
Sis-con Demon Lord

Seir is a demon prince from another world which accidentally transported to Japan together with his demon maidservant. With no clues how to return back to their home world, they have no choice but to live with the humans in the new world. (I'm still molding the idea. I will change the synopsis in the future.). --Geraint

Geraint124x · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Vol. 2: Chapter 1 - Part 2

Volume 2: Chapter 1 - Part 2

Author: Geraint

I sneaked out of everyone without them noticing me and waited on our meeting place until Lilith arrived with the news. I ordered her to gather some information about our location and what they are planning to do with us. She presented me a map of this world and she pointed our location.

"We are currently in Zelonia Kingdom, a small country between Holy Kingdom of Celestria and Zendaria Empire in Human Territory."

"To think we are in the farthest place to get in Demon Realm."

"At least we can walk through unlike the isle countries in the middle of the sea. We have to ride on a ship before we can even get here."

"Have you contacted Naamah about the plan?"

"Not yet. It seems she's still gathering the other disaster witches."

"Fine then. We have to do it ourselves. I glad we got Lory's help for tonight."

"Shouldn't we just destroy this place ourselves, Seir-sama?"

"We can't reveal our identity to others yet. Especially, to Kaho-san and Riko."

I gripped my fist but Lilith gently held my hand.

"I'm always be with you in this plan, Seir-sama. We're gonna escape with everyone tonight from this place.

I nodded to her, smiling.

"I still can't show them my true nature."

"Seir-sama... I'm prepared to stain my hands with blood just for you."

"We don't know if things will get smoothly tonight. I might rip someone to shred when I have to protect them. Just stay vigilant, Lilith."


Evening arrives and the sky slowly turned dark when we went to the cafeteria to eat dinner and they served us with nothing but a hard bread that looks spoiled on the plate. Everyone has losing their appetite with how we are treated.

"I had enough of this!"

One of the guys grabbed the bread on his plate and threw it towards the soldier standing near the wall then he dropped his plate on the floor, breaking it to pieces which took everyone attention.

"That's right!"

"I don't want this kind of treatment!"

The other guys followed after him, doing the same.

"Hey! Stop it guys!"

The female teacher became pale and she immediately went to stop them until the soldier became furious and he hit the guy on the stomach with the back of his spear, making him groan in pain.


Everyone was shocked when they saw the soldier attacked him.

"You little bastard!"

He followed up a kick on the male student's face, knocking him down on the floor with the nose dripping with blood.

The soldier stomped on the guy several times and the female teacher immediately intervene but the soldier didn't stop and continued to vent his anger.

"Stop! Don't hurt him anymore! I apologize for his rudeness!"

The female teacher took the stomping instead and she endured the pain for her student.

"Shut up! Get lost, Bitch! I'm gonna kill that little bastard!"

"I'm begging you please!"

I noticed that all the soldiers around are laughing at the scene.

As I was about to stand up from my seat when the blonde princess suddenly arrived the scene, breathing heavily from running.

"What's going on over there?!"


The soldier clicked his tongue when he saw the princess approaching them.

"Are you okay?"

The princess went to check on the teacher who's lips is bleeding.

"Please bring them to the medical facility and treat their wound."

She ordered her vassal guarding her and they carried together the female teacher and the unconscious student. Frowning at the soldier who caused the incident, she approached him and pointed at his chest.

"These people are going to be our heroes! Why are you hurting them?"

"What are you talking about, Princess? None of them has the characteristics of the strongest hero from the divination. All of them are rejects! There's no point looking after them!"

With the soldiers respond, the princess was saddened by this as she glanced down in frustration.

"That means the hero is summoned somewhere else. Your job is finished here, Princess. The Prince has taken over this place and he might better use for them."

"Huh? Nobody has told me about this!"

The princess was shocked including me and everyone.

"What's the meaning of this? You guys are supposed to return us back to our world!" Kaho-san appealed.

"So, the Princess hasn't told you the truth yet."

"Hey, stop it!"

The princess was very nervous.

"Unfortunately, there's no way we could do that. You guys will stay here by the rest of your lives."

