
In the Garden

Away from the Palace and near the territories of the northern forest, Emory and Odin had stepped on the lands of the humans in their disguised appearances. Both of them were dressed as a noble class woman and her butler. They had arranged the dresses from a seamstress earlier who had an idea of what humans wore occasionally. Though Odin had been resentful about his role of being Emory's butler all the way along, they had to stick to it whatsoever.

"So what's the plan?" Odin asked, putting his hands inside the pockets of his pants as he walked by her side in a chill manner. He kept looking here and there like he was an explorer instead of some common person who walked on these paths every day.

Emory glanced in his direction and then gritted her teeth. "First of all, you are my butler so act like it. Stay two feet behind me and keep your posture straight. We aren't new here, understand?"