
Sing Me A Song, My Lovely.

I run, my abdomen hurting and my lungs burning. A path. A fucking two-way path. I decide to go right hoping for the best, but the universe takes a giant shit on me. A dead end. I hear a sinister laugh echoing off the walls right behind me. I turn swiftly my hair flying with my actions. He stands there. So far, but yet he's so close. A face-off. A preditor, and his prey. He eyes me up and down ready to pounce. Ready to mark me as his once, and for all. He's hazed, and nothing can stop a hazed alpha. His lust showing in his hooded eyes. His lust for me, but I refuse to submit. That's what he likes about me, it's my blessing and my curse. He gives me that look. The look he gives me when he's thinking about all the things he's gonna do to me. I shiver in fear and excitement. Excitement because as much as I hate to admit it I really want to touch his abs. If you were me you'd want to touch his abs too. He's like a sex God, he reeks with sexuality. But he's nothing close to being an angel. He was more like the devil. I'd seen him with my own eyes, see how he is in action. He takes a step towards me, and I step back automatically. He smirks, "Are you afraid, Piccola cagna?" (Little bitch) I don't understand what he says. But it sounds like Italian. I stare him in the eye, "Fuck you." He growls, the sound echoing off every wall of the dark, wet alley. "What the fuck did you just say to me, human?" "I said, fuck you, Piccola Cagna." ( Little bitch) That's when he snaps. •°•°•°•°• A story about a girl living in a world where the impossible is possible. Vampires and witches rule the grasslands, werewolves and fairies rule the forest, mermaids and other fish rule the sea, god the heavens, and the devil the underworld. humans are at the bottom of the food chain, and they say the only safe place is a place called Eden where everyone can have refuge. Rumor or not she decides to risk it even if it means death just to leave the wretched place. ⚠️Warning: Dark Romance⚠️

LovelyMe130 · Adolescente
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2 Chs

01. Let Me Help You

(Raven's POV)

Let me help you, I can help you. Skin slapping against skin, sweat, heavy breathing, my heart pulsing in my ears, tears. You can't help me, Raven, I'm too far gone.

I snap out of the dream, my eyes cracking open. What the fuck? I just had a wet dream. Great, I'm having wet dreams in class.

I pick up my pencil to draw something, anything, to take my mind off of the intense dream. The words, that voice.

He sounded like he was in so much pain like he was miserable, but we're all sad right now so I don't know why the dream makes me so uneasy.

I haven't felt this way since the war ended. I still remember everything from that day. January second twenty twenty-two. (02,02,2022)

It was on the news after school, the reporters were all so relieved, depressed but relieved.

Happy that the bloodshed had finally ended. Happy that their families and children could finally stop dying.

Even if it means we now belonged to a world we'd only dreamed and read of.

A world that no one was prepared to be in. Of course, some had already prepared bunkers to escape some dumb birdbrain zombies.

Nobody prepared for smart high tech robots, vicious werewolves, deadly vampires, or even monstrous mermaids.

Nobody knew what was coming, nobody predicted they would all come at once.

Together in a supernatural pack determined to rule the world, to strip us from our freedom, and control us like how we'd controlled our pets.

"Ms. Lowe!" All heads turn in my direction as I force my eyes from the vivid drawing of the dream.

I'd only finished halfway before I was so rudely interrupted like I don't already know the answer to whatever the tin can is about to ask me to solve.

"Please tell me the answer to number eleven." Factor the algebraic expression: 11. 6x2 - 21 x y + 8 x z - 28 y z.

I sigh, it picked an easy one, I couldn't have at least gotten a more challenging one, number fifteen for example.

"3x(2x - 7y) + 4z(2x - 7y) = (2x - 7y)(3x + 4z)." It's metal mouth clicks in annoyance, "I see that you understand the lesson, but you're required to stay focused in class."

I give it a small smile, nodding, "Of course." The phone rings right as the tin can is about to start teaching again.

The thing's heavy feet clang against the floor as it makes its way to the phone. Interrupted twice already? The universe must really want to stop today's lesson.

"Hello?" I can hear everything it's saying from the back of the room, "I will send her right away."

"Raven, please pack your things, and walk to the office." I nod, and the class starts whispering about how I'm in trouble.


"Raven, I want to offer you a chance to get a higher education, in a more promising school."

I sit up straight, intrigued. "What kind of school?" He clears his throat, "A private school."

"Private schools are only for the vingdohe dohing." I inject, "No humans are supposed to go there. It's dangerous." (Special ones)

He sighs, "The school board already ok'd it. Now it's up to you and your parents if you decide to go or not."

I shake my head, "So what you're actually saying is that you want me to risk my safety just to get a better education?"

He sighs, "Whatever you choose to do is entirely up to you, Ms. Lowe."

Word Count: 602

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