
Silver, Easy Come Easy Go. Fallen into madness

Book two, of fallen into madness series.

Bearscholar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 56, moving on the guild 2


Trisha pushed out of bed as a light knock came at her door. She opened the port, looking out to see an already dressed Eliya with her dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. Trisha wonders how Eliya could pull that off? With Eliya's calm expression and her combed hair tied back, she looked intense, ready for a fight. Trisha grumbled. Whenever she did that, she looked like she was one of those annoying cockatoo birds, brought in by traders from the rainforest.

" Elliot just reported in, he said the local church is demanding a meeting." Said Eliya.

"What do they want?" Asked Trisha, changing from her soft silk sleeping gown into her usual attire. Trisha eyed her fitted gambeson near her bed, leaving that for the evening. On second thought, Trisha decided she needed all the help she could get. Arriving in armour ready for a fight would be a definitive statement. The quilted armour was much less comfortable than Trishas silk clothing, but it was also much more protective.

Trisha slipped the armour over her head, the gambeson covering all the way to her knees. She then strapped a thick leather belt to hold the loose outfit snuggly to her tall, wiry frame. She stretched, testing her breadth of movement. Trisha nodded and stepped outside into the waiting room.

" Take this, having only a dagger in an open fight won't be ideal." Said Eliya, giving Trisha a sheathed, plain short sword. The sword would be perfect for thrusting, maneuverable in the tight confines of hallways.

" You are probably right, having a sword later tonight will be extremely useful." Said Trisha, belting the sword next to her curved dagger.

" Well, let's go. By now, the journeymen mage and the novice are probably having a tantrum." Said Eliya, cracking a small smile.

" Are they downstairs?" Asked Trisha.

" Yes, they wanted to come up to your room but Greg blocked them off outside." Said Eliya.

Trisha smirked at Greg as she opened the outer door, descending the stairs to the dining room. A man and a woman sat at a table drinking from steaming mugs and appearing anything but pleased. They glared at Trisha as she approached.

" Where is your boss." asked the eldest of the two, a woman in her early forties, turning up her nose at Trishas gambeson and sword.

" I'm the boss, so don't give me that look." Said Trisha, flashing the bright blue badge of the Bishop's apprentice.

" I didn't realize the bishop's standards had fallen so low. I can't even sense her heart?" Said the woman.

Judging by the woman's dark brown robe and silver badge, she was the journeymen mage in charge of the church thugs.

" I have actually reached six layer rune channeling, the bishop however insisted I wait. If you have a problem with the bishops' methods, I can bring your complaint to her ears. What is your name? I'm sure she can't wait to hear it." Said Trisha, glaring at the older woman.

The woman sat back in her chair, her eyes widening at Trishas words.

" That is unnecessary. Forget I said anything. Surely you can't blame me for being sceptical? You are young, and inexperienced. Why not let me take the lead here." Said the woman. Glancing over, Trisha more cautious this time.

" Oh really? I heard you are followers of Darentar?" Asked Trisha, eying the badge of a sceptre and book emblazoned on the robes of the priest. Both priests sat up straighter, clearly proud.

" We are! Our study and knowledge make us the obvious choice when it comes to leading the mission to eliminate these demons worshiping skum." Said the man beside the journeymen priest.

" Slow down, what are you names?" Asked Trisha, furrowing her brow.

"I am priest Marisa, and this is apprentice Daniel." Said the journeymen mage.

" Thank you, I am Trisha. Let me ask you this, have either of you been in a fight, or killed before." Asked Trisha.

Both priests glanced at each other nervously.

" We have assisted in the purification of the accursed." Said Daniel.

" So executions? You have never actually been in a situation where someone fought back?" Asked Trisha, smoothing her face to mask her anger.

" See reason. I am a priest in the church. Do the sensible thing and pass leadership to me." Said Marisa.

