
Sick Fantasy

Roses are red, so is blood. To what is more dangerous than hatred would be love. A clear sky with no cloud in sight, could turn into a raging hell storm over night. But why the obsession, why the storm? Read right now to learn more...

Sora_Gemini · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8: Cry for Help

"Oh! Hi Roy! Are you friends with Sage?" Angelo said with his iconic angelic smile.

"I am, but why are you here? Did you needed something?" Roy said with a friendly attitude.

"Actually..." Angelo muttered before he hugged me from behind.

I can't move, I'm too scared to move.

"Sage~" Angelo whispered into my ears.

I felt cold sweat dripped down my forehead. I stared at Roy in the eye as I gave him visible signals.

Roy, if you are really my friend than you should immediately notice my expression is a cry for help. Your help specifically... HELP ME!

It's seemed that my signals were acknowledged, Roy confront both me and Angelo and pushed Angelo off of me.

"I'm sorry Angelo, I am aware you have no ill intentions but... Sage is obviously uncomfortable from your presence, which I have no idea of why. Neither or less, I am Sage's friend, and as her friend I can't just standby and watch." Roy said as he sheltered me in his arms.

I felt touched when he said that, I never thought Roy was that type of person. How did I get so lucky when we became friends? Now I really think about it, Roy is the only good thing I have in this vile world.

I turned my head to see Angelo reaction. Angelo had a blank expression, but the visible vein that pulsed from his forehead made it clear that he was royally pissed. But of course he wouldn't kill Roy at school, especially in broad daylight... right?

No. He would do that. It's not like anyone would believe it was him, that's probably how he gets away with killing so easily.

Even so...

"Don't hurt him... please?" I worded towards Angelo as I hugged onto Roy's arm tightly.

I looked at Angelo in the eye, hoping he will understand and not rage out like a gorilla. Angelo stared at me and Roy before he inhales some air and then exhaled. Angelo then showed his casual innocent expression.

"I understand. Next time, I'll respect Sage's personal boundaries," Angelo said with a cheerful voice.

It's kinda surprising how easily Angelo let it go, all because I was the one who asked. I guess that's proof he actually likes me.

"I'm also sorry Sage, I just wanted to express my gratitude for you aiding me in such a miserable state." Angelo said as he stare at me with a devious gaze that was hidden behind his innocent smile.

'We're going to talk after school.' That's what his gaze told me, and right then I wished I the super power of invisible. So I could disappear from his intimating gaze. But there's a reason why wishes are called wishes.