

Sierra was born a poor woman in a village in Plython. She was made a slave and treated indecently in the kingdom of Plython. Her life was unexpectedly so sadistic and tragic. Her only son was murdered by the King of Plython. Anger and vengeance raged within her to overthrow the throne of King Plython and destroy the Plython Kingdom. Ten years after Sierra disappeared, the whole kingdom was shocked when she arrived. Sierra had been consumed by the red magic of anger and vengeance. The higher the level of Sierra's anger the greater the magic she has, it can be fatal.

plfy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Three Magical Powers in Plython

Orsh continued to try to restore the strength of Sierra who was lying on the bed wrapped in white. The woman with slightly wavy black hair woke up when Orsh gave her the Fors potion. Fors potion was a potion that could restore the three strongest aura colors and Fors potion could also unite the three aura colors of red, white, and black into Xarvmage. Xarvmage was the strongest mage power that could destroy the entire world. And that became one of Orsh's goals to rule the world. Behind the woman's kindness was also the evil she had prepared.

"You fool! What you did could have destroyed you just like that!" Orsh said to Sierra.

Sierra held her head in pain. She didn't realize what she had done. It was all out of her control. "Why are you scolding me? I didn't know anything! I don't remember anything! How did I get here?"

Orsh was surprised by Sierra's words. "Don't you remember what happened last night?"

"You stupid old hag! If I remembered I would have told you!" Sierra winced in pain as her body felt like it was being stabbed.

"SIERRA!" a girl shouted from the direction of the entrance. Lalitha walked towards Sierra. She picked up the bucket of water near the bed and splashed it on Sierra. "Crazy woman! You almost killed me!"

Sierra shouted in annoyance. She got up from her bed and pulled Lalitha's hair roughly and Lalitha, too, returned Sierra's tug. "You're the crazy one! How could you wet my body!"

"Wake up! You're the crazy one!" shouted Lalitha in annoyance.

"Stop!" ordered Orsh to Lalitha and Sierra, causing the two women to fall silent. "You two are stupid. Stop blaming each other."

Orsh looked at Lalitha. "You Lalitha! Biarkan saja Sierra istirahat. Kau bantu dia bersih-bersih. Kalau sudah temui aku di luar!"

Lalitha menghela nafas kesal. "Dia yang salah, aku yang dimarahi."


Orsh duduk di kursi kayu tua yang berada di depan gubuk sambil melihat langit sore yang begitu indah dengan pemandangan hutan belantara yang hijau. Wanita tua itu tersenyum sumringah, seperti apa yang ia inginkan akan tercapai. Matanya beralih ke arah Lalitha yang baru saja keluar dari gubuk tua. "Duduk disebelah ku!"

"Apa yang mau nenek bicarakan?" tanya Sierra setelah duduk di sebelah Orsh.

Orsh menatap kembali lurus ke depan lebih tepatnya ke arah langit sore. "Kau tahu Lalitha? Niat kau untuk menghancurkan Raja Plython sudah dekat. Kau juga punya dendam bukan? Sebentar lagi semua rasa sakit hati yang ada dalam diri kau akan terbalaskan."

"What do you mean?" asked Lalitha in surprise.

"You asked me what I meant. It's obvious that your goal is to get revenge for the hurt you've caused King Plython." Orsh explained.

"That's not what I meant. It's true that my heartache is very great and I also want to avenge Plython. Because of him, I almost died. He really was a stupid king, willing to kill his own wife for treasure and throne. Fortunately, I can still survive the bad intentions of that crazy man." Lalitha explained. "I'm just asking what you meant by destroying King Plython? I've been asking you but you've never said anything to me."

"How many times have I told you. You know the three magical auras in the world? Which three auras are in Plython. Because Plython is one of the centers of the strongest magical sorcerers." Orsh replied.

"I just remembered, Sierra. I forgot that she was one of those sorcerers, Redmage. Though that night I felt that woman's aura very strongly. I could have killed her that night, but I thought that she was one of my kind." Lalitha said to Orsh.

"Now we just need to find the owner of the Blackmage. Blckmage is very difficult to conquer because he is the enemy of whitemage and redmage." Orsh said.

Orsh's gaze shifted to Sierra who had just come out of the hut. Sierra walked up to Orsh in a rumpled cream-colored dress. The woman with beautiful flowing hair looked confused. "I want to get my revenge on King Plython. Can you help me?"

"It takes a strong magical power to experience King Plython. You won't be able to kill him with your own hands." Orsh replied. Orsh got up and stood before Sierra. "There is only one way to avenge you on King Plython."

"Please tell me!" pleaded Sierra. The woman pleaded with Orsh to help her. "All this is for my son."

"You must go to the High Cliffs of the Leviathan Sea. At the top of the cliff is a cave, where the black stone is hidden. But-" Orsh was cut off.

"But what?" asked Sierra


"You have to go through life-threatening danger. You also haven't been able to control the power inside you." Orsh answered Sierra's question.

"I don't care, I'll still go there myself," Sierra retorted.

"You rock! You can't go alone." said Orsh. He turned to Lalitha. "You accompany Sierra, only you can help her."

"Me?" Lalitha pointed at herself. "Why help this crazy woman!"


"Alright." Lalitha looked unhappy with Orsh's coercion.

"Tomorrow morning, you have to leave!" Orsh ordered Sierra and Lalitha.
