
Silenced (Jeon Jungkook)

Btsvirall_ · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


You get inside and you look around his room. It was clean and had a nice atmosphere. You saw the game Xbox, you smiled as you looked around the room. You thought of how cute the innocence of a video game was. You haven't played in a while so you bet you would lose but you didn't care you we're having fun.

"So who's your favorite character?" Jungkook asked as you turned around to him in his pants and no shirt.

"Yah!! Put on a shirt!" You covered your eyes as you face grew red. His body was perfect, he had smooth abs and strong arms. They looked even better without his shirt.

"I was going to wash up before we started. You can sit down if you'd like" he said ruffling his hair.

"I need to take a shower to. I'll go to my room to do that." You said and he nodded, with that you quickly ran out. You washed yourself and dried your hair, you put on some shorts and a big hoodie. You made your way back over to Jungkooks room. You knocked and he opened. He was wearing a hoodie and grey sweatpants.

"Are you wearing pants?" He asked pointing at my legs.

"Huh, of course I am" I said pulling my hoodie up a little and he nodded seeing my shorts. You went inside and sat on the edge of his bed. He handed you a controller as he got his and started the game.

"So, since we have a friendship and a business relationship. What should I call you?" You asked looking at him. He questioned it for a second.

"Just call me by my name when we are outside the business it will be less awkward and I still need to keep my business name under wraps." He said and you nodded.

"Alright then, are you ready to lose?" You asked and he laughed.

"I think you have it mixed up, you should be asking yourself that question. I'm not going to lose" he said with confidence and you giggled a little. You moved to the onto the bed more as Jungkook sat next you. You picked your characters and got into the first map. You both were in full concentration mode as you turned corners and got mysterious boxes.

"Hey!! Stop that" he yelled laughing as you hit him with a shell. Letting you get ahead, it was the last lap. You won it though, making him huff out.

"I told you, do you want to do another round?" You asked and he nodded.

"Rainbow road" he looked at you and smiled an evil smile.

"Ughhh... that one sucks so much. It's so hard!" You say pouting. He smiles and clicks it. You look at the tv as the race begins. Jungkook gets ahead of you really fast, you decided you needed to do something to throw him off the road.

"Hey, stop that cheater" he said when you pushed him, his eyes glued on the screen. You laugh as you hit his arm with your elbow throwing him off the road.

"Im going to get you for that" he said looking at you and you just smile. You both laugh as you get to the last lap your in the lead. You turn the corner and see the finish line come into view. As soon as you cross it you throw your hands in the air leaving the controller on the bed. You lay back laughing.

"Haha!! Two times on a row!!!" You said pointing at him as you were filled with happiness.

"Are you ticklish?" He asked and you stopped laughing.

"No.." you said and he smiled. He grabbed your foot and tickled it, you quickly pulled away making him laugh.

"I knew you were lying" he said as you shook your head.

"No. No. No!" You said as he started to tickle your sides. You wiggled and squirmed as his hands traveled on my sides tickling you. You were almost in tears, you tossed and turned to get his hands away.

"Jungk- Jungkook, stop I ca- cant breathe!" You said laughing as he moved closer to you, not stopping. You were to busy laughing because of him that you didn't know the position he was in. He was between you legs still attacking your sides. He stopped and let you catch your breathe. You were getting a little sweaty from laughing so hard. You looked at him, you started to question.

"Hmmm.... are you ticklish?" You asked and his lip moved a little.

"Oh I'm going to get you!" You said sitting up but before you could reach his torso he grabbed your wrist.

"Hey, that's not fair let go" he pushed you down onto the bed, putting your wrist that was in his hand above your head. You look at him with relaxed eyes.

"What are you looking at?" You asked smiling at him.

"You..." he said seductively, you slowly blinked. You gulped, things raced through your mind.

"You were pretty cute earlier you know?" You said giving him a soft smile.

"I'm not cute I'm manly" he said making you laugh.

"Yeah, what a manly man" you laughed as he put his hands on your sides. You flinched when he did so.

"Don't do that I thought you were going to tickle me again!" You huffed out as he laugh a little. He pulled you closer to his body. He was still sat between your legs, so when he pulled you to him the ago between your legs and his was basically non-existent. You gulped when he pulled you to him, you looked at him.

"You want to make fun of me?" He asked tilting his head.

"No, I'm sorry" you said trying not to smile. He laughed and got off the bed. You looked at him as he stood up.