" I'm not getting my comrades killed. Unlike you, I have fought several times and know the danger. If you two don't fall in line, then I will give a report to the bishop explaining to her in detail exactly how all the demons hiding in the guild escaped." Said Trisha coldly.

" How dare you talk-

" Quite Daniel! So you are going to completely ignore our suggestions?" Asked Marisa through gritted teeth.

" No! I want your suggestions. In fact, I will give you Marisa control over all the church mercenaries. You know their strengths, so I will trust you, if you can give me a plan." Said Trisha.

" How considerate of you. Very well. I have a few suggestions I can offer." Said Marisa in a slightly calmer tone.

Trisha nodded her head indicating priest Marisa continue.

" It pains me to admit it, but you may be right. Our branch of the church is not combat oriented like you worshipers of Lytheria. I do, however, specialize in the study of mana. I need to be with you to study this demon artifact before we deal with it. There is no telling what an active ritual to the abyss will do if we forcefully cut it off. Out of my church, I am the most knowledgeable when it comes to forbidden rituals. That is why his lordship bishop of Darentar sent me." Said Marisa.

" You are permitted to study forbidden rituals?" Asked Trisha, taken aback.

" Yes, if we are to stop such things, we must understand them. We have a few select members whose job it is to specialize in rituals." Said Marisa.

" I see. We were just going to destroy the device, but now that I think on it, I would prefer someone with expertise examine the relic before we destroy it." Said Trisha, her thoughts drifting to her distant memories. Hadn't there been an explosion the last time they used a ritual in her old home? On second thought, now she was more than willing to allow this woman to join her.

" It's good we are here then." Said Marisa.

" Alright, I want time to sneak in and secure the room the relic is in. We don't want the demon cultists to do anything stupid. I think the best plan will be for us to strike and you and your soldiers to come in several minutes after." Said Trisha.

" We already have our soldiers positioned around the guild. They are out of sight and waiting for further orders." Said Marisa.

" Good. Position yourself near the rear of the building. There is a back entrance. When you see me and my team enter, wait ten minutes before you send in your soldiers to arrest everyone." Said Trisha.

" We can do that. I can't promise my soldiers will be too gentle with the foul demon cultists." Said Marisa, her face contorting in anger.

" That's fine. We just need everyone who is in the building chained up. Once we verify the demons and get rid of them, we can go from there." Said Trisha wincing internally. Wasn't Reskeme one of those demons?

" That is good. I'm glad you understand the procedure. We cannot allow anyone who hasn't been checked to slip through our grasp. We will need to take all the cultists back to the church to question them thoroughly." Said Marisa.

" How will you know the demon cultists against the innocent workers?" Asked Trisha.

" Whoever is living inside of the guild is clearly working with the demon cultists. They will all be charged and punished for their crimes." Said Marisa coldly.

" I can agree with that, as long as we question them before doing anything more drastic." said Trisha forcefully.

" Alright, I will order the soldiers to capture when they can. However, if any resist, we will kill them. Also, anyone with the taint of demon essence will be killed immediately. There is no hope of redemption for those already tainted by a demon." said Marisa, her eyes steely.

Trisha ponder the women's words. If she was the best specialist, the church had on demons and rituals, then she would know far better than others what demons were capable of.

" Prepare for the evening. Keep an eye out for us. When the guild closes at nightfall, that is when we strike." said Trisha. Marisa nodded, standing from her chair. Surprisingly, the older woman offered Trisha her forearm in the Laurentian style salute.

Trisha watched the two priests go, wondering if they would follow her instructions. That meeting had been somewhat informative.

Trisha planned their line of attack with Elliot and his mercenaries, along with her own squad. Reskeme arrived nearly an hour before they were going to make a move on the guild. Reskeme gave her a smile while glaring at both Eliya and Greg. He peered around the room, eying each of them nervously. The young mans brash arrogance seemed to be replaced with cautiousness.

