

Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.

Kaulifla42699 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 4

I went back up to my room and I found my parants packing, they had already filled two big suitcases, it looked like the were packing everything I have. So they were really getting rid of me, it looked like they did not even want me to return here.

"Sweetie you are back how did it go?" My mom asked lifting her head.

"It went great mom, and I think that they like me very much." I said faking a smile if she was going to be fake then so was I.

"That's great, your father and I are almost done packing, you guys will be leaving tonight and getting marr next week but we are hoping that you should get married tomorrow so that you won't be under our care anymore." My mom said, making it sound like it was not even a big deal.

"What? Wait so you guys won't be there for my wedding." I asked them.

"Of course not, we don't have to be there." My mom said.

"But mom am I not underage I need my parents right." I said thinking that maybe they would reconsider, even though I an angry at them I still want them to be there, I still want my dad to walk me down the Isle.

"No no no, dear your future in laws have already taken care of it all, we talked to them and they gave made some arrangements so we don't need to be there, besides it will be a private wedding so nobody will see if we are there or not." My mom said cheerfully.

"Dad, don't you want to walk me down the Isle." I asked, I mean what kind of a father would not want to walk their little girl down the Isle, I am sure that he won't let me walk by myself down the Isle, right?

"You'll walk down the Isle by yourself it's not like you will die, like I said it's going to be a private wedding so no one will see who walks you down the Isle." My dad said.

"Well at least it's going to be private but I would be more glad if it were a public one because I wanted people to see how you monsters are willing to sell off your own daughter just to be rich." I said and that made my dad angry and I couldn't care less about his anger he might as well die because of it.

"How dare you say that about us?after everything we've done for you, we raised you we bought you food and clothes we sent you to school and is this how you repay us by callining us monsters." My dad shouted.

"Repay? Isn't taking care of me and making sure that I am well fed your responsibility." I asked raising my voice, if he was going to raise his voice then I was going to do it too. "It was never our responsibility. You are nothing but a mistake that just popped into our lives out of nowhere and sucked up all our money." My dad shouted. A mistake? Who on earth calls their own child a mistake?

"A mistake? Wow dad. Don't blame me, it's all your fault, you should have pulled out when you had the chance to do so. And stop acting like I'm just some stranger that came nicking on your door one day and begged to be taken care of, I didn't ask you to bring me into this world. "I shouted. How can you blame your own child for being in this world, they didn't beg to be brought here, if you can't pull out then why can't you just use a condom.

"Eloise, can you hear what this ungrateful brat is saying, you should have aborted her when I told you to, but you didn't and now she is talking to me with so much disrespect after everything we've been through just to raise her, I can't wait to get rid of this brat.

"My dad shouted. Abort? So I was never wanted to begin with. So why did they bring me into this world when they didn't even want me?

"Sweetheart look you made your dad angry, apologise to him before he gets even more angry." My mom said without even a care in the world. They were really an evil couple they didn't even care about my feelings, about their little girl's feelings. What a match made in hell. Now I think I am really glad that I am leaving this place, I just hope that my new family will treat me better that this monsters are tearing me, were this guys the sweet loving people I grew up to love and adore, this people just changed over night, just like that. Maybe I should just apologise and get this all over with.

"Fine, sorry for talking to you like that father, I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me." I said, with my aching heart. My dad nodded in response.

"Good since you two have made up I am going to start making dinner, since we no longer have a chef I have to do it all myself." My mom said.

"Don't worry Eloise once she is gone and we get the money, you will hire as Manny chefs as you want okay?" My dad said it felt like an atomic bomb had been dropped on my heart causing it to explode and disappear.

"Okay hubby." My mom said. Yep a match made in hell. My mom walked out and I was only left with my dad.

"Go and keep your soon to be in laws Compony and. Don't. Mess. This. Up. Because. If. You. Do. You. Are. As. Good. As. Dead." My dad said walking out. I fell down on my knees and I cried. This people, so they were just pretending to love me for all this years, but today they ripped their cold and poisonous hearts out and threw them on my face so that I can see and feel exactly how they feel about me. Why, why? God couldn't you have given me better parents, why do I have to have this hypocrites as my parents. Maybe my new family won't be bad, yeah maybe they will give me the love that I deserve. I just can't wait to leave this hell.