
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
295 Chs

Chapter 36.

E/N : Wassup people! Hope you all been doing good.

I would really appreciate it if you can leave a review or comment, if you liked it or not.

Hm.. that's all.

Also don't forget to gimme some Power Stones.

Your Allfather Author - PrimorDious. Peace Out✌.



The trio arrived at the entrance of Holy Soul Village and Wang Feng couldn't help but admire the familiar sights. The village had a timeless charm and villagers going about their daily routines added to the beauty of it all.

Xiao Wu noticed the stone pillar in the middle of the village and asked about the two handprints on it. Tang San explained that it was one of Wang Feng's creations from a few years ago when the village was less developed. Wang Feng had played a significant role in developing and beautifying the village with stone roads and the fountain in the garden.

As they approached the village, they were greeted by several voices and they also saw the familiar figure of Grandpa Jack approaching them. Seeing him after a year, Wang Feng noticed that time had taken its toll on the old man's appearance.

Wang Feng explained that they were back for winter vacation, Grandpa Jack scolded him for covering the long journey without the supervision of the adults but after that welcomed them warmly.

Old Jack's expression turned serious as he looked at Tang San, hesitating for a moment but decided against telling him right now. Tang San after seeing him also stated that he intended to visit his father. With excitement, Tang San led Xiao Wu toward the blacksmith's shop, eager to see his father and introduce her to him.

As Wang Feng ventured through the village and reminisced about his past experiences, he found himself in the familiar small woods where he had spent countless hours training and refining his subpar martial skills. This place held deep sentimental value for him, filled with memories and tears shed during the start of his journey.

Amidst his contemplation, he suddenly heard a familiar, rough tweet, which caused him to momentarily question reality. Following the sound, he discovered a wounded little blue bird lying on the ground, convulsing and covered in blood.

In a rush of recognition, Wang Feng realized that this was the same bird he had rescued over a year ago. His mind was filled with concern and confusion as he knelt down and gently reached out to touch the injured creature.

Wang Feng felt a strong sense of déjà vu as he stood in this familiar setting. More than a year ago, when he had awakened the Chaos Green Lotus martial soul and experimented with the first form of it, it was then that he encountered this blue bird, now lying before him, seriously injured and dying. 

What struck him was that the little blue bird had grown significantly larger since that encounter. Surprisingly, its body shape remained almost the same.

After one year, Wang Feng found himself back in the same grove, a hint of nostalgia in his heart and to his amazement, there was still the same little bird in the same situation it was a year ago. It let out a weak chirp when it saw him.

Approaching the bird, Wang Feng realized that it wasn't so little anymore, in fact, it had become quite large. Its feathers had brightened and it sported an unusual fleshy crown on its head, which, to be honest, looked a bit peculiar. But there was no doubt, it was the same bird he had rescued one year ago.

However, the bird's injuries were grave. Wang Feng couldn't help but wonder, "Did a soul beast cause these injuries?" 

He had spent the past year battling various soul beasts and could easily recognize the wound they inflict.

He pondered, "There shouldn't be any soul beasts around here. Why would this seemingly ordinary bird pick a fight with one?"

Wang Feng chuckled as he examined the bird more closely. 

"Hey, did you get yourself hurt by challenging a Flame Winged Eagle that's been around for over 700 years? That's quite daring of you..."

Soul beasts, especially flying ones, were known for their ferocity. Dealing with them without long-range attacks or the ability to fly was very hard, even for an advanced soul master.

The little bird made a few pitiful sounds, appearing somewhat aggrieved.

Wang Feng couldn't help but wonder, "Could you be a soul beast too?" 

He scrutinized the bird, finding it hard to believe that a normal bird could grow this much in just a year. 

"Did you have some adventures of your own while I was not here?" He even entertained the idea that it might be someone who had transformed into a bird or experienced a strange transformation.

His weird thought process even led made him laugh. He patted the bird gently and said, "If that's the case, buddy, you've really had quite the journey."

After sharing a moment of laughter, Wang Feng fell silent. A tinge of loneliness crept over him as he thought about his past life. 

"It's so lonely in this world and I do not have anyone I can call mine, sigh."

The little bird gazed at Wang Feng, seemingly puzzled by his words.

Wang Feng waved it off. 

