

It happened two weeks ago. I was 14.My dad told me to milk the cows.I don't know why though.Why would you milk cows at night?He never told me to do that before.I knew something was off but,I did it anyway.Carrying my bucket full of milk heading back to the house I heard my mama screaming and Glass shattering.I dropped everything I had and ran to the front door.I didn't even have to lay one foot into the door and I could see my mom laying on the kitchen floor.She seem to try to get up but she couldn't.I ran to her side and nealed down.She started to cry and touched my cheek."Momma what happened.Where is papa"He was no where to be seen.Did he leave out the back door.How would that happened.You could never get through that door it's sealed shut and the windows are closed tightly that even the strongest man can't get them open.So there was only one option.He still there. Boom im a police officer hahaha."Ok no more jokes for right now lets get back" "Why your such a party pooper.Always ruining the fun" "Benjamin!!" He rolled his eyes"Fine.What ever you say"As I continue my mom was explaining what happend "Your father was drunk and I told him to stop drinking or he would wake up with a sore head.He got angry and Lifted his bottle in the air.I screamed and he knocked me on the side of my head with his bottle."She cried some more "I just wanted to help"I helped her up and tried to console her.I put her on the sofa and went to get a wet towel.I was mad as heck but I couldn't show my mama.But you know what I did?I got that wet towel and I also grabbed a knife and I hid it in my pocket.I hope she doesn't notice . I gave her the wet towel. As soon as I sat down I heard the words I thought would never come out my mothers mouth. "I want you to kill your father"