
Side Character DxD

Motohama isn't an important character. He doesn't even get a last name. His character Archetype is Perverted Best Friend. He never engaged with the plot of the world around him. He is, without any question, A Side character. Until I took over, that is. ------------------------------------------- This is NOT a Power Fantasy, Motohama will not be getting a Harem and killing Satans in the first 30 chapters!!! This story is a Slow Burn, Motohama is a Side Character, he's not like Issei where he's going to suddenly defeat all the bad guys and get all the girls, this isn't that kind of story. If you are looking for a Power Fantasy, you have come to the wrong place.

Netapel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 6: A New School

It's been two weeks after what I decided to dub 'The Kyoto Incident', Nothing really happened since.

Mom and I returned to Kuoh, I met up with Oki and Issei and we played Brash Randicoot at the Matsuda household, I'm sure you can guess the original world's version of what game it is by the name alone.

The Boys and I continued our jogging sessions, I continued Tutoring Ruruko in preparation for sixth-year exams, Her mysterious parents kept paying me way too much for a tutoring job.

And through it all, I still managed to keep the mysterious moth tattoo on my chest hidden.

I still don't know what it means, I still don't understand what actually happened in Kyoto, and I won't get any actual answers until my apprenticeship with Sano-san starts after my 13th birthday.

Only one month remaining before I finally understand what was going on during my vacation.


Kuoh south Middle-school is an average middle school near the suburban district of south Kuoh.

It isn't as popular as the privately owned All-girls school of Kuoh Academy, which has schooling for all ages from Elementary to College, but that's how things are when you compare a public school to a private one.

"Hey, Ken!" I hear an annoying bald monkey boy calling out to me, I ignore him.

"Hey, Oki! Ken! Wait up!" Further away I hear a red-shirt-wearing pervert calling out to both me and the monkey boy.

I ignore him also as I continue my swift walk toward the middle school.

"Good Morning Issei!" The monkey boy shouts as he starts walking faster, trying to match my speed.

"Oki, Catch Ken! He's running away!" I hear Issei call out as he too started walking faster than before.

To outsiders, we must look like a group of annoying students that are trying to catch one another's attention, which in reality is totally not what's going on.

We are actually a group of two extroverts trying to annoy their more introverted friend early in the morning, forcing him to flee and make the distance to keep the little quiet and calm of the morning for just a few minutes longer.

And if we need to start sprinting down the sidewalk in order to maintain that distance, then that is simply what we will do.

Or in other words, We arrived on our first day of middle school covered in sweat.

Not the worst first impression some of us had all things considered.

It's actually a kind of positive impression to our classmates, showing that we are active and healthy, as long as Issei doesn't- "I'm going to be the Harem King!"

God dammit Issei.


I'm so glad that the boys and I were placed in the same class, I can't imagine how hard it would be to start a conversation with new classmates without Oki around to say something out of context and derail the conversation.

We all still sit in the last row of chairs near the back of the class, with only one small difference this time around.

"I didn't get the window seat," Issei grumbled as he collapsed on the fourth table from the window.

Our classes have room for 30 students, meaning five rows of six, leaving a few empty for future transfer students.

Oki, Issei, and I have three of the tables in the back to ourselves, leaving one empty and the one by the window occupied by a student that hasn't arrived yet.

"Settle down everybody," A deep voice called from the hallway outside of class.

Soon the door to the classroom opened and in came a large bald man. His uniform consists of a yellow suit with sky-blue sleeves and a small badge with a red dove over his left breast, his dark-brown eyes almost seemed to glow as he look at us sitting in our chairs.

"It's great to see that you all are seated already," He took another look at the class, his stare lingering on me for a second more than the others before he returned to look at the class as a whole.

"I see that Kiryuu-san hasn't arrived yet, we'll start without her," He said, his eyes lingering on the seat next to mine.

"Good morning everyone, I am going to be your teacher for the next 3 years of your life, this is my first year teaching in this school so bear with me, You may call me Ojin-Sensei. Now, let's start some introductory games, everybody stand up-" And from there the rest of our first day at school continued, nothing weird or anything happened, it was just a normal day.

The student that's supposed to sit next to me didn't arrive at all, but that was pretty much about it.

A totally unremarkable first day of what might be a not-so-unremarkable school year.