
Chapter 48 Humanity's Shared Future_1

Beneath the vast satellite in the sky.

The white Elysium Space had become a tiny white dot, seemingly hanging eternally in the azure sky, motionless.

An endless ocean, with sea breezes stirring up ripples wave after wave.

At this time, on a plain a kilometer away from the coastline, it was already bustling with activity.

A research base covering a thousand square meters had risen from the ground.

Now, it had been five months since they had arrived at Tanis Planet.

By this time, they had already built a sizeable research base on the surface of Tanis Planet, constructed from one module to another, mainly for the purpose of studying the ecological environment of Tannis Planet. Among the hundred-plus awakened, there were mostly biologists and environmental scientists.

The base was named "Exploration Base," with the primary goal being to research whether Tanis Planet was suitable for human habitation.

This research was exceedingly thorough, incorporating the entire biosphere of Tanis into the scope of the study.

Because this concerned whether colonization could proceed smoothly.

Only by clarifying whether humans could integrate into the biosphere of Tanis could they decide whether colonization on Tannis Planet was possible.

During these five months, they did nothing but continuously collect samples and conduct experiments, cycling over and over, bringing together all the scientific research forces of Elysium Space to do this one thing.

The results were very promising; they had made some achievements.

After testing by the scientific team, they discovered that the surface environment of Tanis largely met the conditions necessary for human survival, and so far, no overtly adverse locations for humans had been found.

This was good news.

According to their current plan, research would continue for another half a year.

After half a year, if no clear harmful places were found, then the colonization plan of Elysium Space would officially commence.

Because with the increasing population of the awakened, the food on Elysium Space was being consumed rapidly.

Originally, the food storage on Elysium Space was enough to last them for decades, after all, it was the quantity for sixty thousand people over several years.

But after the interventions of mutant organisms, the great majority of it was contaminated and became inedible.

Therefore, they had to consider survival, and cultivating food had become an inevitable consideration.

By then, the workers and engineers of Elysium Space would be awakened on a large scale, and among the scientists, except for necessary biologists and environmental scientists, others such as physicists and chemists would be asked to hibernate.

Because they wouldn't be of much use at the beginning of colonization, only when civilization had recovered to a certain level would their talents be able to be applied.

Five months of exploration had given them a preliminary understanding of the life on Tanis.

The surface of Tannis Planet hosted some large mammals, with certain groups possessing high intelligence, observation had shown that they had reached the level of intelligence of ancient humans.

Cao Ge had named them the Tanis People.

However, the Tanis People mostly lived in the forest, and their research base was in the barren coast, so there was no immediate worry about conflicts.

But this conflict would be inevitable in the future. When colonization began on a large scale, they would necessarily choose areas with vegetation.

At that time, how to interact with the indigenous groups of Tanis Planet would pose a significant problem.

They had only three thousand people, compared to the tens of thousands of groups on Tanis, it was indeed somewhat insufficient.

But fortunately, their technology far surpassed that of the Tanis People.

The existence of intelligent groups on Tanis had been anticipated in the initial stages of colonization.

But that plan was now useless, as he currently only had three thousand people. If they were to follow the path of peaceful trade relations, humans would be at a disadvantage.

What humans needed to do was not to play the role of guests, but to transition from outsiders to the masters of Tanis Planet.

But Tanis already had its masters.

The indigenous groups and outsiders were naturally opposed to each other.

The moment Cao Ge learned that Tanis Planet had intelligent groups, he had already foreseen the future of Tanis Planet.

It would undoubtedly be a war spanning decades.

Without external intervention, the two species would fight bloody battles for survival.

As someone born and raised on Earth, Cao Ge could only stand on the side of humanity.

But sometimes, he couldn't help but ponder, was there not another possibility?

If they were to implement a policy of genocide against the native intelligent groups of Tanis, then what difference would they have from the Trisolarans?

Could it be that Dark Forest Law really was an inescapable truth?


Elysium Space.

Inside the cockpit.

Cao Ge stood in front of the transparent protective shield, gazing thoughtfully at the huge blue planet before him.

In the past five months, the landing crafts transporting supplies made several trips back and forth, and Cao Ge had gone down a few times as well.

But after a few visits, he found that staying on Tanis Planet wasn't as good as staying in Elysium Space.

Because on Tanis Planet, it was barren, extremely primitive, and there wasn't much to see.

As he was always to leave, the work of clearing and cultivating the land wasn't interesting to him. So, after handing all the responsibilities over to Eric, he returned to Elysium Space to review the data on the ship.

And today was the day he left.

In these five months, he had witnessed the great power humans could unleash for survival.

This tiny human race, after the destruction of Earth, had finally rekindled vitality on Tanis Planet, two thousand light-years away.


Cao Ge had spent almost the past year on Elysium Space.

The quiet life made his mind extraordinarily clear.

Many problems that had been difficult to solve before had found rational solutions during this time.

Regarding many things, the Cao Ge of now had new perspectives.

During his time living on Elysium Space, Cao Ge seriously reflected on his situation.

He possessed a system that could traverse different universes and also had the ability to enhance one of his skills.

The system would issue tasks, and upon completing these tasks, he would receive hidden rewards.

Having lived with Eric and the others for so long, the Cao Ge of the past would have felt as if he was just playing a game. But after truly spending a whole year on Elysium Space, he no longer thought so.

Be it the Three-Body World or the Deep Space Amnesia World, they were all real worlds.

If they were all real worlds, then how could he ignore the fate of humanity in this world just because of the fate of humanity in the Three-Body World?

Gradually, a seed sprouted in the depths of his heart, and a sense of responsibility rose swiftly.

He felt he had the duty to shoulder the fate of humanity across the multi-universe, the responsibility to promote the concept of a "multi-universe human common destiny" to humans across the multi-universe.

And he had vaguely found a feasible method of implementation.