Trisha could see the outline of throwing knives under Reskeme's cotton shirt, but other than that, she couldn't tell if he had any other weapons. He had a leather pouch tied to his belt holding up bright green cotton pants and a dark green shirt.

" Thank you for joining us, Reskeme. You have already met Greg and Eliya. Let me introduce you to our reinforcements. This is Elliot, and his small band of mercenaries." said Trisha, gesturing to the well-built man with a full beard dressed in full gambeson with a steel breastplate and a sword at his waist. Trisha had to hand it to Elliot as he struck a dangerous image dressed for combat.

" So this is the guy you went on a date with? He doesn't even have a mustache. I doubt he even has shaved a single time?" said Roger, walking closer to Reskeme and looking him up and down.

" It wasn't a date, we were just talking about the mission." said Trisha.

" Oh, that's good. I knew he couldn't compete with my mustache." said Roger, leaning on Reskeme's shoulder like they were long-time friends.

" Mustache? You mean that caterpillar on your face? I bet I could grow better." said Reskeme, glaring at Roger's offending arm. Roger, being half a head taller than Reskeme's short frame, peered down at him as both young men glared into each other's eyes. Trisha smiled, shaking her head at Roger's antics.

" We will see, when i get the best loot, Trisha will definitely change her mind and go on a date with me instead." said Roger puffing out his chest.

"Joke is on you. I have the key to the safe where all the treasure is hidden." said Reskeme, patting his back right pants pocket. Trisha schooled her expression. Now she knew where it was. No need to be worried. Roger grinned, patting Reskeme on the back.

"May the best man win."

" Roger, you know I can hear you. And I actually dislike mustaches, so growing a mustache is counterproductive for a goal like that." said Trisha.

Elliot strode up to Trisha as Reskeme and Roger chatted like long-time friends.

" Roger is one odd fellow." said Trisha, watching the two.

" I was going to say the same thing about Reskeme." said Elliot.

" Do you have the poison?" asked Trisha softly.

" Yes, after we are inside, I can use it on him. If all else fails we can use a knife." said Elliot softly.

" Lets go, we have a bit of a walk to the guildhall." said Trisha gesturing them all outside.

Once on the Street, Reskeme and Roger drifted in the back line following along. Trisha could hear their conversation and couldn't help but notice Eliya's concerned look.

" Did you know that Trisha once tied me to the back of her horse and carried me for hours?" asked Reskeme.

" Really, what in the nine hells did you do to deserve that?" asked Roger.

" Well, she thought I blew up something and I really didn't. So she came and arrested me. It was pretty unpleasant, but looking back now, it was actually kind of funny." said Reskeme chuckling.

" That sounds a lot more pleasant than riding with her on a boat. She was so sick the entire way here that she was slung halfway over the railing the entire time." said Roger animatedly..

Trisha shook her head, speeding up the pace. She really didn't like that. Both of them seemed to be making their jokes at her expense.

Reskeme's chuckle drifted along the darkened street as the group walked in relative silence.

" Hey Roger, quiet." said Elliot.

" I'm just learning more about the boss from her friend." said Roger.

" I'm your boss, and I'm telling you to shut your mouth." said Elliot firmly. Roger brought his fist to his gambeson clad chest.

Trisha reached into a pouch at her hip and pulled out several purple vials of swirling gas. They paused in the street. Judging by the street sign, they were on the right corner. The street was dimming and soon the rune lanterns would turn on. Two guards stood in front of the entrance to the back door. Trisha turned back to Reskeme, who was the only one of them not dressed for combat.

" Here take these, throw hard at the feet of both those guards, one each." said Trisha, taking two fist sized vials of the purple gas.

Reskeme took them cautiously, eying the glass vials.

"What do these do?" asked Reskeme.

" Break one each at the feet of those guards and they will be paralyzed. Careful not to let the gas touch your skin or get in your mouth." said Trisha.

"Soo, I just take the vials and break them?" asked Reskeme, his eyes lighting up.

" Yes, can you do that?" asked Trisha.

