
5. Riptide.

It normally wasn't a practice day but try telling that to coach Webber. Adam couldn't afford to be late again, he had to get out of practice somehow. If he was kicked out of the bookclub, he would kiss the team goodbye. Figuratively, of course. 

"Watch it Davis!" Pains hissed, pushing past.

They were training for a special play they had created for the Falcons. Everyone was on the field. The game was fast approaching. He was set to play running back for the first half then the quarter back, Sam, would take over in the final. Sam was a senior who Adam had been lucky enough to know. Sam knew a lot about the game and a lot about life. Sam had asked him to join him for smoothies in the evening.

"God damn it Davis!" Webber's voice was a boom. "Get your block head in the game or I'll replace you."

"Sorry coach!" Adam yelled, running away from the field. The ball that was thrown to him landed on the grass. 

"What the hell is up with you Davis?" The short bald man screamed.

"I need to be excused."

"Why in hell? You need to change your tampon or something?" let's just say that coach Webber was… old fashioned. He had no idea what being offensive was and he had no time to deal with people's feelings.

"Dandy Davis has book club." Brad Pains generously chimed. 

"Just get out of my sight." Webber grunted. "Sam you're up!"

Adam jogged out of the field and came to the aisle that lead to the locker room. Suddenly he heard the crash of a trash can. Turning to see, a fleet footed fellow dashed down the aisle. A spy? Adam charged after him, the guy was fast, he was practically just bounding. At the end of the long isle, the guy jumped over the bush and hurried over the wall.


Earlier that day, Steve had been loving his Wednesday. After lunch, he had art class and two study halls right after it. He would use that time to create a piece following the lesson. Good times.

He was the student arts representative. That meant it was his job to ensure the arts were paid proper attention to. He had an upcoming meeting with the Student Council. The arts department needed more funds.

He pondered it over as he walked to his usual lunch table. It was a single small table in the corner. He mostly shared it with Josh but Mandy would often join. He took a seat and started skimming over his words. He had prepared a presentation and was counter checking with the notes he had scribbled on the back of a previously done and passed math test. 

Noisy teenagers buzzed on as every group found it's usual seat. The cliques weren't obvious. Not just jocks or geeks. Simply friends, no matter their school activities. Of course people with similar interests simply gravitated to each other. Every so often, groups shared and exchanged members but circles crossed only so. Steve took a mental note to base his reporte on Socialization. 

"Hey." a smooth baritone called above him. He focused on his paper, probably someone else. "Steve."

He looked up. He involuntarily clenched his jaw at what he saw. It had become a reflex at that point. Adam, the tall future quarterback who the world revolved around, towered over the table. He held his much tray under one arm and a football under the other. The idiot looked like he was posing for ESPN or something.

"Can we talk for a sec?" Adam asked.

"I have nothing to say to you." was his flat answer.

"Steve, come on…"

"Just say what brought you here, Davis." Steve said, sitting back arms folded.

"I read the notes you handed me and I have a few questions." Adam almost whispered, pleaded. Steve didn't understand, was it that hard to apologize?

"Save it for book club."

"what are you doing here, Davis?" Josh walked up with a full tray and examined the two as he spoke. 

"I was just leaving." Adam sang in fake cheer.

"What was that about?" Josh asked.

"Don't know." he sighed.

Progression, that was the lesson of the day. He stood back to admire his work. Art was a great tool. He could literally spill his heart in ways words never could. He left the thing leaning against the wall to dry and locked up the art studio.

He arrived to find everyone else present. That was some progress. Everyone was gathered around Mia's phone except for Adam who was lazily examining the books on the shelves and Mandy who was buried in a book.

"Hey Steve, did you hear?" Beth asked.

"Hear what?"

"Some more ships went missing," Mandy answered, here yes still tearing the page of the small book before her. As if sensing his surprise, she added. "These idiots couldn't shut up about it."

"Prick." Mia said.

"Wannabe." Mandy responded.

"Don't start," Steve said to Mia. "So do they know what's happening with the ships?"

"Riptide." Adam said, his eyes still prowling the shelves.

Steve had definitely heard about the ships and the riptide theory. After all, that was the talk of the town. It was scary to even imagine.