
Ep 2

In a silent red forest of giant trees with a dark feeling in the air, in a small clearing, a purple circle suddently appeared and from it a small green monster popped out.

The monster was small, between 90cm and 1m height, it had four limbs and a small hideous face with razor like teeth, pointy ears and eyes with black sclera.

That goblin is our MC.

[w... Wake up host!]

"What is it?"

[u have been reincarnated in the newbie forest as a goblin]

"a goblin?! And what part of my personality ressemble a goblin!"

[Ugliness maybe?]

"Who are u calling ugly!"

[your soul is ugly host]

"shut up! Anyway I can change race right?"

[host you have a newbie pack would u like to open it?]

"Of course yes open it please"

[opening newbie pack...

Received the current rewards:

soul spear(g)

body cultivation(f)

Soul cultivation(f)

Inspection skill(g)

Spear arts(g)

Brave spirit(d)

100 IP]

[does host want to learn skills?]



"u didn't say that it would hurt!"

[host didn't ask]

"u little.."

[would host like to see his other rewards?]

"tch! Fine let me see them"

[soul spear(g) lv1/3]

A spear that can evolve.

[body cultivation(e) experience lv1/20]

Cultivates until high body

[soul cultivation(e) exp lv1/20]

Cultivates until yellow soul

[inspection skill(g) lv1/3]

Can inspect low leveled beings.

[spear arts(g) lv1/3]

Most common spear art.

[brave spirit(d) lv1/50]

Able to face any challenge with a calm and strong spirit but host won't be able to change race until he arrives at the peak of said race.

"um system is this what i think it is?"

[I don't understand your question host]

"The heck is this?! Won't I remain a goblin from now on?! Wasn't it said that i could change when i wanted?!"

[It's host who learned all the skills without thinking on what it did]

"then i really can't change race?"

[no until host reaches a certain level]

"so i need to evolve is that what you wanted to say?"


"System are you a tsundere?"

[I don't understand what you mean by that]

"Aah c'mon didn't you read my memories before?~"


"what though i couldn't do it? ~

"so what do you think of my past? Was i awesome?"

[Can I tell you what i thought seeing your past?]

"yep feel free to say anything system"

[you are broken. It's not for the fact that you killed that makes u broken but that you enjoyed the act of fighting and killing]

"hahahaha, well i guess that's true. I thought that I could control not falling for it but i guess it was more powerful than i thought"


"System in this world and in my past world it was eat or be eaten so why won't i just take everything?"

[if that's what you think host then it will be my will too.]

"haha if you said so. Also i need to give you a name are u a girl or guy or the both?"

[I don't have a sex host]

"mhmm then you will be called nana"

[then ence fold i will be called nana].

" good"

"well shall we go hunting right now nana?"

[yes host]