" Of course, who needs a mustache when you can throw. One point Reskeme zero points caterpillar mustache." said Reskeme, winking at Roger.

Trisha rolled her eyes. Carefully, she placed the two vials in Reskeme's hands and waited as he strode around the corner. Trisha peered after him, watching as Reskeme approached the two guards, his hands in his pockets. Just as she hoped, the guards waved to him as Reskeme approached them. Trisha couldn't hear their conversation, but the guards were smiling at Reskeme. Glass broke and then again as Reskeme threw two objects at the guard's feet.

" Go!" said Trisha, rushing down the street. Her comrades followed, their boots thudding on cobbled stone as they approached the already dissipating gas. Trisha watched roger slip a mask over his face. She stopped next to Reskeme as Roger enter the quickly dissipating purple cloud and quickly tied up both guards like he was tying hogs for the slaughter.

" Good job." said Trisha.

" That was fast, that gas is potent." said Reskeme as the purple gas disappear into the air. Trishas heart raced and her blood heated as she approached the door.

" Yes, its very useful stuff." said Trisha as Reskeme walked up to the door and used an amulet around his neck. The door clicked and swung open.

" Lets go!" said Reskeme, leading the way.

Trisha glanced back, looking over the dark buildings on the other side of the street. She nodded to herself, not a glimpse of her support. Their support was more competent than she thought. Trisha went inside holding her breath just in case there was still some gas in the air.

The courtyard in the building's rear was circled by rooms, each with a number. Reskeme gesture them forwards and Trisha followed as they headed for the main building.

Reskeme used his amulet again, and the inner door swung open.

" Lets go, be ready, there are two guards up here guarding the vault room." said Reskeme.

Trisha followed close as Reskeme took a maze of halls until he raised one fist, peering around a corner. She could hardly see him at all, as the only light reflected from around the corner.

" Two guards up ahead. These two are definitely working with the guild master to summon demons." said Reskeme.

"Okay, lets go." said Trisha. Vial in hand, Trisha strode down around the corner, spotting the two guards in an alcove lit by a torch. Her quiet steps went unnoticed at first. One guard, portly with a thick beard, glanced up. Trisha threw the vial hard at the man's feet. The glass shatter with a crash, purple gas filling the hallway as both guards coughed and ran at her. They only made it two steps before their bodies locked up and both guards fell onto their faces.

Trisha looked down at the guards and turned to Roger.

" Kill these two, no reason to leave them alive." said Trisha coldly. Roger drew a knife, his mask hiding his face behind a sealed glass cover. His knife rose and fell, making a disgusting squelch as he pulled the knife from the necks of both helpless guards.

Roger stepped out of the smoke, his glass face shield spattered in dark viscous blood. Trisha watched and waited thirty seconds as the smoke slowly dissipated.

" Its fine now. Go open the door." said Trisha, stepping gingerly so her boots wouldn't get in the pools of blood on the floor. She scrunched up her nose, the coppery tang of blood so thick she could taste it.

Reskeme hesitated, but walked into the indent in the wall. He pulled a silver key with a triangular handle from his pocket and pushed it into the lock. The heavy metal door groaned as it swung inwards, revealing a large, dark chamber within. Now was the time.

" Eliya, take Carl and Roger. Clear the guards at the front door." said Trisha, as Roger held up two bloody amulets he had taken from the dead guards.

" Be careful Trisha, there might be traps set in there." said Eliya. Reskeme pointed to the door on the right.

" Go that way, take a right a left and a right, you should arrive at the front merchant's hall." said Reskeme gesturing down the hall opposite of the one they entered.

That left Reskeme and Trisha walking close by, with Elliot bringing up the rear. They enter the ritual champer and Trisha looked around, unable to see anything in the dark room.

" Dont move into the center. There is a ritual scrawled all over the floor." said Reskeme, holding up a hand.

