
Simple Love Story but why?

Its a simple love story but why is it simple if her life is horrible.

A011SB · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Simple Love Story But Why?

Characters Name Yeo-Ji business owner

kim-so rival company owner

Joo-Hun child hood best friend

Jin-Ju Assistant

Extras included later. This is 1st person view and 3rd .

Why me? Why not someone else? I worked so hard just for all of it to go down the drain...

Its morning, I hate the mornings.They remind me of how cruel the world is wakes me up and tells me it each day. I wish I could sleep for ever but I worked so hard just to end it all I couldn't do that . 50 messages none of them from my parents of course they would forget my birthday they always do. They always do this they always make me have some hope inside me. But as always i'm always the least of their worries after their retirement they have stuck onto work like owls always watching. Always complaining about the things I do wrong the things I change the people I hire. They cant just mind their own thing after they handed it down to me . At least I have Joo-hun the person I love the person I always loved . I cant wait for our dinner date . Today is the day Im going to confess! I shouldn't have done that I regret so much each day I cry myself to sleep knowing I will always be second.

Hii! Im sorry if theirs any spelling errors I rushed but I would get it fixed I hope you like it more coming out each day !!!! ; D