"Never mind, you probably only understand bird language and why am I even talking to you."

He sighed, reflecting, "Well, at least there's some connection between us now. After all, I'm different from who I was a year ago. Saving you, should be a piece of cake for me now."

"Also, I feel like you and I are really destined." 

Wang Feng said as he summoned the Golden Lotus, channeling its power into the bird.

'Maybe I should keep this bird as a pet, like all those rich bastards in my previous life used to have.'

In an instant, a brilliant golden light enveloped the once little blue bird, which now seemed to revel in the intense radiance. The injuries on the bird's body were healing rapidly, almost visible to the naked eye.

Over the past year, Wang Feng had rarely used Golden Lotus other abilities due to their substantial energy consumption and being in a team with others. Even when Silk Rong and others were injured, they resorted to ordinary ointments, as he avoided using his martial soul powers.

However, at this moment, Wang Feng had no reservations. It was just a bird, after all and wouldn't understand the complexities of the martial soul. He exerted all his strength, feeling his soul power surge like a floodgate opening.

"Fudge... What's going on? I'm so much stronger than a year ago, right?" Wang Feng muttered, bewildered as the soul power in his body began to diminish rapidly.

A year ago, his body had been revitalized thanks to Meteoric Tears and he had diligently compressed his soul power, now nearly at the twentieth level. His soul power was several times larger than a year ago, making it easy to heal more than a dozen dying small animals like this little blue birds at once.

"Could it be that this little bird has really become a soul beast and is also stronger?" Wang Feng furrowed his brow, now left with only a trickle of soul power in his body.

Finally, the little bird was fully healed. 

"Drained again..." Wang Feng sighed, "Does this kind of healing consume that much energy? Luckily, there are still some soul power left..."

Despite his exhaustion, Wang Feng continued walking. He carried a hefty four-hundred-kg weight-bearing protective gear on his body. If his soul power depleted entirely and he lost control, he might even find it hard to stumble back to the village and will be struggling with each step.

As Wang Feng walked on, the little now slightly big blue bird flew up and followed him, circling over his head while emitting joyful cries.

"You're quite the mischievous little creature," Wang Feng said, his affection for the bird growing by the moment. It was a rare moment of happiness and bond he felt with the bird. Gazing at it, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth.

"Alright, go. Just try not to get hurt next time." he said, waving to the blue bird before continuing on his way. The bird's chirps echoed in the distance as Wang Feng moved farther away from the grove.

Unbeknownst to Wang Feng, as he departed, the blue bird started undergoing a significant transformation. It stayed in the woods for a while and as dusk approached, its appearance had changed dramatically.

Shortly after Wang Feng left the woods, he encountered familiar faces on the nearby mountain – Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"Brother Feng, you're here! Perfect timing, be our witness!" Tang San called out.

Wang Feng approached, curious about their request. "Witness what?"

"I want Xiao Wu to be my sister!" Tang San declared solemnly. 

"I want to expand my family. My father is gone and you're the only person I'm closest to in Holy Soul Village. Plus, you're smarter than me."

Wang Feng glanced at the two of them, sensing their shared agreement and a special connection in their eyes. 

"No problem!"

But then, Wang Feng realized he wanted to make this special. He cleared his throat and posed a question to both of them.

"Little San, are you willing to be Xiao Wu's brother, to cherish and protect her in good times and bad, in wealth and poverty, in health and sickness and in happiness and sorrow, from now until forever?"

Both Tang San and Xiao Wu were taken aback. This wasn't the typical testimony they had expected to encounter when they wanted to be officially brother and sister. But still Tang San replied firmly, "I'm willing."

Wang Feng nodded and turned to Xiao Wu. 

"Xiao Wu, are you willing to be Tang San's sister, to cherish and protect him in good times and bad, in wealth and poverty, in health and sickness and in happiness and sorrow, from now until forever?"

Xiao Wu, momentarily surprised, responded with equal solemnity, "I'm willing..."

With a final clap of his hands, Wang Feng declared, "Okay, from now on, you are brother and sister!"

(E/N: Hehe! I added this on my own.)

The two young friends looked at each other, as if the ceremony had held some kind of profound significance. Wang Feng observed them for a moment before quietly sighing,

"This marks the end of the year..."


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