
: Marrying Three Wives at the start of my Reincarnation?

While other reincarnators get op systems and broken powers, Perseus starts his new life by getting three beautiful wives from the start. What could go wrong? P.S this novel is a based of Greek Mythology

theimperial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 6: First Meeting

Opening the door, Perseus came face to face with a sweating Imperial Eunuch.

"Imperial Eunuch wha....."before Perseus could even finish his sentence, he was dragged away by the Imperial Eunuch.

The room that Perseus was dragged into was not much different from his current bed room. The two were probably rooms within the palace.

Arriving in the room, the Imperial Eunuch began telling Perseus about the events that were happening. Although surprised, there wasn't anything he could do to stop it since all the important guests had already arrived.

Sighing in resignation, Perseus went to get ready.

Perseus didn't change clothes right away, he went to the bathroom first.

However, when he arrived at the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he couldn't help but be surprised.

On his neck, there were three red marks shaped like lips.

"Oh God, what did they do when I was Sleeping?"

He quickly took off his clothes to see if there was anything else on his body. Fortunately, apart from his neck, the rest of his body was fine.

Now he realized that the 3 Titanesses who were famous for ignoring all men not only liked him, but also had a very strong desire for him.

He then rubbed the three kiss marks with water, the rumors he heard saying that kiss marks are not easy to remove, turned out to be true. It took him ten minutes to get rid of them, and they weren't even completely gone. They just faded away and became less prominent but still left a mark that would be visible if one were to look closely at his neck.

Some men often use their women's kiss marks as a symbol of pride, such thoughts also crossed Perseus' mind, but he was worried that the three kiss marks on his neck would cause Themis and Tethys' siblings to be hostile towards him.

He ended up using the latest skincare to cover them up. Luckily he had quite a few of them as the three Titanesses took care of their appearances very well and wanted him to do the same.

After he finished his bath, he immediately put on the wedding clothes.

It wasn't difficult to use because it wasn't ordinary clothes either, it was an artefact that could adapt to the user's body.

After making sure there was nothing missing from him, he immediately left the room.

The Imperial Eunuch was waiting for him outside the room, and when Perseus exited, he was immediately escorted to the Main Hall.

In less than a minute he was in front of the grand double doors.

"Crown Consort, Perseus Qin has arrived!" the Imperial Eunuch announced before ushering me through the doors.

Immediately after that the figure of Nyx in a red dress appeared.

The dress was not too tight, but not too loose, her hourglass figure was still clearly visible in the dress.

Her long hair fell straight down, they reached her knees.

She was not wearing a mask, but her face was covered by a white silk cloth. It is customary for brides to cover their faces during their wedding, which is not strange at all.

For the Nyx, revealing her face at her wedding might be too much, all the men who saw her might just end up losing their minds. Just her figure alone was enough to cause an apocalypse in the mortal world.

Seeing that Perseus was still staring blankly at her, her eyes flickered for a while before walking towards him.

She didn't even pay attention to the Imperial Eunuch and the other maid servants around.

The moment she arrived in front of him, she immediately reached out to take his hand. With a happy smile, she said, "let's go, your other two wives are already entertaining the guests."

She then pulled him towards another door in the place.

Perseus took a deep breath before stepping to follow by her side.

As soon as they arrived in front of the door, Nyx casually touched the massive double door with her finger, and it caused the door to swing open.

There might be a very strong spiritual barrier at the door, but as soon as the door opened, Perseus felt as if there were thousands of volcanoes out there.

He saw behind the door that it was a palace hall, from that door, he could see the right side of the throne, so the door was on the left side of the throne.

Under the throne, there was a row of nine chairs sat by nine individuals. five men and four women.

Those nine were the Beginning Titans, and Tethis and Themys' blood siblings.

He glanced at the people who were sitting in the hall, even though they all concealed their auras so that they looked mortal, they still gave off a feeling as if they were heaven and earth.

In the hall there were only the nine of them who were invited.

Each Titan radiated unimaginable power and Perseus could tell none of them bothered to restrain their aura. Instead, they were infusing their divine energy into their auras and directing it at him.

Perseus knew that it was a small test that the nine Titans decided on, and seeing that his three wives did nothing to stop them, Perseus knew that they agreed with the Nine Titans' test.

Nyx let go of his hand and walked towards Themis and Tethys who were sitting on the throne.

Seeing this scene, Perseus cursed them in his mind. All of them clearly knew he was a pure mortal yet they still held such a harsh test for him.

'Fuck! I should have absorbed the Prime Blood Essence yesterday.'

It was already impressive enough that he could look at the Beginning Titans without losing his mind but they still wanted to test him further.

If it was any other human they would have long bursted into blood mist once the aura targeted them.

Gritting his teeth, Perseus could only stimulate his Celestial Jade Dragon Physique and walk towards the throne.

As he got closer to the throne, every step became more and more difficult.

The first step felt like walking in muddy water, the second step felt like he was walking in quicksand, the third step felt like he was carrying a car, the fourth step felt like he was carrying a mountain.

Looking at the throne, Perseus estimated that there were at least another 12 steps before he was safe.

By the seventh step, his legs were already trembling and blood was already flowing from all his orifices but the pressure only got heavier.

Just as he thought he was about to pass out, he heard a familiar 'ding' sound.

[Ding, the distance is sufficient!]

[Signing in at Primordial Night Empire Throne Hall!]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving basic starter pack]

[Does host want to open it now?]