

Everybody else was in shock.They were afraid if they moved or say something I would kill them.Ohhh they were so wrong.I walked over the body,went inside the kitchen,grabbed the knife and stabbed the worker 15 times.That's when everyone else started running and I came after them.Some got away.Ohh those lucky basterd.So I went to the principle office stabbed him 15 times and shut the school down.Oh how they banged on the doors and screamed for help. "Help!!!I can't see!Its dark and I can't open the doors!Help he is trying to kill us!"Said a girl. I followed where I heard her voice wraped my hands around her neck and...Stab.Stabity stabity stab stab.Hahahaha oh how I love how here blood went down her chest like a waterfall Hahahaha.Oh she was cute but she had bad breath and bad make up.Definitely not my type."Let me guess you stabbed her 15 times." "Yes of course" "Why?" "Because that how many times he became me." "?" "Yep and this is the first time he had a mental war but of course he lost.Im a-lot stronger.I mean that what you expect from a mental demon" "A mental demon?" "Yes now im starting to get annoyed.Were going to the best part" After I killed her I walked threw the halls trying to find my next victim Someone knocked me down.Can you guess? "Nope" "Aww your no fun" It was Leon.Oh how I loved his body on mine but I wanted to kill him.Instead I reached his face brought him down and kiss him.He got off of me and wiped his mouth with disgusts.Baby my mouth is the second best thing to have on your lips if you know what I mean.hahahahahahahahaha.He ran away with fear but I ran faster so I stabbed him in the back.All that stabbing I needed another plan.I was thinking guns but there is none in the school.What about gas.No then I would die.Can you guess Johnson."Fire" "Ding.Ding.Ding Fire.I can't die by fire.But how did I create fire?Guess Guess" " You went to go get some air freshner,bleach,box of matches and tape.You cut the air freshener open and put bleach inside so it could create a bad chemical.Then you use tape to seal the cut and kept the box of matches in your pocket." Correct!!Ohh your getting so smart" "Shut up and continue" "Ok Mr.Milk Dud"As you said I did that in the exact process.Then I kissed my old lover on the cheek and walked into I seen a classroom.I sprayed some of my chemicals on the floor.Of course im not dumb.I also busted the sprinklers.Then lit it up.I did it to every class room and heard them scream.Hahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahaha.Next thing you know I heard sirens and door cracking I knew that I wasn't going to make it so before I left I chopped my basterd of a lovers head from his body and carried it out the door before the school exploded."That's when I have been arrested by you Mr.Johnson.Ohh I hate you so much that I want to kill you right now hahaha" "Alright that's enough time for your execution.Any last words." "Oh yes.I hope you sleep good tonight hahahahahahahaha hahaha"To cops came and pull him out.You still can heard him laughing then suddenly he stop and started singing. "Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace" Then you head electrical shock.Then there were total silence.