Everyone's hope just collapse with the revelation.

"No way!"

"Tell me! This is dream! I want to wake up."


They panicked one by one and some of them cried especially the girls.



Both of Yuuka and Shiina moved closer to me and they grabbed on my arm while trembling after the truth from them.

"Calm down, you two. Don't forget who I am."

In front of me was Riko with anxious look on her face.

"Mom, Dad..." she mumbled with sad tone.

Beside her was Lilith who's busy eating the hard bread and didn't care what's happening around. She sensed my gaze and she smiled and nodded, giving me a sign that things are going as planned.

I can't wait to see this small kingdom be swallowed in flames.

Later, the knight arrives and they threatened us with their weapons as they brought us back to the chamber together.

Yuuka and Shiina didn't left my side, keeping their grip on me very tightly.


Behind me was Riko who just tugged on my shirt and she scared of the knights looking at her.

It's already very dark outside when I'm looking at the windows while sitting down on the same corner. Everyone was restless, not knowing what will happen tomorrow but Yuuka and Shiina on my side was sleeping soundly while leaning on my shoulders. Kaho-san and Riko are jealous seeing them resting in this kind of situation.

"Seir-kun, you're really reliable if they can sleep this peacefully." Riko tried to smile.

Kaho-san looks very tired with the visible eye bags under her eyes. After watching her not having enough since we arrived in this world, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me as I laid her head on my leg.


"You should rest. I'll be watching over."

Kaho-san's turned red and she became flustered.


"Shut up and go to sleep. Don't worry, things are going to be fine."

"Seir, how can we be fine in this situation? We can't go back home."

"Silly... Just leave it to me. For now, you should focus on resting."

Seeing my smile, she slowly closed her eyes as she moved on a comfortable position and she quickly fell asleep.

I saw the princess looking around with worried expression after seeing the gloomy atmosphere of the room.

Glancing to our direction, she was surprised and immediately went to check on us.


"Hm? Princess?"

"Oh, you weren't there when I introduced myself. My name is Irina, the second princess of Zelonia Kingdom. Though, I don't hold that much power unlike my big brother crown prince since I'm just a daughter of concubine."

She was a girl younger than me and I can't deny that she pretty cute that can rival Yuuka's beauty.

"It's such a waste." I sighed.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, nothing."

"Anyway, you look very calm in this kind of situation."

"What's wrong with that? It pointless to panic in this situation and it wont solve the problem."

"Hehehe... You're really amazing. May I ask for your name?"

"It's Yuki."

"Then Yuki... I would like apologize from this. For letting this to happen. We just really need the Hero in order to save our kingdom."

The princess bowed her head to me.

"What's the point now? The hero weren't among us."

"The other countries also performed mass summoning. The hero might among them."

"I want to ask why do you guys need to summon a hero?"

The princess was silent for a moment then she sighed.

"Of course, in order to o fight off the demon king forces that ravages our land."

I tried to detect any lies from her but I didn't find any bad intent. She might be telling the truth or she just doesn't know anything that's happening in her kingdom. Just like they says, innocence is bliss.

Suddenly, several soldiers suddenly marched inside the chamber, waking up everyone.


"What's going on?"

In the middle of them was an important looking young man, looking around the group of girls.


Hearing that from the princess, it means that guys is her big brother and the crown prince of this kingdom.

The girls became anxious seeing them surrounded by several soldiers. The girls beside me also woke up and they held on me tightly.

The Prince thoroughly look at the girl with long orange hair from head to toe then he pointed at her.

"Take that girl."


The girl was confused until the soldiers grabbed on her and she got dragged by them.

"Let go of me!"


Her friends tried to help her but the spears pointing on their neck stopped them.

"Somebody, save me!"

The Prince grabbed her blouse and ripped it open, exposing her chest.

"Kyaaaaaah!" the girl screamed and everyone was shock.

"Yeah! What a nice rack you have there." the Prince was having fun seeing her despaired expression.

"Onii-sama! Stop what are you doing--"

"Shut up!"

The princess was about to intervene but the prince suddenly slapped her without hesitation.

