

"Wait so your telling me your mom told you to kill your dad"Johnson was shocked by this."Yes.He deserves it too always getting drunk cheating and beating my mom and think it's funny.I tried to do something each time but my mom said no.I was even shocked myself when I heard her say that.I was also excited.It was time to show my dad who was boss." "Wait it wasn't the first time he did it" "Duh that what I said." Ok ok continue." I understand why she said that.I really wanted to kill him too.I wanted to show him how it feels to get beaten down every day by someone but I had to kill him.I want to kill him.Ohh just thinking about it makes my blood rush.hahahahahaha. I went to go look for my dad in the house but couldn't find.So I went to go check outside couldn't find him there.Then I noticed the car was missing and I got so....angry.I wanted to tear everything apart.I went to go tell my mom and she was angry too but she said it was for the best and I should sleep.I took a bath and went changed into my pj's.I layed in my bed sleepless waiting for that basterd to come home.After that day he never did come back.It was very peaceful. "So you never killed your dad" " I didn't have to.That basterd died of a heart attack.May hell take him and beat him non stop."Two weeks have passed.And this happened yesterday. I never told my friends what happened but they could tell I was mad. "What is wrong."My best friend said.Peolpe called us a couple.He didn't like boys but I did.Yes I'm gay but I didn't like him as my lover.I liked a boy name Leon.Leon knew I liked him everyone knew but he thought I liked my best friend and rejected me."Yes im okay. Im just thinking" "Thinking of what"You could see it in his eyes.How curious he was to know what im thinking because I was "The Brain". "Im not ready to tell you."I started to sweat because i've gotten nervous.I also started to shake and my friend knew something bad had happened."It's gonna be okay"And he patted my shoulder.Clasd has started and we both were sitting im math class.My other friends were in social studies and science.In math we learned about form abridged multiplication.You know all the crap.Class was over and it was time for lunch.Me and my freinds was laughing and talking at the table while waiting for them to bring our food.That sounds weird to your ears right.The cafeteria staff bringing kids their food.I know it was weird to me too when I first came but i'd gotten use to it. "Everything seem fine but, Why are you here.why do they want to kill you so bad" "Aye chief I was getting to that part." "Ok im sorry continue." I was having a good time and two males my age walked up to our table. "Aye stilk-sun"His friend started to laugh. " I turned around "What do you want" "Word on the street says your mom got beaten by your dad.Is that true did she scream like a Bitch"His freins laughed again.I started to get annoyed and angry.Every one knows not to disrespect my mom.The room fell silent and everyone stared at us. "Well is it?" I snapped.As soon as my food came I grabbed my food and nocked him out with it.My friends tried to calm me down but that ain't satisfy me.I grabbed the plastic spoon and clawed his eyes out and snapped his neck.That how it started.How I created a massacre.How I started my mental war.