
Silent Laughter

On Naruto's first birthday the nine tails attack the village hidden in the leafs, but nine tails was not sealed in Naruto by the forth Hokage, but the third. Kushina Uzumaki died with the nine tails being removed, but Minato lives along with Naruto. On Naruto's fifth birthday he was in a terrible accident which caused hi to lose his voice. How would the tragic incident that happened or his fifth birthday shape the happy little son of the Hokage as Minato struggles to raise Naruto without Kushina's help and guidance.

Royalmv · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


*Minato's POV

It has been a few hours since Naruto woke up and had his panic attack. I sat at the hospital by his side.

"What if we-" I began to ask the doctor

"Minato I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do," Said the doctor

"But Lady Tsunade" I begged "there has to be some way"

"I know of no one with the power that can regrow an organ that far gone. Honestly, there isn't much left of his voice box that I had to remove the rest of it during the surgery." Lady Tsunade Said. I stood up and punched the wall making a human size hole in the wall.

"I said I would protect him," I said as tears rolled down my face. "Kushina would be disappointed," I said

"No, she would not," Tsunade said "she would be proud that you raised a son through the troubles of being the Hokage. You were there for him when he needed you. He loves you so much that it seems like that the love you share is what is keeping him alive" I turned and hugged lady Tsunade

"Thank you," I said

"Now rest the village needs you and more importantly your son will need you. He will have a troubled future ahead of him" Tsunade said. I snickered

"The third told me that before he died," I said

"Well then listen. Go home and rest I will send Katsuyu to you when he wakes up" she said. I teleported Home and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up with someone knocking at my door. I opened it up to find Jiraiya.

"Minato I'm so sorry to hear about Naruto," he said coming into the house.

"Jiraiya I don't know what is going to happen" I honestly told him "how will he make friends? How will he become a ninja? How will he tell me that he loves me before he goes to bed?" I Said leaning into my sensei's shoulder "did I fail him"

"No Minato you didn't fail we just hit a bump and as a family, you guys will make it work" he confidently said

"But sensei this Isn't one of your stories there aren't always happy endings," I said to him

"Yes That is true but you just have to work harder to make it happy," Jiraiya Said "now let's go see him Tsunade tells me he is awake"

I ran out the door with Jiraiya in pursuit. I ran into the room where Naruto was staying. Lady Tsunade was looking down his throat with a light

"N-Naruto," I said running up and hugging him. He hugged me back and we both began crying in each other's arms.

(Dad) he tried to said when we let go

"Are you feeling ok?" I Asked. He nodded his head yes

"I'm so sorry," I said hugging him again. I could

feel him trying to say something to me so I let go and looked at him.

(It's not your fault) he tried to say

"But it is," I Said, "I will always protect you, and when I am not here to protect you I will teach how to protect your self... do you remember the promise I made to you?" I asked him. Naruto's face lit up with a smiling remembering that I promised to teach him my teleportation jutsu.

"When you get better and can leave I will teach you everything," I said. He hugged me and didn't let go for a few minutes, and I didn't want him to stop.

(Dad) he mouthed (I love you). I began tearing up

(Love you too) I mouthed back as I stood up and ruffled his hair.

"I have work to do bud but I'll be back to see you later," I said to him as I walked out of the room.

"Lord Hokage" Someone Yelled after me. I turned to see Jiraiya running after me.

"Oh sorry Jiraiya did you have other things to talk about" I apologized "I got a little distracted"

"It's fine," the old man said as he leaned over to catch his breath. "I followed the man with the orange mask for you like you asked". I looked at him with anger in my eyes

"Where, Where is he. That man will pay" I said in a moment of rage

"I don't know but I have other interesting news about him" Jiraiya Said "he has begun training the young Uchiha you drove out of the village years ago. They were seen in the village hidden in the rain." He said

"Damn that place" I swore thinking back to the shinobi wars of old. How did they manage to make there way there?

"Don't think like that you of all people know killing is not the answer, but when the time comes to do what you feel is right?" my old sensei told me

"Thank you, Jiraiya," I Said making my way to the Hokage's office. I spend hours doing paperwork so when Naruto gets out of the hospital I could spend a few days training him. Someone knocked on my door

"Minato sensei" Kakashi Said

"Ah Yes Kakashi sir I have a favor to ask of you, " I Said "I need you to fill the role of Hokage for a few days as I train Naruto," I Said

"I would be honored to But dose t the council have a system of powers that is put to lead when you are away," he asked

"Yes but in a time like this they need me, but Naruto needs me more. So can you transform and act like me just for three days" I asked

"I will make you proud sensei" Kakashi Said transforming into me

"Thank you," I said teleporting away. I teleported to the hospital and picked up Naruto.

"You Ready," I asked him. He nodded his head with a giant grin on his face. I teleported both of us to a spot in the woods I placed a tagged years ago. There was a cave nearby and it already had some of my old gear in it.

"This is where your training begins," I Said leading Naruto into a cave.