
Sign up To Be Great Ninja

[Welcome to Ninja world] [Your data have been registered, please sign in to start your journey] 5 years old boy kneels in front of the grave looking blankly into the sky. He saw the memory of the body and understand where he is now. For no reason, yeah no reason. Why why why Why am I here. He is living a good normal life (well at least not too bad if the not freaking rich or whatever generation rich heir) Never asked to be reborn(NOT EVEN DEAD) , just casual fan of anime and manga. The most important is never given a choice which world he want to be. "Ask me!!! Whoever you are. why put me in this world. I rather be in one piece or dxd or hxh or gundam. Why NARUTO!!!" Not that he hate naruto. While he never gave chance to Boruto, he watch and read naruto to the end. But he just know the story plot barely, not remember them that much. Just barely knows who bad boy and good boy. That much the information he had. "Haizz, maybe it is my fate then. To know and experience this world better" Hoseki lament his fate "Sign up" . . . . . . . (Doesn't know where this fan fic will go through) Credit for all original world build, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner. I just write a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

24. Graduation exam

Another month passed. Hoseki is standing in front of his mirror wearing his ninja suit.

He is going to take the examination today. He at least want to look good on this meaningful day.

"Mom. Dad. Today will be my first step to become a real shinobi. Just like both of you. Today I will graduate with flying colour. I shall makes you proud." Looking to his family photos Hoseki said with smile.

Hoseki walked out his house with determination.




The examination started with usual writing test. All subjects that the students learn in the academy were test.

A few hours later. . .

Hoseki and other students move to a field. There are 16 students who participate in this exam including Hoseki.

They randomly divide into eight pairs to test their combat abilities. They will be evaluate base on their performance. The next round opponent will also be chosen randomly. The exam will be hold like a tournament which the winner will be given a prize.

Graduations exam is not like chunin exam which attracts many people. Only parent and teachers were watching the exam along side the student.

Before start the match the third hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave his speech about 'will of fire'.

After the speech finished. The first match begins. Surprisingly It was the match between Uchiha Obito and Might Guy.

The fight didn't take long as Obito was quite clumsy and get owned by Guy. Hoseki also didn't have any problem to fight a boy which was three years older then him. He didn't wasted time and knocked boy off.

As for Kakashi. No need to put word for him.

The next round came. The winner of the last round is randomly choose again to fight. The first match was won by Kakashi. As the second match happened fast and win by a girl.

Guy and Hoseki happened on the third match. As the both of them entering the field they were ready to give their best.

"It's time Guy. I will win this fight." Hoseki said with smile.

"Yoshhh. I won't lose either. The spring has come. I shall show you my true youth." Guy did not back down and immediately enter fighting stance.

After the teacher in charge announced the match start. Hoseki immediately made hand sign and summon his shadow clone.

As Hose started his using his clone techniques, attacked Guy lunged to one of Hoseki in front of him and attacked

After realizing he had attacked a clone, Guy don't stop and immediately made a backflip. A kick fall down in front of him and a fist striking his face.

Guy rotate and send kick toward the punch. Both of Hoseki and Guy were split by the force.

After a second they went back into the fight. Both of them ran to collide with each other.

"Dynamic Entry" Guy sent a kick from above

Hoseki use his both arm to defend and absorb the impact. He pushed Guy off and jump on him.

Hoseki made a few hand sign.

"Fire fist style, Rocket Barrage" Hoseki send multiple fire punch to Guy, leading him to defensive position.

When the attack had stopped, Guy immediately attack. "Konoha Daisenpu"

Hoseki defend the attack with one hand and throw his another fist toward Guy.

The fight continues, as the spectators watched and made their won judgement.



"To think both of them hold back in previous round." one of the students said.

"It's all Obito fault he lose so easily last round. And Hoseki win too fast for us to see his skill." A girl said.

"By the way they fight now, both their last opponents would not won either. Look at them." said a boy with senbon in his mouth.

" I don't know about Hoseki. But Guy won't necessarily win against Obito, he is an Uchiha after all." the girl added a point for her stand.



"Heh, quite rough huh. No wonder they ask for graduation. Well that might not enough thou." a man squatting watching the fight with his chin on top of his palm. Based on his uniform, there is a mark his vest showing he is a Jonin.

(A/N : The series don't show a mark or anything to distinguished between Chunin and Jonin. But they somehow knew which rank when they meet. So I made a decision to put one to distinguished them. This note is not a part of word count😉)

Everyone who close to Guy and Hoseki, including the third hokage, didn't made any comments and just watch silencely. They knew the fight just started.



Hoseki and Guy fight fiercely. Punch and kicks come and go. They collided many time and back and forth.

Then they suddenly stopped after separated again by the collision.

"Ok ok. Our warming up is done. Lets fight with all for real Guy." Hoseki said with smile.

"Yeah. But before that, Sakumo san" Guy turn to one side of the field. "Can we pls give us permission to lift of them."

The spectators stun with suddenly request in he made. Permission? What permission?

They wondering what Guy asked Sakumo permission for.

" Oi oi Guy. Let's not... "

" Granted " Sakumo voice come down before Hoseki finished.

" Tch, You make this bigger then it should Guy. " Hoseki on squat preparing to take out his weight.

As for Guy, he Immediately take out his weights after getting the permission.

Both of them threw the weights off at the same time and make some sound when the weights landed.



The event shocked the crowd again as they realized these 5 years old and 7years old boy were fighting with extra weights on. They sure the weights exceed 10kg based on the sound.

"Now that is more interesting." the squatting Jonin said with interests.



"Yosh let's start !" Guy and Hoseki again toward each other and throw their punches.

The impact when the punches collided is seen by everyone. The crowds saw how their collision affect the surrounding. They create some wave and sent dust flying.

Not to say how fast both of them became. Once again the continued their fight. This time they are faster. The collision impact are louder

"This. . . This is really graduation exam?" a teacher said it in shock ." The strength they showed already... "

The teacher didn't finish the word when he saw something incredible. Both of the fighter suddenly vanish and collide once more in middle of field.

" Bom!! " This time the impact are many a lot stronger then before.

" Bang!!!"


"Booommmm!! "

The fight didn't show they will get ended anytime soon.



" I will show you my new techniques." Guy shout.

"Konoha Gorikki Senpu!"

"Then, I also will also do that! This my new techniques "Hoseki focus his chakra.

" Echo Fist, volume 1. Impact Hornet! "