Trisha pulled out a small lantern and activated it. The room lit up, revealing the bright red marks on the smooth stone floor and the head sized item made of a shimmering silver steel in the center. Trisha gaped at the ritual as jumbled runes cover almost every inch of smooth stone on the floor.

" Now that is not good. The buildup is getting worse." mumbled Reskeme.

" I wonder what in that room over there?" asked Trisha, pointing towards the room on far the side of the ritual chamber. Trisha maneuvered until she was between Reskeme and the ritual. He gave her a look and peered over her shoulder.

" I dont know, you are standing in the way." said Reskeme cocking his head to the side.

" What were you talking about? What is getting worse, deflected Trisha? Trisha did everything she could to avoid looking over Reskeme's shoulder as she stare into his eyes. In the light of the small rune lantern, he was staring up at her intensely. Trishas heart raced, his gaze was always so intense. All she needed was for Reskeme to keep looking at her for just a few more seconds.

" Whats up Trisha? Why do you seem so nervous?" asked Reskeme wearily. He turned his head back towards the door.

Well, what better distraction. Trisha breathed deeply, her heart racing in her chest. She couldn't believe she was going to do this with Reskeme, of all people. Trisha grasped his shirt with both hands and drew him in against her armoured chest. She could feel his body heat against her fingers through his shirt as she held him close and stare into his eyes. She flushed and her heart thudded wildly.

Reskeme's face changed from distrust to confusion as she leaned down. He froze as she leaned in.

Their lips touched his, and she froze. His soft lips brought her off task for a moment. He tensed like lightning struck him as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Trisha's heart practically beat from her chest as she melted into his soft lips. She pulled away, hating how much she had wanted to do that. Reskeme stare at her, breathing deeply, one hand touching his lips in confusion.

Trisha flushed so hard her cheeks hurt. She had really done it? He would never forgive her.

Just then, a large gloved hand with a rag snaked around Reskeme's mouth and another thick arm around his chest. The cloth covered in a purple liquid cover his mouth and nose. Reskeme panting was cut off as he struggled and, after several seconds, froze, his body unable to move.

Elliot lay Reskeme none too gently on the wooden floor, standing back up. Somehow, the big mercenary moved like a ghost through the hallway, not making a sound. Reskeme's eyes remained open, the purple liquid doing its work and locking up his body, making him unable to move.

" It would have been easier to just cut his throat." Said Elliot.

" Yeah, well, even though it took more effort. I don't want to kill him." Said Trisha, not wanting Elliot to know how much she wanted to kiss the idiot on the floor again.

" If this guy is an enemy, why don't we just kill him?" asked Elliot, leaning over to look at Reskeme's frozen body.

" Well, he will not be happy with me, but I don't want to kill him." said Trisha. Elliot Drew a knife as he leaned over Reskeme and raised it. Trisha panicked, her racing heart skipping a beat as a rune of grey mana formed between Reskeme's prone form and Elliot. The dagger struck the rune, and Elliot flew several feet upward as a powerful force struck back.

Trisha rushed over, drawing her short sword and standing between Reskeme and Elliot as he rose from where he fell on his back.

" Was it you the Bishop sent to kill him if I failed?" asked Trisha.

" Yes, me and my team. You cannot let that thing live. He is a demon." said Elliot.

" The bishop told you what he is?" asked Trisha, her heart racing. She should have expected this. It was so obvious.

" Of course, we don't just go around killing random boys for money. She forced us to sign a rune contract and then told us what he is." said Elliot, groaning as he slowly stood.

" I am letting him go. He deserves a chance for helping us." said Trisha.

" Trisha, we have a contract. I can't just ignore that. Failing a contract with the bishop will be poor business for me and my team." said Elliot.

" Just do it Elliot. If you just pretend he isn't there for now and let him escape, I will make sure you get contracts in the future." said Trisha, flashing her blue badge to make her point. Elliot paused, clearly not wanting to tangle with someone who could use mana.