"I'm going to get water want some?" You nodded your head as he left the room. When he left a rush of tiredness washed over you. You looked for a clock, it was late. You were awake for all you knew, next thing you know you were dead asleep.

Jungkook pov:

I came back in my room and tried to talk to y/n but had no luck. I looked for her wondering if she left but saw that she was curled up on my bed hugging a pillow. I smile and laugh lightly at how cute the scene was.

"Your making me crazy..." I said opening the waters, setting one next to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited to get tired. Finally getting heavy eyed I lay down covering myself and y/n. I turn to face her as I slowly drift off into sleep her face is the last thing I saw.

Y/n pov:

You woke up rubbing your eyes. There is one small light on in the room making just bright enough to see where to walk. You look over at the night stand and see a water, you take a couple drink out of it. You look over to see jungkook lying quietly next to you.

"I guess I fell asleep in here. I don't feel like getting up." You said to yourself looking at him. He was so cute in his sleep. You saw small beads of sweat in his forehead, the light allowing you to see.

"Huh? What's that about" you put your hand in his forehead he was really hot.

"Jungkook.... jungkook" you shook him slightly, making him wake up.

"Are you ok? Your sweating" he groaned as you looked at him.

"Yeah I'm fine. My body just gets really hot when I sleep. But it also happens when I have bad dreams..." he said groggily.

"Drink some water, maybe change out of less warm." You said as he whined.

"I don't want to move... I'm tired" he whined like a baby.

"Ok, at least get the blanket off of you. I don't want you to get sick because of over heating" you said as he moved the covers off of his body. He sat up and looked over to the window, he got up and turned the AC on. You put your head back down onto the pillow, and watched him as he walked back to the bed. It was just dark enough to where you couldn't see his eyes and he couldn't see yours. Next thing you knew he was taking his shirt off.

"Is that better?" He asked getting back into the bed, your body started to heat up as you looked away from him.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said moving around before going back to sleep. You grabbed the bottle of water and drank the rest of it. You turned over falling asleep trying not to think of the hot shirtless man next to you. After a little while you wake up shivering, he must have turned the AC on high, it was cold in the room.

"Y/n? Are you cold?" You heard jungkook ask.

"Just a little bit" you said quietly, the bed started to move and you felt the blanket get lifted up.

"Here, I can keep you warm." He said his voice raspy yet soft. You hesitated, then you felt an arm pull you to his body. You put your hands by your face crossing each other. Jungkook has one arm draped over your side as his chest raised and fell. You felt comfortable and safe, you were warm which made you fall asleep fast.


You wake up and feel an emptiness in the bed. You sit up rubbing your eyes.

"Oh, your up?" You squint over to where Jungkook was. You nod.

"Well then good morning" he smiled and you groaned.

"What time is it?" You scratched your head.

"It's 8:38. Did you have plans for the day?" He asked and you nodded yes. You flopped back down onto the comfortable bed. Jungkook laughed sitting down.

"Are you hungry?" You yawned and opened your eyes a little more to look at him.

"A little" you said sleepily. You look at jungkook, his morning hair, a cute smile placed on his lips, his soft eyes looking back at your. You started to think to yourself. What is this feeling...? Why is my heart beating so fast...

"I wasn't going to bring this up... but I just have to get it off my mind." He said and you started to get scared.

"Last night... did you know you we're doing it?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Doing..what?" You asked widening your eyes.

"Heh... I guess not. Well your hands got a little careless. You were rubbing your hands all over me" he said and you felt your whole body heat up.

"I- I did?" You voice cracked.

"No, I'm just messing with you. Look how embarrassed you got!" He said laughing you got mad.

"Hey! That's not funny!" You said crossing your arms.

"What you can't do anything about it" he said crossing his arms.

"Fuck you..." you said lowly. His eyes snapped to yours.

"What? What did you say?" He got smiling.

"I said fuck you" you glared at him.

"Oh really? Okay, you asked for it" he said getting on the bed.

"HEY NO DON-" you stopped talking when he started to tickle you.

"That's it!" You said gaining all your strength and pushed him off. Making him roll to the side of you.

"You did this to yourself!" You said starting to tickle him, he started to laugh and tried to guard himself from your hands. He let you have your fun until he was done with the tickling. He attacked you again making you fall onto the bed. You grabbed his hands stopping him.

"You can't just keep doing that! It's not fair!" You said pouting.

"You'll have to find a way to stop me then" he said smiling about to tickle you again. You had no time to think you just did it.