Alternative Title: Simultaneous Transmigration: From Japanese Anime to American Comics, Striking With Heavy Blows! A mysterious Soul Palace transports Chu Yang to countless worlds. In every world, Chu Yang can share his talents. He is the young clan leader of the Senju Clan in the world of Naruto, chosen by the God of Shinobi himself. In the world of One Piece, he is the right hand man of Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, the strongest vice captain in history, and the first to reverse bounty the Celestial Dragons. He is Aizen's lifelong nemesis in the world of Bleach and Tony Stark's genius assistant in the Marvel universe. In the world of martial arts, he is the number one demon lord sweeping across all lands, and in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, he is the mad sorcerer trampling on Sukuna. He is the chosen one and will ultimately become the supreme one. Original Work: 同時穿越:從日漫到美漫重拳出擊 Author: 我隻想萬定 (I Only Want Ten Thousand Orders) Translation by: Craxx Support My Work: If you enjoy this translation and want to read advance chapters, consider subscribing to my Patreon at Your support helps me continue bringing you good translations. Disclaimer: This is a fan translation of the original work 同時穿越:從日漫到美漫重拳出擊. All characters, settings, and the original story belong to their respective creators. This translation is done purely for entertainment purposes and not for commercial gain. Support the Original Author: If you enjoy this story, please consider supporting 我隻想萬定 (I Only Want Ten Thousand Orders) by engaging with it through official channels. Your support for the original author helps ensure that more great stories like this one continue to be created.