" Very well, Trisha. I will do this for you. But I expect compensation with future contracts." said Elliot, taking a step back.

Trisha glanced down into Reskemes panicked eyes. She reached into his pocket and pulled the key from inside. Trisha heaved, dragging him out into the hallway, out of site next to the two corpses. Trisha couldn't stand his panicked look. She leaned over him, staring into his eyes.

" The church soldiers will be here in maybe five to eight minutes. When the gas wears off run, they are going to arrest everyone here and if they detect demonic essence, they will kill you." said Trisha. She grimaced as his eyes expressed his anger.

" I'm sorry I deceived you. But please run after the gas wears of, if you are quick, you might get out in time." said Trisha, rising and walking back inside the ritual room. She left Reskemes frozen body inside the torch-lit hall as she used her small lantern to scan the large room. Elliot stood to the side, his dagger re-sheathed at his side.

" Well, lets see what is in that last room." said Elliot. Trisha walked along the outskirts of the bloody markings. They oozed a sort of malicious intent, like when victor tried to invade her mind only much worse. The silvery object in the center was hard to make out. The orb was in an indent, but she couldn't make out any of the markings on its surface.

She took her silvery key and slipped it into the second door. Trisha twisted the key, and to her relief, the lock clicked. The door swung open on well-oiled hinges. Trisha peers inside. The walls of the room were lined with several cages, some empty while others had people within. On the left were several cages with only a slit in the center of glass, keeping those three cells completely closed off from the horrid stench.

Trisha gaged at the horrible stench of the poor people inside. Their malnourished bodies shown through their drab torn clothing. At least ten people were packed in the cells she could see. After seeing their sorry states, Trisha felt a tightness in her chest. She hoped none of them were tainted, as the church soldiers wouldn't be lenient.

" I wonder what they were using these guys for." asked Elliot, his voice nasal as he plugged his nose.

" It's probably how they get most of the blood they need for all of those drawings on the stone." said Trisha shuddering. She had never seen something so grotesque.

" That one is possessed." said a weak voice from a cage.

Trisha walked inside her, every breath bringing in the foul air that clung to her throat. She approached the cage and peered in at the speaker.

" What are they doing with you people?" asked Trisha, bile rising in her throat.

" They take one of us to the foul room outside. We hear a lot of screaming there is some ominous lights and sometimes were hear a bang and some horrible squelching noises." said the man leaning back against the wall, thick chains wrapping around his arms.

" What does possessed mean?" asked Trisha, glancing across to the cells blocked off from the others.

" After all the screaming, there is usually lull. After a while, they bring the poor guy or girl back in and clean them up before letting them inside those nicer cells for weeks. I call them possessed because when they return they are always different, acting like they are someone else even though they look the same." said the chained man.

" How long have you been here?" asked Trisha.

" Almost a year." said the man.

" Why haven't they taken you out?" asked Trisha.

" Because, it is a trick, you see. I refuse to take their offer. At least once a weak they come in and offer us a chance to escape, all we have to do is accept." said the man, his shoulders slumping.

" If people know what is going to happen, why do they accept?" asked Trisha in disgust.

" They feed us only once every couple of days. Whenever they come in, they offer as much as we can eat to whoever agrees to accept. Every time it gets harder and harder, I dont know how much longer I can hold out." said the man tiredly.

Trisha shuddered at the man's sorry state getting to her. She firmed her resolve. What they were doing. All the deaths the church would soon cause were necessary to stop more poor souls to end up like this old man. These cultists deserved their fate.

Trisha glanced from the filthy cell in front of her to the door on the other side, blocked off from her sight. She assumed the man was talking about whatever or whoever was in there.

" They never come back the same, don't trust whatever he says." Said the man. Trisha nodded. She had met victor, she knew what happened to someone who was possessed. Now for the dirty task of eliminating all the filthy demons infecting this place. Once the soldiers arrived and these vagrants were checked, they could finally be released, either in death or free.