"You are not supposed to be here. I already have the king's permission and all of them will become my plaything since there's no use to them. It's better if I use them to cheer up our army."

Riko immediately went to help the princess and she saw her cheek swelling with blood dripping on her lips. The princess was very furious of her big brother.

The Prince was choosing again among the girls.

"You bastard!"

The boys was stopped when the soldiers pointed the sword on their neck which made them retreat.

"Listen! No one can go against me in this place."

The Prince conceited smiled to us as grabbed another girl and ripped her blouse open.

"Kyah!" the girl cried.

I was about to stand up when Kaho-san grabbed me down and stopped me.

"Seir! You shouldn't!"

"Kaho-san, I have--"

"I'm begging you, please don't."

"That girl is also good. Take her."

When the prince pointed at her, soldiers grabbed her from behind while she remained smiling to me but tears are falling from her eyes. She closed her eyes as she was brought to the prince then they ripped open her top and expose her chest with black brassiere.

I was slowly swallowed by the darkness inside me, seeing what they did to her.

Standing up, I rushed towards the prince, reaching for his neck when my arm was severed down by a sword.

Being in state of shock, there was strong knight protecting the Prince and he grinning to me after showing his sword skill.



The girls cried and screamed my name as the knight stabbed me in the chest and the sword pierced through my chest.

"That's what will happen if you go against me."

It was a nostalgic feeling which slowly brings back from the past. This has made me realize just how I got very rusty in these past four years.

Experiencing it again, those words appeared on my mind.

"I'm home."

The knight was about to cut me on the neck but I caught the blade of his sword between my thumb and index finger which widened his eyes when he noticed something.

"Humans... seems nothing has changed here when I left."

The knight trembled as he slowly moved away from me.

"Be careful! He's a demon!"

"Too late."

My severed arm on the floor suddenly moved and pierced him in the chest. He fell on his knees and blood was dripping out of his armor while he looked very shock.

I turned towards Prince and smiled at him, making him stumbled backwards in fear.

"What are you guys standing there? Hurry up and kill that demon quickly!" he ordered while panicking.

"I told you. It's already too late."


All the soldiers and knights around are trembling and it seems there was something wrong with them and they are all panicking.

"My body!"

"I can't move!"

"What's happening? My body isn't listening to me!"

They pulled out their weapon then pointed to themselves close to their neck.

"Help me! It's moves on its own!"


The blade moved slowly and stabbed themselves several times as they screamed in fear, killing their own selves.

Everyone was horrified and confused at the same time of what's happening.

The girls from their grasp was able escape away while covering their chest with their arms as they watches the horrifying scene.

The soldiers and knights fall down lifelessly as the one remaining was the Prince who is covered in blood on the floor.

I slowly walked towards him as he crawled from the dead bodies around him, terrified of his life.

"No! Please, spare me!"

I wasn't responding so he concluded that I won't let him leave this place alive and he picked up a sword, trying to defend himself. He was trembling intensely as I pinched the blade of his sword and changed the direction, pointing the tip towards himself.

"My body! What's going on?"

I pointed down, letting him look on the floor and his eyes widened when he saw some kind of string made of blood connected to all the soldiers and knight's corpse. The source of it was my severed arm that pierced through to one of his guards.

"Don't tell me! What is someone like you doing here?"

"I just want to say that... you guys messed up a big time from bringing me back here. Now, have a nice trip to hell."

I tapped him in the shoulders then I turned around, taking back my severed arm from the corpse. I attached it back and it reconnected by itself like nothing happened. There were no traces of scar or injuries on it. My arm was just soiled by their blood.

Looking back, the prince was already lifeless on the floor and the sword pierced through his neck. I smiled, mumbling.

"Death Marionette."

I looked around and everyone was looking at me in fear. The same with Yuuka and Shiina even though they are already aware of my real identity.

"It's up to you guys if you want to leave this place alive or not. For those who want to go back home in Japan, follow me and I'll bring you back."

(To be continued.)

I'll fix my mistakes later.

Geraint124xcreators' thoughts