
Simon Belmont the Last Belmont of the Age of Shadowhunters

what if Simon Lewis from Shadowhunters was actually a descendent of the Belmont clan from Castlevania

shadow1103 · Videojogos
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Simon Lewis stood in front of the mirror, his hazel eyes scanning his reflection. He was an ordinary teenager—or so he had always thought. But on this particular day, his life was about to change forever. Little did he know that he was not just an average human, but a descendant of the legendary Belmont clan from the world of Castlevania.As Simon absentmindedly adjusted his glasses, a small, ancient-looking envelope caught his attention. It had appeared on his bedside table, as if by magic. Intrigued, he reached for it, noticing the wax seal imprinted with the Belmont family crest. His heart raced with anticipation as he carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a faded parchment.The parchment revealed a detailed family tree, tracing Simon's lineage back centuries. It depicted the heroic exploits of the Belmonts, vampire hunters of unparalleled skill and courage. Simon's eyes widened as he read about their battles against Dracula and the legions of darkness. The truth of his ancestry began to sink in, filling him with a mixture of awe and uncertainty.Unable to contain his curiosity, Simon embarked on a quest for knowledge, determined to uncover the secrets of his family's legacy. He delved into ancient texts, studied forgotten lore, and sought out the guidance of experts in the supernatural. The more he learned, the clearer it became that he possessed dormant powers waiting to be awakened.However, there was a twist to Simon's story. While the Belmonts were known for their vampire-hunting prowess, Simon himself was a vampire. He had been turned into one during his time as a Shadowhunter, a human-angel hybrid dedicated to protecting the world from demons. But instead of succumbing to his vampiric nature, Simon discovered that his Belmont lineage granted him a unique advantage—the ability to harness both vampire and supernatural powers.As Simon grappled with this newfound revelation, he knew he had to confide in his fellow Shadowhunters, his chosen family. They had stood by him through thick and thin, and he trusted them implicitly. Simon gathered his courage and approached Clary Fairchild, his best friend and the love of his life, to share his astounding discovery.Clary listened intently, her emerald eyes widening with each word. She was no stranger to the extraordinary, having grown up in the world of Shadowhunters, but even she was taken aback by Simon's revelation. Nevertheless, she stood by his side, promising to support him through this new chapter of their lives.Together, Simon and Clary approached the renowned Shadowhunter mentor, Magnus Bane, seeking his guidance. Magnus, a warlock with centuries of experience, was intrigued by Simon's unique heritage. He understood the power that lay dormant within him and vowed to help him unlock his potential.Under Magnus's tutelage, Simon embarked on a rigorous training regimen, honing his physical and mental abilities. As he delved deeper into his Belmont lineage, Simon discovered that his vampire nature heightened his senses and granted him supernatural strength. He could move with uncanny speed, withstand great physical strain, and see in the darkest of nights.But it was his Belmont powers that set him apart. Drawing upon his newfound heritage, Simon learned to channel the essence of his ancestors—their unwavering determination, their mastery of weaponry, and their ability to sense the presence of the supernatural. He developed a profound connection to his family's iconic weapon, the Vampire Killer whip, a weapon infused with the power to obliterate vampires and demons alike.News of Simon's awakening spread among the Shadowhunter community, stirring a mix of awe and apprehension. Some were skeptical, doubting the authenticity of his lineage and the veracity of his newfound abilities. Others, however, recognized the significance of his heritage and the potential threat he posed to their enemies.As Simon continued to unveil his powers, the Shadowhunter world braced itself for the impact of this extraordinary revelation. Some embraced his unique abilities, seeing him as a powerful ally against the forces of darkness. Others feared the unknown, questioning the implications of Simon's hybrid nature and the possible consequences it might bring.In the midst of it all, Simon remained resolute. He had long struggled with his identity, caught between the human, vampire, and Shadowhunter worlds. Now, armed with his Belmont powers, he felt a sense of purpose and belonging he had never experienced before. He was determined to use his newfound abilities to protect those he loved and to uphold the legacy of his ancestors.As the first chapter of Simon's extraordinary journey came to a close, he stood at a crossroads, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The world of Shadowhunters and the legacy of the Belmonts intertwined, creating a destiny uniquely his own. Simon Lewis, the vampire descendant of the Belmont clan, was poised to become a force to be reckoned with—a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness.