it appears that two children sitting in the corner crying, he grabbed the 2 children and tried to go the same way he entered, unfortunately the path was blocked, so he ran through a window saving them, then "Samuel" appeared and stopped the fire with his ice "Ki".

Samuel:-sorry for being late, I was having some dumplings, is there something I missed?

The 2 children's parents appeared and they were worried about them.

Samuel:-looks like you saved someone…you would earn some gratitude after this.

Xephor:-they would thank me? For saving them?

Samuel:-can't you feel something when someone shows his gratitude to you?

Tika:-it means you have a heart…you can feel something when you're praised, didn't that mean anything?

"Xephor" finally sees what lies on friendship, he remembers being a child in the street while people passing by, he then cries.

Xephor:-I finally…understand what am I supposed to do…I was never born to kill!

Meanwhile "Armel" and "Wreck" haven't showed up yet and stayed hidden.

Armel:-he's crying, just by realizing that he was never meant to be! Why did you want him to do that?

Wreck:-that's not how you're supposed to ask, well what I'm trying to do hear is that he wasn't sure what he was doing in the past so I'm trying prove a point…for some reason he was lost, even when meeting me twice.

Armel:-…it does look like he's now enjoying his new life, so what happens next?

Wreck:-…I'll be heading somewhere…don't tell anyone, I'll be returning before even the king of "North West" nation could make his move.

Armel:-if you're going to search for the last "Laughing Demon" survivor I don't think it's a good idea to do it now.

Wreck:-relax, I'll be fine, besides…what ever she throws at me it won't be enough to kill me, that is if she had a greater plan than throwing corpses.

"Wreck" goes to "Kira", she is in charge of preparing the soldiers before the war.

Wreck:-hi "Kira", how's the preparation coming up?

Kira:-the preparation is almost ready, we have some defense improvement thanks to "Dwarb"…I just can't get a clue to why guys curse when you see each other.

Wreck:-it is how we communicate doesn't matter if words hurt or anything, at the end…he's a friend, right? [sees "dwarb", yell] hey "Dwarb", you're doing great, keep up the good work.

Dwarb:-f*** you!

Wreck:-by the way, I'm here to tell you that I'll be out of town for a while, the attack may start soon, if I'm late you can start everything without me.

Kira:-you're not going to go after "Gaplock" or that lady, are you?

Wreck:-their existence is kind of troublesome, and besides…it has been a month already, the "MasMur" rods should be charged completely, if they already have collected them they might wish for something that would put us in a disadvantage.

Kira:-…can you do me one favor? [stretch]…don't kill.


He then moved all the way to the largest mountain around and began using his magic eyes, with the vision of the eyes he can zoom and look around the furthest distant things which is beyond the sight of anyone.

Wreck:-these eyes…it's like no man can ever achieve gain ones like it, its powers are beyond the ability of anyone, since I'm in the position of it I can now track down "Raaza" without even needing--.

Before he could even say another word, he saw a summoning circle created by "Raaza" herself, suddenly he got summon and appeared exactly on it, as he looks around, he sees her stand on top looking confident the she's the victor.

Wreck:-is this how you saved me? Looks more like an alchemy…and what's with that face? You look like you're confident on what you're doing.

Raaza:-in fact, I actually found a way to finally get rid of you, since we can't use your dark past as our advantage or even try to kill you like the all methods others use, this time…it will be different.

Wreck:-[laugh] surprise me, you came all the way to summon me cause you're confident that I'll die! Let's see what you've got.

She brings out all 8 "MasMur" rods then throws them towards him, by using her "Reanimation" casting the rods transformed into the "Intelligents", though they gained their consciousness but they still don't have their control.

Raaza:-[yell] behold…the past heroes that saved everyone and killed the "Laughing Demons"! I hope you enjoy your doom.

Wreck:-[shocked]…(I see what you're trying to pull…even though you brought the heroes of the past, you're still hiding something else).